Yemen Jack Mcdonald - WC H block - 3/14/16

Yemen's flag

Yemen is part of Asia and is located on the Arabian Peninsula in the Middle East

Interesting Facts

Because of a decrease in oil resources, Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the Arab world.

Most Yemenis are herders, craftsmen, and farmers.

99% of the population is Muslim.

Arabic is the official language of Yemen.

Primary foods include rice, bread, vegetables, lamb, and fish.

Women have few rights and most can not read or write.

It is known as a country in constant conflict and a home for terrorists.

Alcohol is banned in Yemen.

Yemen's territory includes over 200 islands.

Yemen is where coffee originally came from.

Exports include oil, coffee, and dried and salted fish.

Historical Facts

1000 B.C.: A state called Saba is established around trade routes. This eventually becomes known as Yemen.

575 B.C.: Persians take control of Saba.

650-1250: Yemen falls under Islamic rule. The first mosque is built and is still there today. Muslim persecution begins during this time.

1517-1798: Ottomans occupy Yemen. Britain begins using the port of Aden for trading.

1839: Britain seizes Aden and it becomes part of the British Empire. Yemen is divided in two territories - northern and southern.

1849: Turks attempt occupation.

1869: Aden is needed as a refueling port for the Suez Canal.

1905: A dividing line called the "Violet Line" is drawn with the Turks in the north and the British in the south.

1918: Northern Yemen achieves independence.

1967: Britain withdraws because of intense terrorist activity in the region.

1990: The two became unified as the Republic of Yemen.

1991: Yemen opposed US military action against Iraq.

1994: There is a lot of civil unrest

2000: The USS Cole, a US warship, is bombed in Aden by al Qaeda. 17 U.S. sailors were killed.

2002: Yemen begins to crack down on Al Queda.

Cultural Facts

An average wedding celebration lasts 21 days.

In Ancient time, Yemen was known for trading Frankincense and myrrh.

It is customary for men to carry a short, curved dagger called a jambiya in public.

People that visit Yemen are expected to give pens or sweets for the local schools.

There is no tipping in Yemen.

The most popular sport is soccer.

Most marriages are arranged.

The southern territory of Yemen was owned by the British Empire. The northern area was owned by the Ottoman Empire.

In 1918, northern Yemen gained independence from the Ottoman Empire. In 1967, southern Yemen gained independence from the British Empire. On May 22, 1990 the two republics of North and South Yemen were finally united.

Yemen's Government

Yemen is a Republic. It has a president who is elected by popular vote and has a 7 year term. The government is headed by the prime minister. The legislature has a council of 111 members that are appointed by the president, as well as a House of Representatives who are elected by popular vote.


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