Our school is leaving no stones unturned in order to shape the young minds and transforming them into independent learned souls by providing them each minute opportunity in the sphere. Our school has been listed in the list of recipients of The School Eduexcellence Award.
Eduexcellence is one such initiative that was started with a desire to contribute to the field of education by introducing a new culture of constant learning for each learner. It has access to education practices being followed in various countries. Another milestone has also been achieved by Balbhavanites. We congratulate our dear students, parents and teachers for their remarkable contibution.
Another innovative and creative feather is added to the cap of Bal Bhavan Public School. We feel immense pride to announce that we have been acknowledged as ATL School of the month by NITI Aayog.
Our school has been organising and promoting ATL activities for our creative young minds for transforming the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the society and thus in the country. ATL is creating scientific temper as well as cultivating the spirit of curiosity and creativity among young minds that provides an enabling environment for students to innovate through a do-it-yourself approach.
“Vision is the ability to see the invisible, and achieve the impossible”
Our meticulous mentor and director, Sh. B. B. Gupta has been conferred upon with a praiseworthy title of Education Stalwart 2021 by Education Today. He is an outstanding leader, an extraordinary academician, a stalwart, a true educationist, a prolific human, a distinguished humanitarian and now a name to reckon with, in the field of education with abundant wealth of knowledge and umpteen years of experience.
He has faced several challenges in his way, but each one of them has only strengthened him to make him the person he is today. He is someone who sets his eyes on a goal and does not lose sight of it, unless it is achieved. Getting bestowed this title would not have been possible without the innate inspiration he is blessed with. He has always derived the strength to challenge himself and perform better at each stage.
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." - Albert Einstein
The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom. As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. To support the changing face of education with ICT-enabled learning, our honourable School Principal has shared his insights based on persuasion and reflection of conducting a year-long virtual school for the learners.
His prudence has been shared in the form of an article in the prominent Brainfeed magazine.
This article provides an in-depth understanding about the challenges in the contemporary education world at the moment.
This article infers that to get the full benefit of online learning, there is a dire need to make a concerted effort to provide this structure and go beyond replicating a physical class with an online class. Instead, using a range of collaboration tools and engagement methods that promote “inclusion, personalization and intelligence".
Our young and dynamic learners are on their way to glorify the field of science and technology. These students from class IX have precisely shown that a dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, sheer determination, and hard work indeed. Following which one will certainly touch the skies of success and achievements.
Our Bal Bhavanites, namely; Subrat Panda, Kushagra Gupta, Ayush Chandra Jha, Kashish and Divya have been acknowledged amongst the top scorers in Mukhyamantri Vigyan Pratibha Pariksha Scheme 2021 which was formerly known as JSTSE (Junior Science Talent Search Examination).
It is an Indian scholarship exam conducted each January by the Science Branch of the Directorate of Education in Delhi. The motto behind this is to promote science education in order to facilitate upcoming scientists, doctors and engineers. Our students are on the same way in order to serve to the mankind. We are truly proud of these meritorious and distinctive learners.
"Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded."
Bal Bhavan Public School is more interested in arousing enthusiasm in kids than in teaching the facts. The facts may change, but that enthusiasm for exploring the world will remain with them the rest of their lives. One of our students has once again proven that kids deserve the right to think that they can change the world.
Gauri Wadhera of XI E offered a volunteering service of dubbing the 20-20 lamp series YouTube videos of CCL IIT Gandhinagar. Her efforts have been acknowledged by IIT Gandhinagar and she has been felicitated with an appreciation letter and a momento of appreciation. We congratulate our young Bal Bhavanite for her competent acheivement and wish her escalation in her future endeavours.
"Action is the fundamental key to success. There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure."
Respected Principal Mr. Vividh Gupta facilitated our students through an orientation session wherein he guided students about various career options, students were also made aware of unconventional, yet rewarding careers in which they can carve their niche. The session was culminated with a Question Answer round which helped the students to gain confidence in taking the right step forward for their future.
“Knowledge is like the glue that sticks information as well as learning together.”
Keeping this mantra in mind, our school is leaving no stone unturned. The new session 2021 began with a new hope where teachers integrated various themes with curriculum. To shape the young minds and transforming them into independent learner, the week was celebrated with the theme "Knowledge is Bliss". Several informative topics were taken in the morning assemblies to impart knowledge like "turning over a new leaf" which taught students about the netiquettes, "World homeopathy day", "Continents & Oceans", “Solar system” and many more. Each day a new topic was taken and integrated with various subjects to ensure that the child has understood the concept well. Hence, the entire week was full of fun along with oodles of knowledge providing an enriching experience to the students.
