
A Trip Through Time: The Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District

A Trip Through Time

Since 1969, the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District has partnered with its communities to protect, manage and restore local water resources. Take a trip through 50 years of watershed history, and explore the ways that local residents, organizations and government partners have shaped the waters of this community!

Part 1: Pre-District History

It has been 50 years since the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District was created, but human and geologic forces had been shaping and reshaping the landscape long before that. Explore how today’s land and water are a reflection of this past.

Giant glaciers

The landscape that is now home to the Riley, Purgatory, and Bluff Creeks has been shaped by glacial activity over the past 2 million years. Across this span of time, at least 12 major glacial movements occurred (2), with the last of the ice retreating from this area about 12,000 years ago.

This melting ice sheet formed the massive glacial Lake Agassiz in Canada, northern Minnesota, and North Dakota. As Lake Agassiz drained through its southern outlet, it created the River Warren-- a large river that carved out the area now known as the Minnesota River Valley (13). Approximately 7,500 years ago, the lake stopped draining into River Warren and instead flowed east towards what is now Bloomington. As the River Warren slowly receded, it deposited sediments and created smaller creeks, including Riley, Purgatory and Bluff Creeks (14).

Glacial Lake Agassiz covered much of Canada, northern Minnesota, and North Dakota around 12,000 years ago. (Photo from Wikimedia Commons)

It was these glacial movements that also created most of Minnesota’s lakes, including the lakes in this district. As the glaciers retreated, they left behind small patches of ice that melted into lakes, and depressions in the landscape that slowly filled with water. Most of the lakes were groundwater lakes, with no natural inlet or outlet (10).

Glaciers in Minnesota also left us with one of our most precious natural resources-- groundwater. In this region, groundwater is the main source of drinking water for most cities. The main aquifers are the Prairie Du Chien - Jordan Sandstone aquifers. These are two unique aquifers, but they function as one because, excepting local features, there is nothing that prevents water from one from flowing into the other (7).

This figure from the Carver County Geologic Atlas (29) shows the Prairie du Chien and Jordan aquifers. The watershed district office is marked with a star.

A Solid Foundation

The bedrock of the District has three main layers: St. Peter Sandstone, Prairie Du Chien Dolostone, and Jordan Sandstone.

Sandstone is a sedimentary rock, formed as sand is exposed to extreme pressure until it becomes a solid rock. Dolostone is made of dolomite, a carbonate rock that has traces of magnesium and calcium. It forms when water runs through limestone, and is used in concrete and fertilizers (12). The Prairie Du Chien dolostone is thickest in Chanhassen, where it formed roughly 480 million years ago (5).

This figure from the Carver County Geologic Atlas (7), shows the bedrock layers of the county. Blue is Prairie Du Chien dolostone, Yellow is Jordan sandstone, and tan is St. Peter sandstone. The watershed office is marked with a star.

Fertile Ground

Approximately 14,000 years ago, the Des Moines Glacial Lobe deposited thick layers of rich soil loam in this area (2,10).

This loam (a soil mixture of sand, silt and clay) is a fertile soil, which supported diverse plant ecosystems, and later on, agriculture. The soils in this area are mainly classified as Alfisols (soil developed under trees), with some Mollisols (soil developed under grass). Wetland areas in the region have different types of soil, which is made of organic debris and clay (4).

This figure from the Hennepin County Geologic Atlas (5), shows the Soil types of the county. The watershed office is marked with a star and the light green near the star is loamy till.

Land of Big Woods

Before the land was developed, this area was dominated by oak woodland and maple-basswood forest, with prairie to the east and west (1).

Early European settlers gave it the name “Big Woods,” because at that time a continuous maple-basswood forest covered over 3,000 square miles. The boundaries of this forest were in large part controlled by the frequency of fire. The dominant trees were highly fire sensitive and restricted to areas where natural firebreaks such as rivers, lakes and rough topography prevented the spread of fire from the adjacent prairie lands (2). Only a small fraction of the original “Big Woods” area remains intact, while the rest of the landscape has been converted into agricultural and residential areas. The areas that do remain are fragmented into small patches (3). One such remnant forest patch that exists within the RPBCWD can be found in the Riley Creek Conservation Area in Eden Prairie.

Above: MN DNR (10) Left: The Minnesota Volunteer (28)

The Dwellers of Spirit Lake

A large part of what we consider the Midwest was home to The Great Dakota (Sioux) Nation, made of up of 7 bands of Dakota, Lakota and Nakota people. Today, tribal governments and communities of The Great Dakota Nation are located in Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, and Montanta in the United States, and Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan in Canada (11).

The Mdewakaŋtuŋwaŋ were one of seven bands in The Great Dakota (Sioux) Nation. (Photo from MNHS)

One of the seven bands was the Mdewakaŋtuŋwaŋ (Mday-wahKah-too-wah) Dakota who have lived in this area for thousands of years. The Jeffers Petroglyphs in southwest Minnesota left by the early Dakota date back 7,000 years (13). “Mde Wakaŋ” is translated as “Spirit Lake” and refers to Lake Mille Lacs, while Mdewakaŋtuŋwaŋ means “The Dwellers of Spirit Lake.” Similar to what happened with many tribes, Mdewakaŋtuŋwaŋ was shortened to Mdewakanton by settlers who had trouble pronouncing the name.

An image from Jeffers Petroglyphs in Comfrey Minnesota. Petroglyphs are rock out-croppings with human-made carvings. The Jeffers Petroglyphs are etched into a 23-mile long quartzite outcrop and are thousands of years old. (Photo from Wikimedia Commons)

A People of the Seasons

The Mdewakaŋtuŋwaŋ were a seasonal people, relying on hunting, trapping and gathering for the majority of their food source. They did grow some wamnaheza (corn), but also gathered foods such as tipsiŋna (prairie turnips), úma (hazelnuts), and mdo (a type of sweet potato). Mdewakaŋtuŋwaŋ women would also go out in canoes onto the lakes to harvest psiŋ, wild rice, and in the winter and spring would collect sap to make maple sugar. Men could be gone for days at a time, tracking and hunting deer, ducks and other birds, and trapping beaver and muskrat (13).

This far east in the Big Woods region, deer were the main large game, though they did also hunt bison in the prairies. In the summer months, they stayed in relatively permanent timber-frame houses, lined with elm bark to keep them cool. During the winter months, they would be more mobile, living in ti ikčega, or tipis, made of deer and bison hide. Because the men were often away hunting, women were in charge of building and breaking down the timber frame houses and the ti ikčega, as well as harvesting, making food, clothes and several other necessary tasks (13).

A depiction of a permanent timber house that might be built during summer months (Seth Eastman, MNHS)

They marked time by a 13 moon cycle. Each moon was associated with certain events such as the Wozupi Wi (planting moon), the Psiŋhnaketuŋ Wi (rice harvesting moon), and the Tahecapsun Wi (deer antler shedding moon) (13).

Right: A depiction of a ti ikčega ( Seth Eastman MNHS) Left: A game of Lacrosse, one of the most popular sports of the Dakota people and played by both men and women (Burt, MNHS)

The US-Dakota War

The first immigrants arrived in the mid 1600s, and traded with the Mdewakaŋtuŋwaŋ for furs and other goods. However, as more European-American immigrants came into the area, tensions rose. A series of unfulfilled treaties imposed on the Dakota of Minnesota by the United States government took from them more and more land, driving them to starvation and reliance on government annuities (13).

This culminated with the US-Dakota War of 1862, where starvation and maltreatment had created a dangerously volatile situation. Only a small portion of the Dakota people believed war would be the best solution and the majority did not support or participate in the conflict. Despite this, in the course of the 6-week war, 600 white settlers and an unknown number of Dakota people died. An additional 150-300 Dakota non-combatants died from harsh conditions in the Fort Snelling concentration camp.

Military tribunals, in 5-minute trials, condemned 302 Dakota men to death by hanging. However, President Lincoln reduced that number to 39 after being begged by Bishop Whipple, and one additional man was saved after that. On December 28th, 1862, 38 of those men were hung at Fort Snelling in the largest mass execution in United States history. The following year, congress passed a law annulling the previous treaties and exiling the rest of the Dakota nation, with a few exceptions, from Minnesota.

“Captured Sioux Indians in Fenced Enclosure on Minnesota River below Fort Snelling.” Image by Benjamin Franklin Upton, circa 1862 (MNHS)

The Shakopee Mdewakaŋtoŋ Sioux Community (SMSC)

The Shakopee Mdewakaŋtoŋ Sioux Community (SMSC) gained federal recognition as a tribal government in 1969 (13). Despite severe systemic disadvantages and attempted cultural annihilation, the SMSC has not only revitalized itself, but has become the largest employer in Scott County (13).

Shakopee Mdewakaŋtoŋ Sioux Community Shield (SMSC)

Though its casinos are perhaps the most famous of the SMSC businesses, they are only two out of more than a dozen projects, all of which are built with sustainability in mind. A common phrase of the Mdewakaŋtoŋ is “for the next 7 generations”, which represents the fact that all decisions, especially those involving the land, are intended to be sustainable for future generations. For example, in 2006 SMSC opened the largest green roof water reclamation facility in the Midwest, which collects an average of 11 million gallons of rainwater annually (16), reducing pressure on aquifers and decreasing runoff.

Additionally, the SMSC has invested in public safety departments, infrastructure maintenance, green initiatives, charitable donations and academic scholarships. Since 2007 they have offered a wide range of health services free of charge to several communities throughout the state (15).

Left: Celebrating culture in formal regalia at the SMSC annual wacipi [wah-chee-pee] (powwow) celebration (SMSC) Middle: Hoċokata Ti Cultural Center in Shakopee, MN (SMSC) Right: SMSC Organics Recycling Facility. Through a partnership with the SMSC, the watershed district brings invasive carp to the facility to be composted. (SMSC)

European Settlement

News of fertile prairies in attracted pioneers who wanted to farm to Minnesota in 1800’s. When the first settlers arrived, no official government land survey had been done, but they marked their land by “putting notches in trees or plowing a ditch” (18).

