Yugoslavia. Also known as a country with many many years of peace, no war, and serenity. Oh right. Totally forgot it was opposite day. Sorry!
Yugoslavia was located in the Balkan Peninsula, also known as modern day Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, and Montenegro.
Yugoslavia was created from the Kingdom of Serbia, Monenegro, and Austria-Hungary.
This region was called the Kingdom of Croats and Slovenes, but obviously was changed to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
War in this region of the world was not a new thing. There have been religious, ethnic, and political wars dating back to the Roman Empire falling.
When the Empire fell, christianity spread like wildfire. Then the Eastern Orthodox church was forced when the Soviet union took place. Islam was then spread by the Ottomans, creating a very diverse region.
Because of these three religions, the Balkan Peninsula separated into 4 very distinct groups: the Croat, the Slovene, the Serb, and the Bosniak.
But There were ALWAYS ethnic tensions.
The First and ONLY successful president of Yugoslavia was Josip Broz Tito.
He kept ethnic and religious tensions under control. He promoted "Brotherhood and Unity" and always tried his best to suppress nationalism.
Unfortunately, Tito died. This day is also known as the beginning of the end for Yugoslavia.
After the Communistic party of Yugoslavia died down (but was not gone), Some new republics took place.
Croatia's new president was Franjo Tudman.
Croatia declared independence under him.
The Ustache (a terrorist group) refused to recognize Croatia as an independent country
The rebels were actually helped by the Yugoslav National Army. They provided weapons and soldiers. But this bond did not last for long.
On June 25th, 1991, both Croatia and Slovenia declared independence.
You thought the wars were over after that? Awe, that's cute. They Weren't. We're just halfway through.
After the cute thing Croatia and Slovenia pulled, thinking they could declare independence peacefully, completely backfired.
As a result, The "Ten-Day War" was born.
After this war, a treaty was made, the Brioni Agreement, between Yugoslavia and Croatia and Slovenia saying that Croatia and Slovenia will postpone their independence by three months.
But there was still war.
War was now between the Serbs and the Croats.
A new plan was presented that would give all branches independence, but Milosevic did not approve.
The plan only needed 5/6 voted to pass and it got just that. But war got in the way.
In 1992, a cease fire was set into place between the Croats and the Yugoslav army called the Sarajevo Agreement.
But war was still not over.
Now comes in more terrorist attacks. Four solid years.
And then here comes the climax of this story.
And now here we see the falling action of the war.
And now we witness the resolution to this sad story.
In the long- awaited 2008 each branch gained independence to end all of this madness.