“Let’s Harvest the Fruits of Hard Work.”
“A reminder to forever stand up, speak up and fight against injustice.”
Virtual Baisakhi was celebrated with effervescence and fanfare on 14th April 2021. The mood was upbeat, and the children were actively immersed in the festive spirit. Our little ones of the preprimary attended the virtual class in full Punjabi attire. It is the festival that also marks the beginning of the Hindi New Year. The students of classes I-A & IV- B presented the morning assembly on Baisakhi, showing the colors and festivity of the occasion. The assembly enlightened everyone about “Panjpyare” the legends behind Baisakhi, and most importantly, the culture of Punjab. The devotional hymn “Ek Onkar” was sung by a student named Samiksha. Students dressed up in Punjabi attire and performing Bhangra on Punjabi song stole the attention of everyone. The students manifesting the culture of Punjab was outstanding.
The school organized ATL community day on 15th April, 2021 on the occasion of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s birth anniversary. The event aimed to trigger the creativity of young minds so that they serve and contribute to the society by their effective and innovative creations.
The event incorporated the presentation of the fruitful community services offered by few of the school students by visiting NGOs and serving little underprivileged children of slums. Multiple groups of students (Gauri Wadhera, Anushka Sinha, Gargi Bhardwaj, Shruti Aggarwal, Prisha Jain, Aryan Verma, Ansh Singh, Lakshay Goel, Priyanshu Kumar Pandey, Sakshya Ahlawat) along with their guide teachers visited different spots of Robinhood academy, where they taught and directed children about various technical usages which excited them and guided them about the future prospects of the given technology.
Alongside the wonderous presentations of scientific experiments by school PGT Chemistry and ATL Incharge Mr. Rahul Vadhera added fun and excitement to the event. The event also included an innovative scientific model of AR Glasses to support the people with hearing impairment by a student of class XII- Shivansh Tuteja. The event concluded with the words of school Principal, who motivated and encouraged students to indulge in community services and contribute their little for the development of society.
A webinar on ‘Heritage Day’ was conducted by Heritage Club on 17 April, 2021 with the motto of spreading the message that we Indians should have immense pleasure and feel extremely proud of our rich culture and past heritage. The webinar began with an address by the special guest DR. SARJUN PRASAD, Ph.D. Archaeology. He delivered a talk on World Heritage Day, highlighting upon its history, relevance and importance.
To convey the message in a more realistic and effective manner, a poetry on the ‘Importance of Cultural Heritage’ was presented by Sakshya Ahlawat of IX-A. School Principal complimented the efforts put in by every student and also the contribution of teachers for this insightful webinar. He also motivated the students to realize the importance of the message conveyed to them and to take a pledge to preserve our culture and heritage. The program culminated with the prize distribution ceremony, wherein students were felicitated for winning various competitions organized by the heritage club throughout the week.
Students of primary wing started the celebration of Heritage Week with a bang. The week started with Virtual Assembly related to the theme where students were notified about the various Heritage Sites of India such as Ajanta & Ellora Caves, Taj Mahal, Victoria Memorial, and many more. A virtual Tour of sites was organized for the students.
EARTH DAY - It’s time to Restore
“The Earth does not belong to us. We belong to the Earth. Love the Earth as we would love ourselves.”
The students enthusiastically participated in various activities to commemorate our benevolent Mother Earth. On the occasion of Earth Day, an array of creative activities were organized to sensitize the children about the conservation of natural resources and motivate them to do their bit towards making their planet even more beautiful.
Virtual assembly was conducted on "Earth Day" by the students of class 3 and class VIII. The assembly's theme was "It is time to Restore" and "The Climate action". Young environmentalists emphasized the need to take care of our planet through role play. A song was sung, and the student recited the poem. Moreover, a video was played to show the glimpses of activities that were conducted throughout the week. English verse competition was organized for the students of class 1 & 2 and roleplay for the students of class 3 to 5. E-certificate were presented to the winner.
“Free the child's potential, and you will transform him into the world.” - Maria Montessori
Puppetry is one of the oldest art forms in existence, and is practiced all over the world. In puppetry, a drama unfolds that is entirely acted out by specific representational objects, which are manipulated by a puppeteer. To encourage alike imagination and creativity amongst our young students, our puppeteers, a Puppet Competition was organized virtually in our school to bring out the persistent notions about some topics like, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Incredible India and Corona Warriors. The students overwhelmingly participated in the competition and came up with various kinds of puppets like sock puppets, stick puppets and cloth puppets, using their creativity with the recycled materials like colour paper, ice cream sticks, gloves and velvet cloth. Developing the creative talents of our Bal Bhavanites, the fun-filled competition also encouraged their craftsmanship and artfulness.