Many settlers were concerned about land titles, and so the government passed the “Preemption Act of 1841” which gave title rights to settlers who occupied and “improved” the land via farming, grandfathering in older pioneers. Most of the local townships had settlers as soon as it was legal in the early 1850s, and it did not take long for this area to become fully occupied. For example, all the land in what is now Eden Prairie was claimed by 1855 (18).

What is now Minnesota was acquired by the United States of America acquired via two separate treaties; land east of the Mississippi was ceded by Great Britain in 1783, and land west of the Mississippi was part of the 1803 Louisiana purchase. Some settlers came after Fort Snelling was built in 1819, but it was the forced removal of the Dakota and Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) and illegal seizure of their lands in the 1850s and 1860s that allowed for large numbers of European-American settlers to move into the area (17).

Purgatory Creek Mill

In 1865 Dr. Nathan Stanton built a grain mill on Purgatory Creek just north of Pioneer Trail, which was then called Mill Creek. Historical references give the name Eden Mills, but local residents remember it as the Happy Hollow Mill. In 1867, mill operators planned to dig a channel into a wetland area that is now Neill Lake for extra water, but the plan was abandoned when property owners opposed (18). Instead, they built a dam in the 1870s to try to solve the low water problem (18), but by 1890 the mill was forced to start using steam power (18). The dam was rebuilt in 1955, then removed in the following decades.

Left: Mill Creek Dam, early 1900s (EPHS) Right: Rebuilt Dam in 1955 (EPHS)

Yellowstone Trail

When cars were first being used in the United States, there were very few roads for them, and most were poorly maintained wagon trails. In 1912, J.W. Parmley of Ipswitch, South Dakota imagined a transcontinental highway for automobiles like the Transcontinental Railroad that first connected the coasts in 1869, and he formed the Yellowstone Trail Association, headquartered in Minneapolis.

Full Extent of the Yellowstone Trail, Map Courtesy of the Yellowstone Trail Association at yellowstonetrail.org

The association worked with local citizens and governments to build and maintain a road that stretched from Seattle, Washington to Plymouth, Massachusetts. The ‘trail’ was exclusively for automobiles, so horses were not allowed - unless they were pulling a car from a ditch.

The Yellowstone Trail in Minnesota

The road went through Carver and Hennepin Counties, along the routes of what are now County Rd. 5, Highway 7, Highway 169 and County Rd 3. In the mid-1920s, interstate highways became more common, and were regulated by state and federal agencies. The need for the grassroots Yellowstone Trail slowly died off, and the Association disbanded in 1930 (19).

Map Key Courtesy of Yellowstone Trail Association
The historic Yellowstone Trail from Victoria to Minneapolis, compared to modern highway systems, courtesy of the Yellowstone Trail Association at yellowstonetrail.org
Map of the Yellowstone Trail in Shorewood and Excelsior, courtesy of the Yellowstone Trail Association

How They Got Their Names

The lakes, creeks, and communities of this watershed have gone by many names through time, some of which we’ll never know. See if you recognize any of the people or events below.

Lake Ann

The lake is named for Ann Judd, wife of local resident William Judd. In 1874 Franz Kerber purchased a 70 acre farm on Lake Ann. In the summer the family rented boats to vacationing city residents, but they had to compete with the cows for lake access! (21)

Cows in Lake Ann (CCHS)

Duck Lake and Round Lake

No definitive records exist for when the lakes were named, though they are named for their shapes. Art Miller does remember that “soldiers from Fort Snelling held maneuvers on the east shore of Round Lake in the early 1900s” (18).

Ray & Keith Karasek fish Duck Lake in 1966 (EPHS)

Lake Idlewild

The original spelling for this lake was “Idylwild”, but was switched to the modern spelling in 1981 (22). Previously also called Lake Tobias.

Lake Lucy

Lake Lucy was named for Lucy Judd, daughter of Burritt Judd who moved to the area in 1859 (21).

Neill Lake

After it was dug out in the mid 1940s, Neill Lake was named after Aaron Neill, who came up the river from Galena Illinois in 1850, and the family that lived there after him (18).

Lotus Lake

There is evidence of human activity at Lotus Lake as early as 6000 BCE (18), and the local Dakota were known to ‘dig ginseng roots and gather lotus leaves at Carver beach’ (18). Originally called Long Lake by the settlers, it was renamed in the 1930s to reflect the American Lotus water lily that grows there (23).

A 1932 news paper article highlights the American Lotus water lily (it is now known that more than five water bodies have the American Lotus). (WVH, CCHS)

Staring Lake

Staring Lake was named for Jonas Staring, an Erie Canal Captain who built the first frame house in Eden Prairie in 1854. It was originally called Lake Caroline for his wife (18). In the days before refrigeration, many families would cut blocks of ice from the lake for cold storage (20).

Jonas Staring (EPHS)

Lake Susan

There is evidence that humans lived near Lake Susan as early as 6000 BCE (21). It was named after Susan Hazeltine, who was the first schoolteacher in Carver County and founded the first school in 1855 (21).

Susan Hazeltine, (photograph from Chanhassen: a Centennial History by Daniel Hoisington)

Red Rock Lake

Red Rock Lake is named for a red rock held sacred by the Mdewakaŋtoŋ Dakota, who would visit it when in council, especially before and after battles with the Anishinaabe. The rock’s current location is a mystery; some say that the Mdewakaŋtoŋ took it with them, some say it was sold to a museum out west, and some think it was moved somewhere else within the city and fogoten (18).

An artist's depiction of the 'Red Rock' (from Eden Prairie, the First 100 Years by Helen Anderson)

Lake Riley

Lake Riley is named for two brothers, Patrick and Matthew O’Riley, who bought land on the north and eastern shore in 1853. For a time, it was also called Bradford Lake after William Bradford who owned the southern and western shore (18).

Louise Tessmer and friends, a Picnic at Lake Riley (EPHS)

Mitchell Lake

Named for David Mitchell of Monaghan County North Ireland who bought the land in 1852. His log cabin served as the first Methodist church in the area. David Mitchell lived in town with his family and sold the land to Fred and John Miller in 1870 (18).

The Mitchell Family (EPHS)

Hyland Lake

Hyland Lake is named for James Hyland, born in Ireland in 1810, who owned about 109 acres on the lake’s eastern shore (24).

James Hyland's Land Patent (Three Rivers Park District)

Miller Spring

The Fredrick-Miller Spring is a natural spring of the Prairie Du Chien Aquifer. The spring was called “minnewaucan” or healing water by the local Mdewakaŋtoŋwaŋ, and valued for its curative properties (1). The first settler to own the spring was John Heath in 1855, though in 1874 it belonged to Mary Williams. It was bought by the Fredricks in 1890, and later by the Miller family in the 1930s for public use. Art and Norman Miller sold the spring to the City of Eden Prairie in 1969 “with the stipulation that the spring would be preserved and maintained for future generations to enjoy” (2).

Fred and Art Miller (EPHS)

Purgatory Creek

One name the native Mdewakaŋtoŋ had for Purgatory Creek was Iriquois*, after a warrior who lived on the stream in the mid 1700s (25). The European pioneers had 3 names for the creek based on where you lived. In the upper stretches, Anna Simmons Apgar reported in “Old Rail Fence Corners” that new settlers were disheartened by the swampy land around the stream and compared it to a kind of purgatory, and the name stuck. People from the Pioneer Trail area named it Mill Creek for the mill, and people from Hennepin called it Hennepin Creek (18). In 2006, there were discussions about changing the name to something more flattering, but to this date the name Purgatory Creek remains (26).

Bridge on Purgatory Creek (EPHS)

Riley Creek

Riley Creek starts in Lake Lucy, and runs down through several district lakes towards the Minnesota River. The Mdewakaŋtoŋ called it Wi-no-hin-ca-kte-pi, after a Mdewakanton woman who was almost killed by the Anishinaabe, but recovered and went on to have a long life and a large family (25). Today, the name Riley Creek comes from the fact that it ran through the land owned by Patrick and Matthew O’Riley (18).

Bluff Creek

Though there is no record of when or who named Bluff Creek, it is thought that the creek is named for the ravines and bluffs that it runs through.


The original name of Bloomington, “Icahtaka”, is not related to it’s modern name, but “in this context [meant] a place where a river touches or runs near a hill; a place where the prairie comes down to a river or lake” (25), both of which happened in Bloomington.


“Chanhassen” is a romanized version of the Mdewakaŋtoŋ name “Can-Ha-San Pa-Ha” Which means “The Hills of the whitish Bark Trees” or “Sugar Maple Hills” (25). Chanhassen township was formed in 1854, the first in Carver County. Modern day Chanhassen was formed in 1967 when the small, rural township became a city, solidifying its borders, but losing some land to Victoria and Chaska (21).


“Minnetonka” is from the word “Mini’iatanka”, or “The Water They Speak of as Large” (25).

A note about Mdewakaŋtoŋ names: a single lake or creek might have had different names based on who you ask or when. The names listed in this section come from Paul Durand's research, but are by no means the only, or even most accurate name.

A pronunciation guide for the Dakota words (Paul Durand)

Part 2: Formation of the District

In 1968, a group of residents of Bloomington, Chanhassen, Deephaven, Eden Prairie, Minnetonka, and Shorewood came together. They wanted to protect the communities they loved from flooding, manage water quality, and restore natural areas.

Riley Purgatory Watershed District was the 25th established in the state (MNHS)

A Community Petition

On August 16th, 1968, a group of residents, mostly from the Duck Lake area, petitioned the Minnesota Water Resources Board to establish the Riley Purgatory Creek Watershed District. Their goal was to manage surface water runoff and flood plain preservation, knowing the area was slated for large urban development in the coming decades. The petition involved permission and direction to manage, through regulation and improvement projects, the creeks, lakes and riparian areas of the district for the benefit of the community as a whole (1).

The petition allowed for one of two options: enlarge the existing Nine-Mile Creek Watershed District, or create a new one. At the time, financial limits were set at $60,000 in levies for a single district regardless of size, so a larger district would be limited in what it could do. As such, the 70 residents who signed the petition preferred the option of creating Riley Purgatory Creek Watershed District, planned to be approximately 40 square miles in area.

