Boom to Bust The 1920s vs 1930s by Saige Annakie

Economy Flourishing

Boom: The economy was going up with the acts of consumerism done by people. With more people buying stocks and buying on credit it was very popular.

Working Women

Bust: the stock market has crashed and people were doing anything they could to earn money. The women in the house hold was more easily employed because males dominated fields such as industry or manufacturing which were the most affected by the depression, and women had the jobs that men did not want. Also because of women who were being widowed or divorced picked up jobs as well.

Equal pay but Not Equal Work

Boom: During the 20s Henry Ford was the first to pay Blacks and whites equally as they worked on the Assembly line. This was an improvement for equal rights, but the manual labor was much harder for the African Americans.

First to Go

Bust: The improvement of the 20s seemed to not help the situation of the following decade. When jobs were laying off workers African Americans were first to go. Which lead to Blacks being in poverty before Whites.

Suffering Before the Rest

Farmers have been suffering since the war ended and the demand for a mass amount of products came to a halt. Farmers were surplussing and because people were no longer buying the products farmers had to lower the price.

The Dust Bowl

The Dust Bowl rolled into the Great Plains leaving farmers land and lives at stake. It took time for the government to get involved, but when they did FDR passed a few bills to help the ones affected and to prevent any further disasters.

Rise in Government and Demand for Rights

African Americans were restricted by segregation laws, but when pushed into their own community they needed someone to represent them. Finding someone to represent them in places like Harlem gave them a say in government that concerns the people in the community.

The Black Cabinet

African Americans still lacked in getting FDR to make anti lynching laws and continued to receive less financial aid, but furthered in having a say in government. The Black Cabinet was organized which was a group of African Americans who advised public policies.

Home Life Made Easy

Boom: A women in the 20s using her new washing machine, which was recently invented. Many inventions like this was made to make peoples life easier so they could have more free time.

Mother's Job Shows True Importance

Bust: A mother in the 30s became extremely important to families. In many situations the mother was the only parent left in the house because of the rate of divorces and suicides going up. They took care of the rest of the family by "making do" and on an extreme low budget.

Mexican Immigrants Find Success

Boom: In the 20s many Mexicans strived and found wealth in America. The immigrants from Mexico were wealthier and healthier during this time period then other Mexicans who went to other countries.

Immigrant Struggle

Bust: Mexicans struggled like every other U.S. worker with lack of food and job opportunities, but also had to struggle with the chance of being deported. The Mexicans who remained in the U.S. found temporary stability in migrant camps.

The Roaring Women

Boom: Many women were flamboyant and scandalous in this era. This new generation of women in their free time went to speakeasies and movie dates.

Lack of Leisure Time

Bust: Women in the home did not have as much leisure time as they did in the decade before because of lack of money and having to take care of their families. One thing that did not become unpopular that was a form of entertainment was the radio, which also played many of FDR's fire side chats.

Artists Strive

Boom: When the African Americans were segregated off into Harlem, they took this positively and were encouraged by one another to express themselves in many artistic ways through writing, music, and other forms of art.

Jazz Era Continues

Bust: Many people during the Great Depression found an escape of their trouble through out music. No matter how close the music business came to collapsing Jazz was still and interest to the people, so Black Americans continues to express themselves.

Impact of Great Depression

The great depression impacted the life of Americans in many ways. It affected many minorities and even people who believed to be doing well in America. The tragedy over all affected the country as a whole and was a large change from the 20s. During the 20s the farming industry was struggling extremely because of the demand for products were no longer demanded and their was a surplus. The farmers could do nothing but sell there products for very cheap. While people in rural areas were endured in struggling times, people in urban areas were exceeding. The consumerism went up because people could now buy on credit, get now and pay later. The demand for new innovative manufactured products are going up. This caused the growth of the industry to also rise. Everyone was also buying on stock because it kept ascending until Black Tuesday when it crashed. This was one of the causes of the Great depression. In the 30s businesses went bankrupt which lead to many being unemployed. When the people were unemployed many could not pay for their houses and were evicted. This also continued to occur in rural America. Government continued to foreclose farms. When they think things couldn’t get worse, the the drought started. The drought, or the dust bowl, caused the farming economy to hit an extreme low. President Hoover did not help much with the economy because he believed in a Laissez Faire, or hands off policy. Government finally started interfering with the the economy when FDR was elected into office and he made the New Deal. He attempted to help try to fix the horrible situation of the the great depression but, most of their programs targeted unemployed White men, not other minorities that suffered more. Blacks were continued to be shut out or received extreme low pay and many Mexicans were deported so that the white unemployed men could have more of a chance of getting a job opportunity. Two things that continued from the transition of the 20s to the 30s was that women worked in the decade before and after and African Americans were continued to be oppressed. Two things that changed was that the meaning of why women started working changed. Women in the 30s were now working to be able to provide for their families and in the 20s were working for independence. The next thing that changed was that in the 20s the African Americans had more job opportunities, even though it was not equal, then in the 30s. In the 30s people of all different backgrounds suffered during the depression, the unemployment rate was definitely higher for blacks compared to whites because they were laid off first.

Because of the economy being a rough spot this affected the home life. During the 20s home life for women was newly found easier. The increase of inventions was the cause for the effortlessness. This changed extremely in the 30s. In this following decade the women's role in the household was enhanced with importance. Women had to do things while using less money. They patched clothing and made their own bread. This was the form of “making-do.” This also occurred through Mexican immigrants. During the 20s Mexicans were doing well in America. They were wealthy and their health was good. When the 30s started they were not doing as well. The ones that remained in America and that were not deported found temporarily placed in migrant camps. One thing that continued through the two decades was the role of the women working in homes. Two things that changed was that women had to save a lot more while in the home and Mexicans went to poverty.

During the 20s because of the new inventions that were made increased leisure time for Women. Women became incredibly independent and spent their free time clubbing, drinking, and going on dates. Women who did this were often called flappers or the new generation of women. They were very flamboyant and scandalous. This new women came to an end when the 30s arrived. They had less leisure time to do the things they desired , but one thing that remained popular was the radio. Also African Americans during the 20s were finally expressing themselves through out different forms of art like music and writing. One of the famous communities is the Harlem Renaissance which is known for its artists. During the 30s the demand for art was not as desired, but one thing that was an escape for people wass Jazz. The music industry definitely went down, but Jazz was still adored so African Americans continued to play.

The great Depression over all was a time of despair and hopelessness and impacted a large majority of the people living in America.


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