Jagriti house organised an Interhouse debate competition RISE OF RHETORIC for classes IX,X,XI and XII. The zestful Bal Bhavanities voiced their opinion on the current issues of Postponing or cancelling of exams the need of the hour and Is lockdown boon or bane for parents-child relationship. All the participants displayed their exceptional oratory skills. The Nirman house was declared as the winning team.
Technology has become the “wings" that will allow the educational world to fly farther and faster than ever before.
Every year, on 11th of May, we celebrate the achievements and contributions of Indians to science and technology. This year, the school management organised a webinar to celebrate National Technology Day virtually. The chief guest of this webinar was Dr. Ashok Sharma, Associate professor in the department of biochemistry, All India Medical Sciences, New Delhi, working on Cancer Epigenetics.
Dr. Ashok Sharma talked about various dimensions of the virus Covid-19. He also guided the viewers about all the necessary precautions which can be taken to avoid Covid-19 spread. The session was concluded with a Question-Answer round. Dr. Ashok congratulated the school management for conducting such webinars to spread awareness time and again.
“Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and the lives of all those around you.” Eileen Caddy.
Gratitude day was celebrated to recognize the painstaking efforts of the corona warriors, who work tirelessly. They are the epitome of our society, courage & strength. So, to give tribute to all of them, we took a small step by celebrating 1st May as gratitude day.
Students participated in various activities to articulate their feelings like role play, poem recitation, badge making, solving riddles, live singing, thanksgiving messages, card making, handprint activity, and many more.
"I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand."
With this mantra, the students of class Nursery-V enthusiastically participated in the Experiential Activity Programme (EAP) held from 22nd April to 8th May 2021.
Each day, the one-hour session of EAP proved to be the most fun-filled time for our learners as they participated and learned through various experiments, activities, and games.
Despite having such tough times amidst the pandemic, the one- hour Experiential Activity session were full of laughter, healthy competitions, delightful experiments, interesting discussions, and lots of learning.
Throughout these days, our learners made sure to use their summer break as a unique opportunity to learn enormous new skills. Each activity of EAP provided the students with opportunities to deepen their learning by applying concepts and articulating new knowledge. Parents had their greatest role during these days as they made sure to give their respective ward the opportunity and the required ambiance to attend the EAP sessions every day.
“We’re the part of the solution”
In an earnest attempt to lead a green touch to the ecosystem and sensitizing the students about their role in conserving it, Biological Diversity Day was celebrated on 22nd May 2021. Bal Bhavanites got an opportunity to become an “ENVIRONMENTAL HERO” and these young minds displayed their talent by doing various activities on the themes like Endangered species, Attaining Sustainability, Food Security, Sustainable livelihood, Conservation of wetlands and biodiversity and many more. They truly set an example of a hero and proved that they are the part of the solution.
The World No Tobacco Day is observed every year on 31 May to make tobacco users aware of the opportunity to lead a healthier life. Our Bal Bhavanites from classes VI-XII marked this day in their own peculiar and extraordinary way by participating in many visual art activities highlighting the need for each individual to be contemplative enough about the harmful effects of tobacco usage for human body. Our young Bal Bhavanites laid their cogitation in the form of poster making, slogan writing, poem recitation and enactment through videos to acquaint the masses with the consequences one might face if not enlightened with the downfall of tobacco consumption.
