When thinking of coconut beverages, your mind may immediately go to a simple but refreshing drink of coconut water. You may even imagine yourself sitting on a beach somewhere while sun tanning, drinking straight out of the coconut itself. Despite the tasty flavors that the coconut offers in its natural state, this quick and easy recipe is a different take on a coconut beverage that will leave you craving more.
- 1 coconut
- 1 can of condensed milk
- 1 can of evaporated milk
- 6 cups of water
- 1 cupful of ice
The first thing to note is that the coconut has three eyes. One of the eyes is soft. This is where you poke the coconut open with a knife to drain the water. Set the water aside for now.
Second, use a mallet or hammer to crack the coconut. You may need to use a knife to finish fully cutting it open.
Third, remove the meat from the coconut shell and peel off its skin. Afterwards, make sure to rinse the meat once you are done peeling it to remove any debris from the shell.
Fourth, mince only half of the meat into pieces and blend the meat with 2 cups of water.
Next, add the blended substance into a pitcher, where you will then add the condensed milk, the evaporated milk, the coconut water and the 4 remaining cups of water.
The drink is now perfect to serve. While it will last for up to a week in the fridge, I can assure you it will be gone in much less time.
All photos taken by Morgan Han-Lemus '23
All photos by Morgan Han-Lemus '23