
Adobe Creativity Challenges For NSW & Vic Students - Year 5 to 9 - 2022

Work with a team to design & share a digital solution to a brief or a problem with your Adobe tools.

Open to NSW & Victorian students in Years 5 to 9

Connecting online with the Adobe Education Team and other schools.

  • One challenge per state each term during 2022
  • You can register for multiple challenges
  • A teacher needs to register the potential number of students involved
  • Each challenge involves a teacher briefing, kickoff session & showcase event
  • All sessions are free, online and recorded
  • These challenges are not a competition, they are a celebration of creativity and problem solving. However, only the best solutions that meet the criteria will be showcased and published

Video solution option

Create a video story (no longer that 1 minute) made with either Adobe Creative Cloud Express, Premiere RushCharacter Animator or Premiere Pro & After Effects (if you are game).

Webpage solution option

Design & build a 200 word webpage with Adobe Creative Cloud Express

Poster solution option

Design and create a poster with either Adobe Creative Cloud Express or Adobe InDesign

General Criteria

  • Students need to work with a group (teachers can help);
  • All content needs to be G rated;
  • All images & audio need to be either original or royalty free and appropriately credited;
  • All students who can be identified in the solution and make the showcase event need to have an Adobe release form signed by a parent or guardian so Adobe can publish their work externally;
  • All entries into the showcase must be sent to Tim Kitchen (kitchen@adobe.com) by 10 AM the day before the showcase. Video files should be sent via either the free WeTransfer.com or Filemail.com or MS SharePoint. Avoid Dropbox or GoogleDrive if possible. Adobe Creative Cloud Express solutions can be emailed directly to kitchen@adobe.com

Video solution criteria

  • Video solutions need to be exported as a video file (eg MP4, MOV) with a minimum resolution of 720 pixels (standard HD).
  • Each video needs to have an opening title and closing credits (please only include first names in the credits). Thank the contact teacher who registered for the event in the credits and list the digital tool/s used in the creation.
  • Videos should be well paced with no images on the screen for longer than about 7 seconds
  • Please film in landscape mode not portrait.
  • Video sound quality is important - use an external microphone for important dialogue

A celebration of creativity & collaboration - not a competition

Not only will the best solutions be showcased during a live a recorded event with students and teachers, but they will also be published via various Adobe in Education publications that reach about 50,000 teachers in the Australasia region.

Problem-solving, collaboration and creativity are widely recognised as essential skills to thrive in the future. These are the skills on show during this challenge event and are what we will be celebrating.

Royalty Free resources for your solutions

Note that some of these sites may be blocked by the school due to nature of some of the imagery

  • Music - Bensound https://www.bensound.com/
  • Video -Pexels https://www.pexels.com/, Mixkit https://mixkit.co/
  • Drone footage - https://www.pexels.com/search/videos/drone%20footage/

Past Creativity Challenge examples


Advice for teachers

  • MS Teams is the main online portal for all sessions.
  • We will have a live online and recorded briefing for teachers prior to each challenge event.
  • Encourage your students to submit their solutions to you for review prior to final submission date.
  • You can involve as many students and teachers as you like but only one teacher will be the main contact for the school;
  • The kick off session will be recorded if you can't make it live;
  • The main teacher for each school will be sent the online connection information via email and via a digital calendar invitation, please share the MS Teams links for the Kick off & Showcase with your students.
  • Please help organise the students into their groups
  • Feel free to join your students, help them where you can and learn from them.
  • Try and allow some class time during the week for the students to plan and create
  • Depending on numbers, you may need to select which solutions will represent your school at the showcase. Some schools like to run their own mini competition to decide which solutions will be showcased.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact Dr Tim Kitchen (kitchen@adobe.com).

We are looking forward to working with you

Dr Tim Kitchen - Adobe
Created By
Tim Kitchen

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