After the Water Resources Board received the petition, the Division of Water, Soils and Minerals wrote a report defending the enlargement of Nine-Mile Creek rather than the creation of a separate District. This report was presented at a public hearing concerning the creation the District in March of 1969. However after the public hearing, the general consensus was that a new watershed district would be more beneficial, and so on July 31st, 1969, the Riley Purgatory Creek Watershed District was formed (1).

The petition submitted to the state for the formation of Riley-Purgatory Watershed District.

Cover of the 1973 Overall Plan (MNHS), the District's first. Every watershed district must complete a new management plan every 10 years. the most recent one for Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District was completed in 2018.

The Rules and Regulations of the District were completed and published in 1973, at the same time as the Overall Management Plan.

A 1970 article in the Star Tribune quotes first watershed district president Howard Peterson. The other original board members were Donald F. Pennie, Howard Merriman, and Ray C Peterson, and John Youngstrom. (HCHS)
A 1977 article from the Eden Prairie News highlights the early focus on flood protection. (EPN)

An Evolving Watershed

It was not until 16 years after the creation of the District that Bluff Creek was added to its boundaries. This was not the only change that the District would see, as it grew and evolved to meet the changing needs of its community.

Expanding Boundaries

In the fall of 1983, the Cities of Chaska and Chanhassen petitioned to add Bluff Creek to the District. The Division of Waters for the DNR recommended further extending the District’s boundaries south into the Lower Minnesota Watershed District, incorporating Grass Lake as Riley Creek flows into it. The report went so far as to advise the dissolution of the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District, and the incorporation of its responsibilities into the surrounding districts, including Riley-Purgatory Creek Watershed District (2). These recommendations were not fully implemented, though the proposed boundaries did shift to better accommodate the Bluff Creek Watershed (3).

After a public hearing in March of 1984, the enlargement was approved on June 8th, 1984 and Riley-Purgatory Creek Watershed District became Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District as we know it today (3).

Plans Change

Water Management Plans are often referred to as 10 Year Plans, as they plot an expected course of water management over ten years. The District updated its Water Management Plan in 1996, and again in 2011. In 2018, the fourth generation plan was adopted. Each management plan update sought to address changing needs for protecting, managing, and restoring water resources in the community.

Understanding that public support is critical for the efficient and effective operation of any government organization, the District emphasized public engagement and outreach throughout the development of the 2018 plan. As a result, the issues identified and emphasized in the plan are a direct result of stakeholder input.

District 10 Year Management Plans, From Left to Right: 1996, 2011, 2018
In 2016, Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District received the District Of The Year award from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, recognizing its work toward protecting, managing, and restoring local water resources.

Community Connection

Community outreach and engagement has been an important part of the District’s work since the beginning. No organization, whether public or private does its work in a vacuum. We all exist within communities, and how these communities understand and engage with our work can directly influence their success. Watershed districts are no exception to this.

Many of the challenges to clean water are the result of non-point source pollution: many small actions that together make an impact. It follows that only a community of action, working together for clean water can create meaningful solutions. Whether individuals, groups, businesses and non-profits, or other local and regional governments, there is an amazing capacity to do this work within the community that the District is lucky to be a part of.

A 1997 article on cleaning up lawn clippings in the Eden Prairie News. Written by former manager Conrad Fiskness. (EPN)

Historical Highlight: Raymond Haik

Raymond Haik had a distinguished career in environmental law that spanned 50 years and some of America’s most prominent causes in water resources law. He served as a Special Assistant Attorney General in the Minnesota Attorney General’s office and was involved in the development of the Watershed Act adopted by the Minnesota Legislature in 1955. He served as counsel for the state of Minnesota in U.S. Supreme Court litigation involving diversion of water from the Great Lakes and handled the litigation to prevent mineral exploration within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. He was appointed by the President of the United States to service on the national Water Pollution Control Advisory Board, and the President’s Quetico – Superior Committee. He served as Chairman of the American Bar Association’s Section of Natural Resources Law, and President of the Izaak Walton League of America.

Raymond Haik (photograph and information from Louis Smith of Smith Partners Law Firm)

As an attorney in private practice with the firm of Popham Haik, he assisted in the creation of the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District in 1969 and served as the District’s first attorney. Mr. Haik also served as the first counsel for the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, and worked with the Minneapolis, Hennepin County and Minnesota park systems. His commitment to the profession included mentoring and creating opportunities for younger attorneys at the Popham Haik law firm. The firm’s core values of honor, integrity and public service are lasting legacies for many others. Our natural resources have benefited as well; the watershed model that Mr. Haik had such a large part in shaping is now an inspiration for the rest of the country in confronting our water problems.

Part 3: Learning From The Resource

The first step in protecting and restoring water resources is to understand their current conditions, and trends over time. Through history the watershed district has employed a suite of methods and technologies to learn from and better understand the health of the waters in our community.

Groundwater Monitoring

Dr. Hans-Olaf Pfannkuck was a hydrogeology professor at the University of Minnesota and a pioneer in the field of watershed management and groundwater-surface water interactions. In 1969, the first District management board agreed to work with him to install and oversee 18 wells to monitor groundwater as part of a larger study he was conducting on groundwater management (2). During this period, Dr. Pfannkuch also developed a Stream Stability Assessment that is a key piece of the District’s own Creek Restoration Action Strategy developed in 2015 (3).

Excerpts from Dr. Pfannkuch's report (UMN)

An In-Depth Look

In 1970, the Watershed District ordered it’s first in-depth lake study on Lake Riley. The project was completed in 3 phases, lasting until 1985, and included history, current lake status, and recommendations for improvement.

The study first looked at eutrophication levels (how nutrient rich the lake is), where these nutrients were coming from, and which was the primary culprit in algae growth (phosphorus or nitrogen). It found that phosphorus was the limiting nutrient for algae growth, and therefore the best to target to control it. The study also found that about half the phosphorus in Lake Riley was from outside the lake, mostly entering through Riley Creek during spring thaws (1).

The study concluded that watershed management (land use, non-point source pollution, regulation), in-lake sediment treatment, physical changes (weed removal, habitat restoration), chemical controls, biological manipulation (predator-prey ratios, pathological restrictions) and aeration were the most viable strategies for Lake Riley. Dredging out phosphorus-laden sediment in Rice Marsh Lake was also considered a possible solution (1).

Since this study was published, the District has applied many of these strategies, including managing runoff, managing carp, stocking for a healthy fish community, improving outlets to control water quality and flow, and implementing chemical treatments to manage phosphorus in the lake.

Excerpts from the 1970 Lake Riley Study (MNHS) and an aerial photo of the eastern portion of Lake Riley in 1971 (MHAPO).

The Beginning of Long-Term Data

When monitoring a water resource, it is important to collect data over time in order to track how the healthy of the resource changes. This type of data is the basis for almost all management decisions by helping scientists understand what is going wrong so they can find out why and how to fix it.

Water Quality Data Comparison 1975 from the District's annual report (MNHS)

Most data records for the District begin in 1972, and the 1975 Lake Water Quality Report was the first time the District was able to analyze trends in water quality, and how the community and the water interact (10).

Inventorying Wetlands

Wetlands are critical ecological and community assets. They provide significant wildlife habitat and refuge, while also supplying aesthetic, recreational, and water quality treatment benefits.

In the 1970s’ the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) conducted an inventory of wetlands in the Metropolitan region via aerial photographs to better understand their extent. In 1977, the District agreed to partner with the DNR, and paid $840 to support the project in return for copies of the report concerning District areas (4).

A 1977 agreement between teh District and the MN DNR to support the DNR's wetland assessment work (10) (MNHS)

In 2018, the District began a process of updating and deepening this understanding through inventorying all of the wetland area within its boundaries. The inventory involves on-the ground assessments of local wetlands including hydrology, geomorphology, soil analysis, cultural significance, water quality benefits, habitat benefits, and plant communities. This inventory will give the District a better understanding of the health and extent of local wetlands, and lay the foundation for improving the protection of the remaining wetlands as well as the restoration of drained, filled, or otherwise degraded wetlands

Left: Wetland Inventory Map. Right District staff collecting wetland data

Water Monitoring

The District understands that data collection and decisions based on sound science are critical to protecting, managing, and restoring water resources. Because of the dynamic and the ever-changing nature of water resources, the District operates an extensive lake and stream management program.

Data is collected year-round on lakes, streams, wetlands, and ponds. This work requires a coordinated effort with city partners and other regional partners. Volunteers also contribute to this work, through service learning internships at the District, as well as through other programs like the Metropolitan Council’s Citizen Assisted Monitoring Program, supported by local cities, and the county’s Wetland Health Evaluation Program.

A student service learner from the University of Minnesota helps collect winter lake monitoring data in 2018. These student volunteers have been an important part of the District team since 2013, helping to increase the District’s capacity to do its work.

Continuous Collection

Partnership and coordination are an important part of water resource management. The Watershed Outfall Monitoring Program is administered by the Metropolitan Council.

These stations continuously monitor flow and the concentrations of pollutants such as phosphorous and sediment near the outlet of each creek. The work is part of the Metropolitan Council’s long-term monitoring program which identifies pollutant loads entering the Minnesota River (5).

Increasing Capacity with DIY Technology

The insides of an EnviroDIY unit. Staff learned to construct and program the units from Limnotech and how have them deployed through the District.

The amount of data that can be collected is often limited by cost. Conventional monitoring equipment can be very expensive. In 2018 the District began working with the company LimnoTech to implement EnviroDIY technology into everyday District water monitoring and data collection.

Using open-source code and inexpensive components in the “Do It Yourself” tradition, these stations are a reliable, cost-efficient alternative to monitoring stations used by the District in the past. Not only is there the added benefit of staff being able to edit and troubleshoot sensor/station programming on their own, but these stations are set up to allow for staff, and eventually the public, to access and review real-time data remotely. Additionally, staff can deploy these for Education and Outreach Programming, so kids can instantly compare water quality they collected with the logger data.

Understanding Creek Health

With three distinct creek watersheds, spanning different communities, ecosystems, and topographies, it can be challenging to prioritize restoration projects. To address this need, the District developed the Creek Restoration Action Strategy (CRAS) 2015.

