
UofL Coutts Centre for Western Heritage Third Visit - May 26th 2022

I love introducing friends to my favourite places!

So I was happy when I learned that a friend of mine had never been to the Coutts Centre - in no time a visit was planned, lunches were packed and away we went.

It was a lovely Spring day, fruit trees in bloom, good friends for company, how much better could it be?

First to greet us was a bed of dwarf Irises blowing in the breeze. What a cheerful sight.

An Abundance of Allium

You may expect to see roses in a Rose Garden, alas not quite yet - they will arrive later. For now, you will be treated to an abundance of allium there. They self-seed throughout the rose garden though they can be found in other areas of the property as well.

In the Peony Garden

Again, one might expect peonies in a Peony Garden and there will be, later, they were beginning to show themselves, but for now, other plants took centre stage.

The ferns were unfurling

What a wonderful display. Some were in a tight curl having just recently pushed themselves up into the light while others were stretching out in the warm sun.

And still, the lovely tulip could be found taking in the sun.

Happy Bees

The crab apple, pear and pin cherry trees were either fully or partially in bloom and the bees were loving them.

These dainty blossoms filled the air with sweetness.

In the Lily Garden

The last bunch of fritillaria, which was tucked away in a shady area, were finishing up as was the hairy clematis - the seasons do march on. At the same time, Johnny jump-ups were jumping up all over the place.

Down by the Chicken House

Lots of activity happening here. Gladiolas were being planted - I don't remember seeing glads in the garden before and I am looking forward to enjoying them later in the year. Creeping clematis was blooming amoung the rocks, chives were bursting at their seams. and lovely cornflowers were beginning to bloom.

The Poppy Garden

Soon there will be poppies galore. They will be spectacular. For now, there are paths to clear and weeds to deal with.

The Native Border

On my last visit, I was happy to see three-flowered avens growing here. It is such a cool wildflower and funky when it goes to seed. The lungworts were in bloom with their pretty bluebell blossoms attracting the bees.

Around & About

There is always more to a garden than what's in bloom. For example, I saw a tray of these most interesting seedlings called needle and thread grass. They were destined for the native grass plots and I will watch it as it grows with their curly awns.

The periwinkle and buffalo beans were blooming lovely!

Sometimes it's those extra bits and pieces that add to the experience like the antique duck walking in the garden or the truck door hanging on the barn. It was pointed out to me that it was the shape of Alberta - how appropriate!

Created By
Cathy Bennington


C.J. Bennington Fine Art Photography