
Journey of Hope Leadership Awards Gala October 12, 2019 - Columbus Athenaeum

You're Invited

At this pivotal moment for the future of capital punishment in Ohio, join the Journey of Hope... From Violence to Healing as we honor leaders in the movement to end executions and do better for families of victims. Our Awards Gala will be held Saturday, October 12, 2019 from 7pm-10pm at The Columbus Athenaeum with musical performances by Paisha Thomas & Friends.

Event includes: Networking, Dinner Buffet (vegan options available) and Beverages, Program and Awards Ceremony, Review of the State of the Movement, and Opportunities to get involved.

Honoring Leaders in our Movement

Adele Shank – For decades of representing those facing execution in Ohio.

Marge Koosed – For impacting Ohio law and the legal community opposing executions in Ohio.

Charles Keith - For decades of unwavering commitment both to his brother, former Ohio death row prisoner Kevin Keith, and to the movement to end executions in Ohio.

Kevin Werner – For more than a decade in leadership of Ohioans to Stop Executions (OTSE).

Witness to Innocence – For advocacy and public education to end executions in Ohio and across the United States. Accepting on behalf of Witness to Innocence (WTI) will be three of Ohio's nine exonerated death row survivors: Kwame Ajamu (WTI Board Chairman), Joe D'Ambrosio and Derrick Jamison, and California death row exoneree Shujaa Graham.

OTSE Murder Victim Family Services Project Committee - Presented to LaShawn Ajamu, Melinda Dawson and Rev. Dr. Jack Sullivan Jr, for service toward creating better responses to the needs of murder victim family members in Ohio.

Bill Pelke – for Lifetime Achievement as founder of the Journey of Hope... From Violence to Healing.

Sponsoring Hope

Together, we can provide real help to all families of murder victims and honor the dignity of life.

  • $50,000 - Visionary (Includes 2 Tables, back cover of program, recognition in all Ohio Journey materials, special recognition at Gala and prominent mention in news release.)
  • $25,000 - Inspirer (Includes 2 Tables, recognition in all Ohio Journey materials, special recognition at Gala, full page ad in program.)
  • $10,000 - Collaborator (Includes 1 Table and full-page ad in program.)
  • $5,000 - Partner (Includes 1 Table and half-page ad in program.)
  • $2,500 - Advocate (Includes 1 Table and quarter-page ad in program.)

Note: A Table Seats 10. Unused seats can be designated back to the event to allow murder victim family members, students and and lower-income supporters to attend.

All sponsor-level guests will receive tables in priority locations near the stage and special recognition in the program book and event news release.

Celebrate the Honorees in the Event Program Book

Don't miss this opportunity to support the Ohio Journey and celebrate honorees with an ad in the event program. The program will be available on the Journey web page following the event. (DEADLINE to have ads and messages inserted into the printed program is 1pm EDT on October 11, 2019.)

  • Up to 100 words (text) in the Messages Section - $100
  • Quarter Page - $250
  • Half Page - $500
  • Full Page - $1,000

To reserve your space, donate the corresponding amount (as above) to this fundraising page and we will contact you within 24 hours with details about how to submit your ad or message. Submit your design according to the specifications we will provide, or allow our designer to craft your perfect ad for an additional $25. If you prefer to donate using a check instead of a credit card, send a message to journeyofhopefundraiserads@gmail.com and we will reply within 24 hours with the details on how to submit your ad with payment.

About the Journey

The Journey of Hope... From Violence to Healing is led by murder victims' family members who share their experiences to convey to the public that the death penalty has nothing to do with the healing that murder victims need and deserve. The Ohio Journey is taking place at exactly the time when policy makers and the public are having serious discussions about this difficult issue. We are here to help shape that conversation.

Journey "storytellers" come from all walks of life and represent the full spectrum and diversity of faith, color and economic situation. We recount our tragedies and struggles to heal as a way of opening dialogue on the death penalty in schools, colleges, churches and other venues, changing hearts and minds on a difficult issue.

Murder victim family members are an integral part of the larger movement to end executions. When we gather together in Ohio, the Journey will recognize and honor leaders from various sectors of our movement.

On October 12, we will celebrate litigators and advocates who work on this issue, as well as those who know first-hand the aftermath of the insanity and horror of murder. They do this work having experienced first-hand the failings of our legal system.

We cannot heal the world by seeking revenge. We must instead choose the path of love and compassion for all of humanity. Forgiveness is strength and a path toward healing. The greatest resources of our movement are the people who are a part of it. Proceeds will provide vital funds to continue the movement to end executions forever.

Or Write us a Check by Regular Mail Payable to: Journey of Hope...From Violence to Healing, PO BOX 210390, Anchorage, AK 99521-0390

Proceeds support the Ohio Journey of Hope... From Violence to Healing and the ongoing public education efforts of Ohioans to Stop Executions and the Ohio Council of Churches. All contributions are deliverable to the Journey of Hope... From Violence to Healing, a 501c3 organization. EIN # 35-2022767. Letters will be provided indicating charitable contributions less the value of anything received.

Questions, comments, or concerns? Contact us at info@DeathPenaltyAction.org and 800-973-6548 or 561-371-5204 (text messages accepted).

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