
Welcome to META Employee Mental Wellness & Teletherapy

FACT: Everyone has stress

It's not possible to eliminate emotional, social, and psychological pain from your life. That pain causes our mental wellness to deteriorate.

But we can learn to cope with adversity and become resilient against stress, anxiety, and sadness.

Stress is a part of life

When you're overwhelmed with responsibilities, your mental wellness suffers.

It can become difficult to do anything, including working, relaxing, and taking care of yourself.

What does mental wellness mean?

Mental health or mental wellness is how well you can manage your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and physical well-being.

META Teletherapy is here for your mental wellness.

META is a mobile app that connects you directly to a licensed counselor of your choice for private, secure voice, video, and chat sessions.

"Thanks, but I don't think I need therapy."

Talking to a counselor can only be helpful. They can help you identify triggers in your life causing your stress and give you strategies to help you cope.

Ask for a free consultation to learn more.

Your free download awaits.

META Teletherapy is available to all employees, all year long. Try it today.