The CRAS was built to be a comprehensive, yet straightforward ranking system. It integrates multiple assessments including water quality, stream stability, and habitat to determine which creek reaches are healthiest, and which could use help. The strategy also incorporates human factors like partnership opportunities and public education into the ranking. After assessing the entire length of each creek, the District now returns to reaches on a rotating schedule to update the assessment and track changes over time. The CRAS has lead to the identification of multiple high priority restoration sites, where projects are planned to be conducted. The Minnesota Association of Watershed Districts awarded CRAS the “Program of the Year” award in 2015 (3).

Left: Staff assess the amount of erosion in a part of Bluff Creek. Right: Map of creek health assessment scores from the CRAS

Peering Into the Past

Paleolimnology is the study of lake sediment to gain insights into the history of a lake's health and ecosystem. Looking back 150 to 200 years, we can get an idea of how a lake was prior to European settlement and urbanization. A long tube is pushed down through the lake sediment to collect a core sample several meters long. Researchers then look at the chemical composition of the soil as well as the abundance of microorganisms, called diatoms, and the rate of sediment accumulation (6).

In the last few years, the District has worked with the St. Croix Watershed Research Station at the Science Museum of Minnesota to conduct Paleolimnology studies in several lakes. These include Mitchell, Lotus, Round, Silver and Rice Marsh Lakes.

Most of the reports show data consistent with known developmental periods - sediment accumulation and phosphorus levels increase sharply when the local area is developed, and the microorganisms respond accordingly.

For example, both Lotus Lake and Round Lake used to be mesotrophic lakes (7) (medium nutrient levels and biological productivity, and clear water (8)). Because of human changes to the landscape, they have become eutrophic (7) (high nutrients and high productivity)

Since the early 2000s, management actions and regulations have allowed these two lakes, as well as all others in the District, to return to sedimentation levels almost as low as pre-settlement times (6-9). This does not mean the lakes have returned to pre-settlement conditions, but they are healthier, and likely to improve with continued attention.

Left: a researcher collects a core sample of sediment for a paleolimnology study. Top Right: a graph of sediment accumulation rate over time in Rice Marsh Lake. Bottom Right: Sediment layers and their dates.

Part 4: Researching Solutions

Once there is a clear understanding of the health of a waterbody, a management decision needs to be made. Sometimes, the path forward is clear. Other times, there may not be an easy solution. Investing in research to discover and test new solutions to clean water problems has helped the District advance its understanding and implement projects to protect clean water and healthy habitat.

Use Attainability Analyses

A Use Attainability Analysis (UAAs) is a study that uses an outcome-based evaluation and planning process to obtain or maintain water quality conditions and achieve beneficial uses in a water body, such as swimming, fishing, or wildlife habitat. UAAs include a water quality analysis to identify sources of pollution. Then, the study identifies possible remedial measures for the lakes and their respective watersheds to protect and restore their health based on historical water quality data, the results of intensive lake water quality monitoring, and computer simulations of land use impacts on water quality. The District initiated the first round of UAAs as part of its 1996 water management plan. The studies were updated roughly 10 years later to incorporate additional monitoring data, improved understanding of the resources, emerging treatment technologies, and changing climate conditions. These studies form much of the foundation for the projects included in the District’s 10 Year Watershed Management Plan (24).

A figure from the 2016 Rice Marsh Lake & Lake Riley UAA update

Carp Questions

Originally introduced as game fish, common carp reduce water quality, uproot native vegetation, stir up silt, disturb the spawning areas of native fish, and produce enough excess waste that it contributes to algal blooms (16). In the early 2000s, the District began working with University of Minnesota researchers Peter Sorensen and Prezemek Bajer to study carp populations in District lakes. The goals were to better understand carp behavior and use that information to improve control strategies.

These researchers were the first to use a method known as “Judas Tagging” (electronic monitoring tags) to monitor the carp’s winter habits, and discovered that the fish will often congregate in certain areas of a lake. This makes winter netting and removing of carp a highly efficient management option (17).

2009 Article on Carp Research (EPN)

Work began in the Riley Creek Chain of lakes (Ann, Lucy, Rice Marsh, Riley, Susan). In 2007, almost half of all fish in Lake Susan were carp (18), and that winter the researchers were able to remove 78% of them - approximately 20,000 pounds (19). The impact water quality was notable. In May of 2009, the water clarity was 15ft, a 6ft increase from the previous year. In fact, the results were too good; the increased clarity allowed more light into the lake, but because native vegetation destroyed by the carp hadn’t yet recovered, as the summer progressed there were massive algae blooms. Professor Ray Newman started a project in July of that year to reintroduce native vegetation. By November, the native vegetation had taken hold, and in some places coverage increased from 5% to 60% (20).

2009 Articles on Carp Research (EPN)

By 2010, 80% of the carp in lakes Ann, Lucy, Rice Marsh, Riley and Susan was removed (21). Similar research was also conducted in the Purgatory Creek lakes. Though the study has ended, the District continues to manage carp populations by tag monitoring, summer electro-fishing and winter seining activities. The District also stocks bluegill, which eat carp eggs, into some lakes for carp control, and operates an aeration unit on Rice Marsh Lake to keep the bluegill population thriving during the winter. The reduced number of carp has also made it possible to implement other water quality improvement projects, such as alum treatments and native plant reintroduction.

Left: A service learning student volunteer helps track tagged carp under winter ice. Right: Another service learner help with summer electrofishing - temporarily stunning the fish with low level electrical shocks and removing them once they float to the surface.

Working Together for Round Lake

Improving Round Lake’s water quality was of increasing concern after the District’s 1999 Use Attainability Analysis (UAA) report that showed phosphorus levels were up 50% and water clarity was down 50% since 1972 (3). The problems came from the increased urban stormwater runoff, and excessive geese waste that fostered unhealthy bacteria and algal blooms.

During a beach closure from 2000 to 2001, Eden Prairie installed a “beach curtain” to prevent algae from reaching the swimming area, and a 4-ft tall fence on shore to keep geese out of the park area. At the request of the City, the District oversaw Greener Pastures Development Cooperation’s treatment of Round Lake and nine stormwater ponds with an experimental microorganism-based treatment for algae (4), but it wasn’t as effective as hoped. Following this, the lake was closed from 2004 to 2007 (5).

In 2002, Eden Prairie petitioned the District to start a stormwater pond project that would reduce the amount of phosphorus flowing into the lake by about 18-25% (6). The project involved improving three existing stormwater ponds and creating one new one, and was completed in 2010 (7). Eden Prairie followed up this project with an Alum treatment in 2012 (8) to blanket the bottom of the lake and prevent phosphorus in the bottom sediment from being released back into the water. These many efforts work together, and water quality in Round Lake has begun to improve.

Articles from Eden Prairie News discussing the water quality of Round Lake

An Alum Attempt

On Lake Susan, the District initiated its first alum treatment for phosphorus control in 1998.

Alum is short for Aluminum Sulphate (Al2[SO4]3 n H2O), a non-toxic compound “commonly used in water treatment plants to help clarify drinking water” (14). When it comes in contact with the water, it becomes Aluminum Hydroxide (Al2[OH]3), which is able to bind to phosphorus. Alum sinks to the bottom of the lake and traps phosphorus in the sediment , preventing it from being released into the water or used to feed algae blooms.

Although phosphorus levels decreased in Lake Susan for 3 years, the treatment did not create a lasting difference as expected (12). It was later determined that these results were due to under-application. Even though the results were not what the District had hoped for, they were helpful. The treatment on Lake Susan helped the District to better estimate how much Alum is required for a lake. The results have also been used in studies comparing alum treatments in different lakes around the world (13) so that the scientific community can better understand and apply this strategy of phosphorus management.

Phosphorus levels in Lake Susan before and after alum treatment. There was a large decrease for the first three years after the treatment, but levels have increased since. (12)

Evolving Management in Hyland Lake

In 1975, the District completed a four year water quality study for Hyland lake, focused on finding solutions to persistent poor water quality conditions. In 1977, the District partnered with the Hennepin County Park Reserve District to initiate the Hyland Lake Restoration Project. The project consisted of four main components, with the goal of restoring the eutrophic lake to allow for recreational use and game fishing (1).

The first component was an outlet from Hyland Lake to Colorado Pond to the Southwest, in order to control the water level in the pond. The second component was an aeration and recirculation system to help fish survive winter low-oxygen conditions.

1977 Star Tribune article on Hyland Lake Restoration (HCHM)

The third part of the plan involved draining the lake to remove the poor quality water and allow phosphorus in the sediment to oxidize, before refilling the lake from a well. Groundwater is known to be low in nutrients, allowing for clear water, and so to maintain the water quality, the initial plan accounted for pumping over 100,000,000 gallons (about 2/3 of the lake volume) from the well into the lake each year (2) (this process has been discontinued). To help deal with excess water from this filling process, a groundwater recharge basin (overflow pond) was created at the western edge (1).

Though draining and refilling lakes to reduce phosphorus is still done today, it is usually only used in extreme circumstances. The annual refilling of a lake from groundwater aquifers is not considered a sustainable solution, and shows an evolution in thinking about lake management.

Engineering Blueprints for the Hyland Lake Project (Barr)

Finally, the district created a stormwater pond on the northern edge of Hyland Lake (1). In 1977, when the project was being completed, stormwater ponds were a new strategy and considered experimental - it wasn’t until 1981 that a federal study confirmed their effectiveness. Today, they are considered a key tool for watershed management.

Understanding Stormwater Ponds

Stormwater ponds are an important tool for watershed health, and have been the primary strategy to control stormwater runoff since the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program’s report in 1983 (9). They help control flow rate, preventing large fluctuations in water levels, and settle pollutants out of stormwater before it reaches the lakes and streams. But not all stormwater ponds are created equal; some are very efficient, others may actually make problems worse (10).

Despite their importance, there is little understanding of what makes an individual stormwater pond successful or not. In 2010, the District began a long-term monitoring study of local stormwater ponds (11), and is currently a partner in four different studies of stormwater ponds. The collected data has been requested worldwide for various research (10).