विश्व स्वास्थ्य दिवस
"हम सब मिलकर चलो ये अलख जगाएँ,
सबके मन में स्वास्थ्य के प्रति जागरूकता लाएँ।"'
स्वास्थ्य के प्रति जागरूक करने के उद्देश्य से बाल भवन पब्लिक स्कूल के कक्षा पाँचवीं ‘सी’ के छात्रों द्वारा 7 अप्रैल 2021 को ‘विश्व स्वास्थ्य दिवस’ के शुभ अवसर पर प्रार्थना सभा प्रस्तुत की गई। जिसमें छात्रों ने स्वास्थ्य दिवस के सकारात्मक उद्देश्य को आगे बढ़ाते हुए सुविचार, कविता तथा महत्वपूर्ण तथ्यों की प्रस्तुति के माध्यम से सभी को यह सन्देश दिया कि "स्वास्थ्य ही जीवन है।" छात्रों ने नाटक मंचन के द्वारा पौष्टिक आहार के लाभ बताए तथा वीडियो के माध्यम से जीवन में स्वस्थ खान-पान तथा व्यायाम के प्रति जागरूक किया और यह बताया कि स्वास्थ्य वह अनमोल रत्न है जिसे सँभालकर रखना हम सभी का कर्त्तव्य है।
कक्षा तीसरी से पाँचवीं के छात्रों को ऑनलाइन गतिविधियों द्वारा स्वास्थ्य से सम्बन्धित ज्ञानवर्धक सन्देश दिए गए ताकि वे अपने दैनिक जीवन में अपने स्वास्थ्य का ध्यान रख सकें |
मातृ दिवस
"जीवन के सूने उपवन में कलियों की बहार है माँ ,
ईश्वर के समान धरती पर दूसरा अवतार है माँ |"
मातृ दिवस सम्पूर्ण मातृ-शक्ति को समर्पित एक महत्वपूर्ण दिवस है | इस विशेष दिवस के उपलक्ष्य पर बाल भवन पब्लिक स्कूल के कक्षा पाँचवीं के विद्यार्थियों ने मातृ दिवस मनाते हुए ‘ऐसी होती है माँ’ नामक विशेष प्रार्थना सभा का आयोजन किया | जिसका प्रमुख उद्देश्य माँ के प्रति सम्मान, आभार और प्रेम को प्रदर्शित करना था | छात्रों ने इस कार्यक्रम में संगीत, लघु नाटिका, नृत्य, गायन, कविता आदि में भाग लेकर मनमोहक प्रस्तुतिकरण दिया तथा नाटक मंचन द्वारा माँ की ममता, त्याग, बलिदान, स्नेह को दर्शाया गया ।
छात्रों ने इस विशेष सभा के माध्यम से यह नैतिक संदेश दिया कि माँ ईश्वर के समान है इसलिए सदैव उनका आदर करना चाहिए ।
कक्षा में मातृदिवस मनाते हुए अध्यापिकाओं द्वारा विभिन्न ऑनलाइन गतिविधियों का आयोजन किया गया जिसमें माताओं तथा छात्रों ने मिलकर भाग लिया और सभी ने कक्षा में हुए इन क्रियाकलापों का आनंद लिया ।
Dear Readers,
“Just believe that when the best things are going wrong, God will always be there to make your strong.”
The recent past has been challenging for all, let us not let the weak moments rule us rather take this as an opportunity to emerge stronger and wiser.
As we release this issue of ‘The School Connect’ we sincerely wish for everyone’s well being and safety.
Amidst the bewildered situation, Bal Bhavanites did not stop and continued on their learning path successfully. This issue is a clear display of the courage, commitment and passion of the school team in furthering students’ learning and experiences.
Our title cover of this issue gives us a moment to reflect upon what kindness is. Each act of kindness may not make difference to us but the smile that it brings on the face of other person makes it beautiful. We believe together we can bring a change and thus we urge to our readers to be mindful of their actions and bring smile to someone’s face by their small acts of kindness. You can submit your stories through the school website. Who knows that your small act of kindness can set right examples for others as we are going to publish the best kindness stories on the school’s website every month and give them space in our monthly edition too.
There is another important announcement especially for our student readers. The editorial team of The School Connect has decided that from this issue onwards, any student whose work is published either poems, articles, art work etc. shall receive a ‘Certificate of Acknowledgement’. We hope that brings a big smile on the faces of our lovely students.
Meanwhile don’t forget to send us your entries at latest by 25th June 2021.
Don’t forget to press the ‘Appreciate’ icon to let us know that you liked this edition.
We wish to remind our readers to follow all safety protocols as the virus is still around.
Stay Safe, Stay Indoors and Keep fit.
- Ms. Neha Gupta
(Head Senior Wing)
CONTENT CONTRIBUTION BY : Ms.Priyanka Singh (TGT English), Ms.Rashmi Rajput (TGT English), Ms.Makansha Malhotra (PRT English), Ms.Garima Giri (PRT English), Ms. Lalita (PRT Hindi)
CO-ORDINATED BY : Ms.Swati Poornanand (PGT Biology), Ms.Tripti Anand (TGT Sanskrit), Ms.Poonam Goyal (PRT)
COVER PAGE BY : Ms.Alakananda Banerjee (Art & Craft)
DESIGNED BY : Ms.Gauri Bharati (TGT Computer Science)