A 2013 map of the number of stormwater ponds sampled per township; staff taking field samples using various types of equipment

Aquatic Invasive Species

One of the District’s most persistent concerns is the management of invasive species. Two of these species are eurasian watermilfoil and curlyleaf pondweed, both of which are aquatic plants that have a tendency to out-compete native counterparts and decrease lake health and recreation opportunities.

From 2015 to 2017, the District partnered with Dr. Ray Newman of the University of Minnesota to study a variety of treatment methods on Lakes Susan, Staring and Riley to find which are the most effective at managing invasive plants while allowing native vegetation to take root and thrive for long term control (15).

Recycling Stormwater & Lime

In 2013, the District partnered with the City of Chanhassen on a water quality and conservation project at Lake Susan. The project included two components: phosphorus removal and stormwater reuse. For the phosphorus removal component, a new method was chosen: spent lime.

When phosphorus in the water comes into contact with the lime (which is left over from drinking water treatment) it binds to it and is filtered out (22). Spent Lime is a promising but relatively new strategy, and this is the first time the District is using it. The facility was completed in 2018. The District has been conducting tests on the lime and facility as a whole in order to best understand and fine-tune this new technology.

The partnership also included a water reuse system at Lake Susan Park Pond. The city pumps water from the pond to irrigate their baseball fields (22). When the pump is not being used for irrigation, it instead diverts to a newly built iron-sand filtration system to remove excess phosphorus. Water is filtered through sand mixed with iron filings. The sand filters out phosphorus particulates, and when the iron rusts it removes dissolved phosphorus (23).

Top Left: Spent Lime. Top Right: District Staff Member tests filtration efficiency of different combinations of spent lime and sand. Bottom: The Spent Lime System, soon after installation

Part 5: Implementing Projects

Over the past fifty years, the District has worked with its partners to implement many projects. Explore these panels to learn about a few through history, and discover something new. None of these projects would have been possible with out the many partners that are a part of the watershed district community.

Lotus Lake Low Impact Development

This project, first proposed in 2008 and completed in 2012, involved constructing a series of landscape features focused on reducing erosion and pollution runoff (6). Low Impact Development, or LID, refers to a set of practices way of development that tries to treat stormwater onsite, mimicking natural systems.

These methods included several re-grading projects, and the creation of boulder swales - a cascade of rocks used to slow down runoff water, increase infiltration, filter pollutants and reduce erosion. At the end of these re-grading efforts were several rain gardens, or bioretention cells, where excess water, sediment and other debris can be captured to support native vegetation and biodiversity (7). Taken as a whole, these projects restore damaged ecosystems, improve soil health, reduce risk to infrastructure, and protect Lotus Lake from flooding and urban pollution.

Top: Project Locations. Bottom Left: Regrading an eroded bank. Bottom Right: Completed Rain garden in fall

The Lotus Lake LID project could not have been completed without the support and hard work of community members (7) and the City of Chanhassen (8). The project was conducted mostly on private residential property, and the homeowners not only worked with the District to plan the project, many donated time and lent a hand during the construction. The City of Chanhassen provided curb and gutter materials to direct the runoff properly, and continue to invest in maintenance with biannual cleaning of pretreatment components.

The Chain of Lakes Project

One of the largest projects in the District’s history, the Chain of Lakes Basic Water Management Project, sought to stabilize water levels and prevent erosion in Round, Red Rock and Mitchell Lake, and McCoy pond. These water bodies did not have natural outlets, and rapid development during the late 1970s and early 1980s had caused the lake levels to rise significantly. Severe flooding in the mid- 1980s made it clear that something needed to be done.

In 1984 alone, the city of Eden Prairie had to pump over 120 million gallons of water from Round Lake into Mitchell Lake. Subsequently in 1985, the city petitioned the District to pursue the “Chain of Lake Basic Water Management Project” - the installation of surface water outlets connecting the water bodies. Excess water would flow from one water body to the next, finally entering Purgatory Creek via Staring Lake (9). This project was first proposed in the District’s 1973 Overall Management plan, and after three years of active planning, broke ground in 1987 (10).

Although the project had strong community support, there were two hotly debated points. First, the citizens of Eden Prairie wanted the lake levels to remain elevated from their natural state. There was some concern that the high water would harm vegetation, but after surveying the area it was determined that the effect would be minimal (10).

Second, there were 3 options for the Mitchell-to-Round Lake outlet. At the time there was not much developed land, but urbanization was expected to increase rapidly in the coming years. The options were different based on whether the outlet project would combine with storm sewer systems to deal with future runoff. In the end, the third option was used, and involved integrating the outlet from Lake Mitchell into a trunk storm sewer system along with stormwater ponds to provide storage for runoff (10).

The District paid for the construction work, and the city agreed to pay for maintenance after it was completed. The project was constructed all at once to prevent the risk of flooding one area due to backups from an incomplete system. The construction proceeded on schedule and was finished in under a year (5). The Chain of Lakes project was successful, helping to maintain a steady water level in all of the lakes and manage major flooding.

Understanding Hydrology

In 2005, the City of Eden Prairie Petitioned the District to do a hydrologic analysis of Riley Creek, showing how the creek would respond to different flood events. The model would be used to evaluate two key concerns: bank stabilization (erosion) of Riley Creek, and the possibility of improving the Lake Riley Outlet. A lack of vegetation in that area led to erosion, which threatened water quality and created the potential to damage nearby homes (1).

Both projects were also considered important for public safety. The outlet often plugged, and residents and city workers who went to unplug it were at risk of getting caught in the rapid current (2). Additionally, Eden Prairie was at that time expanding its trail system, and needed to know if the banks were stable enough to safely walk on (1).

A local resident explains his connection to the outlet project (EPN).

The outlet was replaced in 2008, widening the stream channel to allow improved water flow from the lake, and replacing and enlarging the outlet pipe. For the bank stabilization, a 3,000-foot stretch of creek from Dell Road to Eden Prairie Road was highlighted as requiring removal of invasive plants and some trees, and increased native vegetation on the stream bank to prevent rapid erosion (2).

By 2010, data indicated the project was successful. Lake levels were 2.5 times more stable, the high water elevation decreased by a foot, and after storms the water levels only took 1 week to return to normal, as opposed to 3 weeks (3).

Partnering For A Healthy Shoreline

In 2008, a local eagle scout, and later the Minnesota Civilian Conservation Corps partnered with the City of Chanhassen, with support from the District, to restore and beautify 1,030 feet of shoreline on the northeast edge of Lake Susan, with great results. Up to this point, the northern shore lacked any major vegetation, and eroding banks were threatening a nearby walking trail (15).

The project restored 1,030 ft of shoreline. Most of this only required “soft measures” - planting native vegetation, placing cedar trees along the shore as wave-breaks, and using coconut-fiber “biologs” to help keep the soil in place. However, a 30ft stretch of shoreline was already so eroded that more intensive restoration was needed (15). This included caged riprap and vegetated geotextiles - specialized layers of soil replacements with native plants (16).

Design plans for the Lake Susan Restoration initiative from the project contractor (MNHS)

District's First Creek Restoration

In 2011, the City of Minnetonka petitioned the District to investigate and stabilize eroded areas of Purgatory Creek by the intersection of County Roads 101 and 62 (13). In 2014, Barr Engineering reported on 25 individual erosion sites along a 2,000 ft stretch of the creek (14). This stream stabilization was the first project undertaken by the District to focus on creek restoration, and was completed in 2016 (13).

The project involved using a variety of methods to help slow and prevent erosion of the creek. The project used a variety of common and effective practices to prevent further erosion and restabilize the bank, including re-grading the bank slopes, installing rip rap, slowing stream velocity, and using vegetation to protect and anchor the topsoil. It was also necessary to remove an old, partially collapsed culvert, remove and replace riprap at a storm sewer outlet, and to reroute the stream around a stormwater pond to prevent increased erosion downstream (14).

Restoration Site on Purgatory Creek at County Roads 101 & 62

Alum: Setting the Conditions for Success

A 2003 study by the District identified alum treatments in Rice Marsh Lake and Lake Riley as measures that could help improve water quality in both lakes. Both lakes had high levels of phosphorus which feeds algae growth. Some of that phosphorus stays in the water column, and some builds up in the sediment.

Alum is short for Aluminum Sulphate (Al2[SO4]3 n H2O), a non-toxic compound “commonly used in water treatment plants to help clarify drinking water” (4). When it comes in contact with the water, it becomes Aluminum Hydroxide (Al2[OH]3), which is able to bind to the phosphorus in the sediment so that it cannot be released into the water and used by algae. One treatment can reduce phosphorus loading by 80% and last up to 8 years (4). The high levels of phosphorus in Rice Marsh Lake are likely due in part to the operation of a wastewater treatment plant on Rice Marsh Lake’s southern shore from 1959 to 1972 (4).

Applying Alum treatments to Rice Marsh Lake and Lake Riley

Alum treatments only work well in lakes where most of the phosphorus is internal, or coming from the sediments, and without heavy currents or carp that would stir up the bottom. Because of the problem with carp in these lakes, the alum treatments were postponed until carp were successfully managed. The first dose of the Lake Riley treatment was conducted in 2016, and Rice Marsh Lake in 2018.

Carp Management - Left: Interns netting Carp. Right: Boat Electrofishing

Stabilizing Steeps Slopes

The District began planning for the Lower Riley Creek Stabilization Project in 2016, in partnership with the City of Eden Prairie, and is scheduled to begin construction in fall 2019. The area was first evaluated during the 2007 Lake Riley Outlet Improvement project, and flagged due to significant erosion (11). This was then followed up by the 2015 Creek Restoration Action Strategy (CRAS) Report, which listed Lower Riley Creek as the highest priority project.

The project area includes 4,600 ft of Lower Riley Creek (Reach E) between Eden Prairie Road and Dell Road, as well as 375 ft of ravine (Site D3) that carries urban runoff to the creek. The project plans include reducing erosion, improving water quality, and improving natural stream habitat for aquatic organisms (11). To accomplish this goal, the plan includes a variety of improvement strategies, listed below. Each of them will provide either greater stream depth variability, more channel bed substructure types, or varied channel velocities.

The proposed Project will require modification or replacement of 5 storm sewer outfalls within the extents of Reach E - two 24 inch lines, two 12 inch lines and one 18 inch line. There is also one stormwater pond on the west side of the Creek, and several small infiltration basins on the east side. All other stormwater either infiltrates or flows by gravity to Riley Creek (12). The District is lucky to have both the City of Eden Prairie and the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District as project partners.

Left: Map of the project site location. Right: Example of one of the slope failures

Part 6: Building Resilience

A dynamic ecosystem, changing development patterns, and a changing climate mean that forward-thinking water management is essential to protect people, infrastructure, and natural ecosystems. For the District, building resilience means creating healthier natural ecosystems to increase their ability to adapt to changes. It means planning smart infrastructure to manage water, in preparation for a future with more water and extreme storms. It means assisting local communities as they plan ahead for coming changes. It means using 50 years of knowledge of this watershed to prepare for the next 50 years, and beyond.

The Purgatory Creek Recreation Area

One way that the City of Eden Prairie and the District have partnered to build resilience is through a large, multi-part project to manage flood waters in Purgatory Creek.

In 1991, the City of Eden Prairie petitioned the District “to develop a multi functional stormwater management and recreational facility- Purgatory Creek Recreation Area (PCRA)- and a permanent stormwater outlet for Staring Lake” (1). The project would clean stormwater, provide flood storage, create habitat, and provide recreational opportunities for the community.

In total, the PCRA project now encompasses approximately 200 acres of Purgatory Creek floodplain and created 1,000 sq ft of water storage areas to better manage water levels and pollution (1).

PCRA is split into two distinct sections; a passive recreation area to the south and an active recreation area to the north. The passive recreation area is 176 acres of nature preserve, mainly wetland habitats. It not only provides a home for wildlife, it also provides a place for water to go during flood events, and helps filter out excess nutrients and other chemical contaminants. The active recreation area consists of 23 acres at the northern edge of PCRA, with trails and recreational areas built by the city of Eden Prairie (1). The area includes a pavilion, a bus station, office buildings, medical clinics and restaurants, much of which is now considered part of Purgatory Creek Park.

To separate these two sections, a 2-foot high embankment was created from compacted soil and other organic materials. Because the water levels in the active area are higher, the embankment contains a 60” culvert to allow excess water to flow into the passive area. Additionally, the embankment is designed so that in the case of a high flood, water can spill over the top with minimal risk of erosion or collapse (2). In turn, there is an outlet flowing into Purgatory Creek at the southern edge to prevent flooding of the passive area.

In order to help clean water entering PCRA, the project included the implementation of several stormwater ponds. These ponds act as a buffer zone, collecting eroded soil, filtering pollutants and preventing floods. Two stormwater ponds were created in the northern portion to improve the water that was flowing in from Purgatory Creek; and 6 smaller ponds along the southern boundary filter water flowing into the passive area from nearby storm sewers1.

The final step in this project was the construction of 3 miles of trails in 2003 and 2004. In 2004, the recreation area was officially opened to the public.

Controlling Water Flow

The Staring Lake Outlet (SLO) and the Purgatory Creek Recreation Area were created at the same time and billed as one project, but had slightly different purposes. SLO, located on the southeastern shore of Staring Lake, was created to control water leaving the lake and entering Purgatory Creek. It replaced an old outlet from the 1940s, built before urban development had started. The SLO is made up of two structures; a main outlet to help keep the lake elevation steady, and a secondary outlet farther down to control flood water.

This is a key management area for Purgatory Creek, as it is the last place to control water flow and quality before it flows into the Minnesota River (1). The updated outlet prevents flooding and erosion downstream of the Lake, which limits excess sediment from being dumped into the Minnesota River and reduces risk of property damage (1).

Analyzing The Landscape

Floodplain analysis is critical for the District. Knowing where flooding will occur determines where building is permitted, which existing infrastructure is most at risk, and what kinds of projects are needed to mitigate flooding and build a more resilient ecosystem.

The District created it’s first 100-year floodplain analysis in 1973. The latest update, from 2016, factors in new predictions of how the climate is shifting and new plans for city development. As climate change brings more precipitation to this area, the recommendations from this flood analysis help the District and other partners plan ahead to make sure the community is healthy, sustainable and resilient.

This map shows flood risk over 30 years for land near Purgatory Creek in Eden Prairie

A common term used in flood analysis is “100-year event”, which refers to a flood that has a 1 out of 100 chance of occurring in any particular year. The analysis must account for rain in the area as well as flooding from upstream, backflow from downstream and the volume of water running off of impervious surfaces (roads, houses, etc.) into the nearest body of water. As climate change shifts weather patterns and brings more extreme storms to Minnesota, the amount of precipitation that will bring about this “100-year event” is increasing.

The graphic was created as part of a 100-year floodplain vulnerability evaluation written in 2016 (Barr)

Improving Drainage

In the 1920’s, many wetlands in the District and were drained by tile and ditch systems for agricultural purposes. By the late 1970s, clogged drain tiles caused much of the area to revert to wetland conditions.

These agricultural ditches served as the primary runoff control system for the area of Hwy 7 & 101. At that time, Purgatory Creek went under Highway 7 via a 34” drain tile, and under County Road 3 via a 36” drain tile - these were much too small. This resulted in serious flooding problems and caused the closure of Highway 101 and other roads. In 1965, flooding raised water 3ft above Highway 101 north of Highway 7, and the road was closed for 10 days.

In 1978, the Minnesota Department of Transportation decided to start road improvements and the city of Minnetonka petitioned the District to design water management structures that could be integrated with the construction projects. The plan had four major elements: larger culverts under the highways, an open channel between Hwy 7 and Hwy 101 to replace the tile and ditch system, a new 35 acre-ft flood storage area in the northeast quadrant of the project area and a new 110 acre ft flood storage area upstream of Highway 101. These structures help control runoff pollution, reduce flooding, and prevent road closures.

The District paid $100,000 in 1978 out of a total project cost of $3,532,000. The rest was funded by the City of Minnetonka, Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration (5).

District Plans and Documentation for the Highway Improvement Project

Restoring the Land

In places that frequently experience flooding, restoring natural wetland areas can be an effective way to manage water. As climate change is predicted to bring more extreme precipitation, healthy wetlands are important in preparing for the future.

In July and August of 2019, the District purchased two houses near the intersection of Pioneer Trail and Highway 101 in Chanhassen. These buildings, along with a third house to be purchased by the City of Chanhassen in fall of 2019, will be demolished in order to create a large wetland restoration area.

This project comes as a solution to a long history of wetland drainage and local flooding. In the 1960s, wetlands in this part of the city were drained in order to build new houses. Since then, homeowners in the area have dealt with flooding and other issues as a result of their location on the filled-in wetland. In 2014, one of the homeowners approached the City of Chanhassen about putting in a larger outlet at a lower elevation, in order to decrease flooding on the property. However, this would effectively drain the wetland, which is prohibited by the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act. Draining the wetland would also have negative impacts on the local ecosystem and on water quality in nearby Bluff Creek.

Aerial Photographs of the Project Site (MHAPO)

Instead, the City of Chanhassen partnered with RPBCWD in 2016 to find other solutions for the homeowners. After a series of discussions, it was decided that the houses would instead be sold to the District and demolished for the purpose of wetland restoration. Half of the funding for the two houses purchased by the District comes from the Department of Natural Resources Flood Hazard Mitigation grant program and the other half comes from District tax levies, as approved by the District’s 2018 Overall Management Plan. The District has also received a Clean Water Land and Legacy grant to complete the project.

Demolition of the three houses is scheduled for winter of 2019/ 2020, and construction of the wetland restoration area will begin in summer of 2020. Wetland vegetation will be planted in the fall of 2020 and spring of 2021. After the project is completed, the District plans on at least three years of maintenance, and will work with Carver County to connect existing multi-use trail systems to the new wetland area. Ultimately, this project will provide important flood storage, help stabilize flow rates into Bluff Creek, and protect three homes from flooding. It will also provide important habitat benefits for plants and wildlife, and provide recreation opportunities for local residents.

Consulting Our Community

Working directly with members of the community is central to building resiliency in the District. In 2017, the District hosted a series of community resiliency workshops to engage local residents in preparing for the future.

Participants in the community focused on three sectors of the community and impacts from locally changing climate: impacts on society, impacts on the environment, and impacts to built infrastructure.

Primary areas of concern for people in the District include impacts to vulnerable populations, maintenance of important routes during emergencies, and drinking water supply during droughts. To address these concerns, attendees recommended that the District continue working with cities to protect important routes from flooding, develop education around drinking water supply and potential shortages, and translate EMS emergency response instructions into different languages spoken within the District.

Areas of concern impacting the environment include aquifer drawdown in droughts, stormwater pollution, invasive species, and other ecological impacts. Attendees recommended public education campaigns on important issues, studies of slopes vulnerable to erosion, and continued partnership with other local agencies working to address similar issues.

Primary impacts of concern to the built infrastructure in the District include homes in areas of high risk from landslides, culverts at critical road crossings during extreme weather, and interest in addressing erosion within RIley Creek. To address these concerns, participants recommended that the District repair erosion damage along Riley Creek, identify culverts that could be damaged during exterme weather events, continue to evaluate stormwater pond effectiveness, and work with homeowners to prepare for the future.

This planning effort was used to inform the District’s updated 10-year plan, which was published in 2018.

Part 7: Our Community In Action

Community-scale problems require community-scale actions, and water quality is an issue that affects and belongs to all. The District is fortunate to have a community that is committed to protecting, managing, and restoring water resources.

Voicing Citizen Views

The Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) is a volunteer advisory board that supports the District’s board of managers in their mission to protect, manage, and restore water resources.

A 1997 shows members of the CAC learning about erosion control measures (EPN)

As representatives of citizen interests, committee members advise the board on decision making, communicate concerns from the public, and help educate the community on clean water action. The CAC is a core part of the district’s regular functions, and CAC members throughout the District’s history have helped to shape important local decisions.

Members of the CAC also work to shape some of the ways in which the district welcomes the broader community into water stewardship. Volunteer clean-up projects, wetland walk outreach events, new partnerships, and other projects have stemmed from CAC volunteers.

Members of the CAC worked with the City of Chanhassen to organize neighborhood community clean-ups for water quality in 2017 and 2018

Local Leaders In Water Protection

Seven different cities have boundaries that intersect with those of the District, as do two counties and a soil and water conservation district. Not to mention the many regional and state agencies that the District interacts with on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis. The partnership of these agencies and organizations make the work of protecting clean water possible.

The City of Eden Prairie worked with the District and the Metropolitan Council to build a capture and reuse system at Fire Station 2, and transform its grounds to native and drought tolerant landscaping.

Partnership is a two-way (or more) street. Some of the projects, events, and programs the District partners on are internal ideas. But just as often, the ideas come from the staff and leadership of local cities and other organizations, or through brainstorming sessions and needs assessments. Looking back through the projects discussed in other sections, you’ll see clearly how these partnerships make the work of protecting, managing, and restoring water resources possible.

Supporting the City of Chanhassen for an environmentally-friendly brining facility

Citizen Scientists On The Lookout

Lakeshore residents in the District have long been strong advocates for clean water. They also serve as an important resource for the District because of their close and frequent interactions with water resources. One such example is through the Adopt-a-Dock monitoring program, which engages dock owners to check underwater monitoring plates monthly for the presence of zebra mussels. Since 2015, volunteers have monitored lakes across the district, to supplement invasive species monitoring efforts by District staff. This type of citizen science both empowers local residents to contribute meaningful data to ongoing projects, and builds capacity within District research projects.

An Adopt-a-dock volunteer checks for zebra mussels on Lake Lucy

Businesses Making A Difference

Businesses and professionals are an important part of this watershed community, and the decisions that they make can have lasting impacts on local water resources.

Business campuses often have large footprints, and their own community of employees or members who are impacted by the organization’s culture. Professionals may be private businesses or government, and are those who do work that impacts water resources. These include individuals who manage winter snow and ice, turf grass, water conservation and habitat restoration, as well as landscapers, builders and developers.

By attending classes for turf grass management, learning about smart salting, installing advanced stormwater management strategies, and more, many businesses in this community have shown a commitment to improving their practices. Learning about these important topics and making changes can often save money and time, and help protect the environment.

Property managers learn about the impact that salt has on local waterways, and what they can do to reduce salt use on their properties

Supporting Great Work

The Watershed Stewardship Grant program is an essential part of the District’s efforts to empower and assist community members to protect and improve local waterways.

Formerly known as the Cost Share Program, the Watershed Stewardship Grant program offers financial support and resources to District residents and organizations that are implementing water protection projects. Since it began in 2013, the program has contributed funds to many projects across the district, including installation of stormwater best management practices, purchases of environmentally-friendly equipment, and native habitat restorations.

Educator mini-grants were added to the grant program in 2016 and are designed to support educators in incorporating water resources into their teaching. Action grants were added to the program in 2019 and are small, simple grants for team projects that protect clean water. These grants help our broader community --residents, local businesses, students, and other groups-- plan and implement projects that improve water quality and support education goals.

Left: A shoreline restoration project on Mitchell Lake was funded in part by cost share dollars. Right: A residential rain garden installed with support from the District

The Next Generation

From pre-schoolers to college students, the next generation of water stewards is an essential part of our community.

The youth outreach program seeks to create meaningful childhood experiences connected to water resources, and increase understanding and stewardship of water resources in children and their families. The District partners local educators, the Eden Prairie Staring Lake Outdoor Center, and others to bring place-based and interactive water education into the classroom.

Older students can interact with the District through first-hand experiences such as volunteering. Service learners are college students or other community members who gain important skills in the field, and help the District collect water quality data, manage invasive species, and more. The District also takes on college-aged interns who help the district during the busy summer season.

Volunteers pose after a successful day of planting young trees in the Scenic Heights School Forest Restoration Project, October 2018
Fourth-grade students from Eden Prairie learn about testing water quality with staff from RPBCWD and the Eden Prairie Staring Lake Outdoor Center, October 2018
Local educators participate in a Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) workshop led by staff from RPBCWD and Nine Mile Creek Watershed District

Written By: Olivia Holstine, Michelle Jordan and Maya Swope

Additional Editing: Claire Bleser, Terry Jeffrey, Josh Maxwell, Scott Sobiech, and the Shakopee Mdewakaŋtoŋ Sioux Community 


Images - All images are either from open sources or used with permission from the source organization

  • CCHS = Carver County Historical Society
  • EPHS = Eden Prairie Historical Society
  • MNHS = Minnesota Historical Society
  • WVH = Weekly Valley Herald (an old newspaper)
  • MN DNR = Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
  • SMSC = Shakopee Mdewakaŋtoŋ Sioux Community
  • WC = Wikimedia Commons
  • HCHM = Hennepin County History Museum
  • Barr = Barr Engineering Co.
  • UMN = University of Minnesota Libraries
  • MHAPO = Minnesota Historical Aerial Photographs Online

Pre-District History

  1. Harris, B (April 15, 2011) Minnesota River Basin Glaciation. Minnesota River Basin Data Center, Minnesota State University, Mankato,
  2. mrbdc.mnsu.edu/minnesota-river-basin-glaciation.
  3. Harris, B (November 15, 2004) Minnesota River Valley Formation. Minnesota River Basin Data Center, Minnesota State University, Mankato
  4. mrbdc.mnsu.edu/mnbasin/fact_sheets/valley_formation.
  5. Gertz, J. (Jan 14, 1997) Frederick-Miller Spring City of Eden Prairie Heritage Preservation Commission Site Nomination Form, City of Eden Prairie
  6. MN DNR. ECS: Big Woods Subsection - Minnesota DNR. Minnesota Department Of Natural Resources, Minnesota Department Of Natural Resources,
  7. www.dnr.state.mn.us/ecs/222Mb/index.html.
  8. Balaban, N.H.. (1989). C-04 Geologic atlas of Hennepin County, Minnesota, Plate 6: Bedrock Hydrogeology Minnesota Geological Survey. Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy,
  9. http://hdl.handle.net/11299/58491.
  10. Department of Geology. Dolomite. University of Minnesota's Mineral Pages, University of Minnesota , www.esci.umn.edu/courses/1001/minerals/dolomite.shtml.
  11. Bauer, E.J.. (2009). C-21 Geologic atlas of Carver County, Minnesota [Part A] Plate 2: Bedrock Geology. Minnesota Geological Survey. Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy,
  12. http://hdl.handle.net/11299/59648.
  13. Bauer, E.J.. (2009). C-21 Geologic atlas of Carver County, Minnesota [Part A]. Plate 3: Surficial Geology. Minnesota Geological Survey. Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy,
  14. http://hdl.handle.net/11299/59648.
  15. Coffin, B. & Wendt, K. (1998) Natural Vegetation of Minnesota At the Time of the Public Land Survey 1847-1907, Biological Report No. 1. Natural Heritage Program, Section of Wildlife, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources files.dnr.state.mn.us/eco/mcbs/natural_vegetation_of_mn.pdf.
  16. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, (2006). Tomorrow’s Habitat for the Wild and Rare: An Action Plan for Minnesota Wildlife, Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. Division of Ecological Services, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
  17. Minnesota Historical Society Oceti Šakowiŋ: The Seven Council Fires. Oceti Šakowiŋ: The Seven Council Fires | The U.S.-Dakota War of 1862.
  18. http://www.usdakotawar.org/history/dakota-homeland/oceti-šakowiŋ-seven-council-fires.
  19. Kurtz, Michael (cultural interpreter at Hoċokata Ti) in discussion with Olivia Holstine on August 14th, 2019.
  20. Shakopee Mdewakaŋtoŋ Sioux Community, (2019) Mdewakaŋtoŋ: The Dwellers of Spirit Lake. Hoċokata Ti Historical Center
  21. Brown, C. (August 18, 2012) Coming Home: 150 Years after U.S. - Dakota War. Star Tribune http://www.startribune.com/dakota-cross-border-to-a-150-year-old-welcome-home/166553796/
  22. Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community. SMSC Health Care Services & Wellness Center. Accessed August 15, 2019
  23. https://shakopeedakota.org/charitable-giving/health-care-services/.
  24. Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community. SMSC Land. Accessed August 15, 2019. https://shakopeedakota.org/land/environmental-projects/
  25. United States, Department of the Interior, General Land Office. Minnesota Pre-1908 Homestead & Cash Entry Patents. A Brief History of Land Settlement in Minnesota. Becker County MNGenweb Project
  26. becker.mngenweb.net/land2.htm.
  27. Anderson, H. (1979) Eden Prairie, the First 100 Years. Viking Press
  28. Barr Engineering Co., (1985). Lake Riley Diagnostic Study
  29. Editorial. (April 22, 1999) Staring Lake. Eden Prairie News. Courtesy of the Eden Prairie Historical Society
  30. Hoisington, D. (1996) Chanhassen: a Centennial History. City of Chanhassen
  31. Riley Purgatory Creek Watershed District (April 1, 1981) Meeting Minutes. Retrieved from Minnesota Historical Society’s Watershed District Records collection (August, 2019)
  32. Weekly Valley Herald, (August 4, 1932). Lake in Carver County Has Distinction. Courtesy of the Carver County Historical Society
  33. Walker, B (Historian for the Three Rivers Park District) (August 19, 2019.)in discussion with Olivia Holstine
  34. Durand, P., and Durand, R. (1994) Where the Waters Gather and the Rivers Meet: (ó-Ki-Zu Wa-kpá) (to Meet, to Unite): an Atlas of the Eastern Sioux. Prior Lake, MN: P.C. Durand.
  35. Shaffer, L. (January 12, 2006) A Little Slice of Purgatory. Eden Prairie News Courtesy of Eden Prairie News
  36. City of Minnetonak History of Incorporation . History,
  37. eminnetonka.com/history#from-village-to-city-2.
  38. Wovcha, D & Harris, F (July-August 1998) Last Stands of Big Woods The Minnesota Volunteer

Formation of the District

  1. Minnesota Water Resources Board, (July 31, 1969). Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Order in the Matter of the Petition for the Establishment of the Riley Purgatory Creek Watershed District located in Hennepin and Carver Counties. Courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society, Watershed District Records Collection
  2. Seymour, L (March 19, 1984) Change of Boundary Petition, Riley-Purgatory Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Retrieved from Minnesota Historical Society’s Watershed District Records collection (August, 2019)
  3. Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District (July 18, 2018) Introduction 10-Year Watershed Management Plan http://www.rpbcwd.org/application/files/2715/3210/6194/1.0_Introduction.pdf
  4. Smith, L (August 20, 2019) Raymond Haik written for the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District

Learning from Our Resources

  1. Barr Engineering Co. ( August 1985), Lake Riley Diagnostic Study
  2. Pfannkuch, H. (1975). Study of criteria and models establishing optimum level of hydrogeologic information for groundwater basin management (Bulletin (University of Minnesota. Water Resources Research Center) ; 81). Minneapolis: Water Resources Research Center, University of Minnesota, Graduate School.
  3. Sobiech, S & Weiss, J.(May 25, 2017) Creek Restoration Action Strategy 2017 Report Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District May 2017 Barr Engineering Co. http://rpbcwd.org/application/files/9515/4264/8316/Final_CRAS_Report_2017_w_appendices_SECURE.pdf
  4. Agreement (July 6, 1977) between the State of Minnesota acting by and through the Commissioner of Natural Resources and the Riley Purgatory Creek Watershed District. Retrieved from Minnesota Historical Society Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District Records Collection (August 2019)
  5. For More information, see The Metropolitan Council’s Website https://metrocouncil.org/Wastewater-Water/Publications-And-Resources/WATER-QUALITY-MONITOR-ASSESS/Stream-Monitoring-QAPP_Revised_0111_Web_Reduced-pd.aspx
  6. Ramstack-Hobbs, J & Edlund, M. (2014) HIstorical Water Quality and Ecological Change in Rice Marsh Lake St. Croix Watershed Research Station, Science Museum of Minnesota
  7. Ramstack, J & Edlund, M. (February, 2011) Historical Water Quality and Ecological Change of Three Lakes in the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, MN St. Croix Watershed Research Station, Science Museum of Minnesota
  8. Nag, O. S. (2017, March 23). What Are Oligotrophic, Mesotrophic, And Eutrophic Lakes? Retrieved from https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-are-oligotrophic-mesotrophic-and-eutrophic-lakes.html
  9. Ramstack-Hobbs, J & Edlund, M. (2015) Paleolimnological Analysis of Silver Lake, Hennepin County, Minnesota St. Croix Watershed Research Station, Science Museum of Minnesota
  10. Barr Engineering Co. (1977) Riley Purgatory Creek Watershed District 1976 Engineer’s Annual Report Retrieved from Minnesota Historical Society’s Watershed District Records collection (August, 2019)

Researching Solutions

  1. Dickson, J. (August, 1975) Preliminary Design Hyland Lake Restoration, Hennepin County Park Reserve District, Barr Engineering Co.
  2. Riley Purgatory Creek Watershed District, (1979) 1978 Annual Report Retrieved from Minnesota Historical Society’s Watershed District Records collection (August, 2019)
  3. Weber, M.(June 1999) Report says it might take $900,000 to make Round Lake good for fishing, swimming Eden Prairie News, from the Eden Prairie Historical Society
  4. Huss, D. (June 7, 2001) Round Lake reopens for swimming on Saturday, Eden Prairie News
  5. Schewe, Sarah (May 31, 2007) Round Lake Beach grand ‘reopening’ party is June 9, Eden Prairie News
  6. Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, (2003) The Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District Annual Report for 2002
  7. Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, (2011) The Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District Annual Report for Year Ending December 31, 2010
  8. Sobiech, S (March 2017) Lotus, Silver, Duck, Round, Mitchell, Red Rock Use Attainability Analysis Update; Lake Idlewild and Staring Lake Use Attainability Analysis; and Lower Purgatory Creek Stabilization Study Prepared for Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, Barr Engineering Co.
  9. Jeffrey, T., Watershed Planning Coordinator (August 20, 2019) in discussion with Olivia Holstine, Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District
  10. Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District (February 2014) Stormwater Pond Project 2013 Report
  11. Claire B., Watershed District Administrator (August 15, 2019) in discussion with Olivia Holstine, Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District
  12. Barr Engineering Co., (April 23, 2013). Comparative Analysis of Minnesota Lakes Treated with Alum to Inform Spring Lake Treatment Prepared for the Prior Lake – Spring Lake Watershed District (PLSLWD) http://plslwd.org/documents/Spring%20Lake%20Alum%20Comparative%20Analysis.pdf
  13. Huser, Egemose, Harper, Hupfer, Jensen, Pilgrim, Reitzel, Rydin, and Futter. Longevity and Effectiveness of Aluminum Addition to Reduce Sediment Phosphorus Release and Restore Lake Water Quality. Water Research 97 (2016): 122-32.
  14. Barr Engineering Co., (November 4, 2004) Engineer’s Report Lake Riley Water Quality Improvement Project
  15. Newman, R., Dunne, M., and Ostendorf, T. (March 31, 2018). Aquatic Plant Community of Lakes Lucy, Mitchell, Susan, Riley and Staring within the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed: Final Report for 2015-2017 University of Minnesota
  16. Mueller, J (March 15, 1990) There’s no carping over the ‘rough’ fish Chanhassen Villager. Retrieved from Carver County Historical Society
  17. Adams, F (September 24, 2009) Fish surgery; Carp research expands to Lake Ann Chanhassen Villager. Retrieved from Carver County Historical Society
  18. Adams, F (November 22, 2007) Fishing for carp solution Chanhassen Villager. Retrieved from Carver County Historical Society
  19. Adams, F (August 13, 2009) Lake Susan takes a turn Chanhassen Villager. Retrieved from Carver County Historical Society
  20. Adams, F (November 19, 2009) Searching for a lake water solution; Researchers continue work at Lake Susan Chanhassen Villager. Retrieved from Carver County Historical Society
  21. Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District (2018), 10-Year Water Management Plan, Chapter 1: Introduction http://www.rpbcwd.org/application/files/2715/3210/6194/1.0_Introduction.pdf
  22. Maxwell, J Water Resources Coordinator (Aug 21, 2018), in discussion with Olivia Holstine. Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District
  23. Sobiech, S. & Wilson, G. (March 1, 2017) Engineer’s Report Lake Susan Park Pond Watershed Treatment and Stormwater Reuse Enhancements Project Prepared for the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District Barr Engineering Co.
  24. For More information, visit Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District’s website library http://rpbcwd.org/library/documents?keywords=UAA&search=

Implementing Projects

  1. Barr Engineering (March 20, 2007) Lake Riley Outlet Improvements and Riley Creek Lower Valley Stabilization Feasibility Study
  2. Adams, F. (Nov 27th, 2008) Operation: Lake Riley Culvert Replacement, Eden Prairie News
  3. Foster, P. (2011) The Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District Annual Report for Year Ending December 31, 2010. Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District
  4. Barr Engineering Co., (November 4, 2004) Engineer’s Report Lake Riley Water Quality Improvement Project
  5. Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District (2019) 10-Year Management Plan; Chapter 1 Introduction http://rpbcwd.org/application/files/2715/3210/6194/1.0_Introduction.pdf
  6. Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District (Sept 19, 2012) Board of Managers Lotus Lake LID Pilot Project Public Hearing Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, with documents from Samuel Geer of Metro Blooms
  7. Geer, S.l (Nov 25, 2012). Citizen Blue Post Construction Report Draft Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District and Metro Blooms
  8. Jefferey, T. Watershed Planning Manager (August 21, 2019) in discussion with Olivia Holstine. Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District
  9. Rahr, F. (November 20, 1986) Findings of Fact in the matter of the petition of the city of Eden Prairie for construction of the Chain of Lakes basic water management project to provide surface water outlets for Round, Mitchell, Red Rock and McCoy Lakes located in the city of Eden Prairie; basic water management project 1985-1. Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District
  10. Obermeyer, R. (October 1, 1986) Engineer’s Report Chain of Lakes: Round Lake to McCoy Lake. Barr Engineering Co.
  11. Sobiech, S. & Weiss, J. (October 26, 2016) Engineer’s Report for Lower Riley Creek Stabilization Project: RPCVWD Reach E, Site D3, and LMRWD Reach. Barr Engineering Co.
  12. Barr Engineering Co, (April 2018) Environmental Assessment Worksheet Lower Riley Creek Stabilization Project: Reach E and Site D3
  13. Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. (May, 2017) Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District 2016 Annual Report
  14. Sobiech, S. & Weiss, J. (July 24, 2014) Engineer’s Report Purgatory Creek Stabilization at County Roads 101 and 62, Prepared for Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District. Barr Engineering Co.
  15. Adams, F (Oct 22, 2008) Lake Susan Shoreline Restoration, Chanhassen Villager. Retrieved from Carver County Historical Society
  16. Johnson, D. (USDA-NRCS) and Thompson, G.(AMSWCD) (2008) Lake Susan Shoreline Restoration Presentation prepared for Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. Retrieved from Minnesota Historical Society’s Watershed District Records collection (August, 2019)

Building Resilience

  1. Obermeyer, R. (October 22, 1996) Wetland Replacement Application, Barr Engineering Co.
  2. Obermeyer, R. (August 2, 1992) Staring Outlet/Purgatory Creek Recreation Area, Barr Engineering Co.
  3. Obermeyer, R., 2003, Wetland Replacement and Banking Plan PCRA: Eden Prairie, Barr Engineering Co.
  4. Nelson, K. (September 23, 2004) An Oasis in an Urban Setting, Eden Prairie News
  5. Gebhard, A. (February 5, 1979) Engineer’s Report on Improvements to Purgatory Creek as contained in the January 3, 1978 Petition from the city of Minnetonka to the Riley Purgatory Creek Watershed District. Barr Engineering Co.
  6. Jeffrey, T. Watershed Planning Coordinator (August 18, 2019) in discussion with Olivia Holstine. Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District
  7. Sobiech, S. & Barnes, B. (September 7, 2016) Engineer’s Report 100 Year Floodplain Vulnerability Evaluation (Climate Adaptation) prepared for Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District Barr Engineering Co. http://rpbcwd.org/application/files/5915/4264/8364/TO15_EngineersReport_VulnerabilityAssessment.pdf

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