What Battery is Best? By: The jedi council

For this lab, our group was given a list of metals and was tasked with finding which combination would produce the most volts. With this information, a long lasting battery could be made to power your lightsabers.

The list of metals is as follows- Magnesium, Tin, Zinc, Lead, Copper, and Aluminum.

The first test that we conducted was comparing the voltage of each metal with every other metal. A salt bridge of NaCl was used in this test.

From this test it was clear that Magnesium and Copper produced the most volts with 1.17.

With this information, we then conducted a series of tests on the magnesium copper battery. The first test was a dilution test.

With this test we were able to conclude that as the molarity of the cathode decreases, the voltage goes up.

In the second week of lab, four other tests were conducted on the Mg- Cu cell. These tests include, room, hot, and cold temperature, and a test over time.

The highest voltage in this series of tests came at the end of the time test.

The first error in this lab came with the time test, as it was expected that the voltage would decrease over time instead of increasing. However, upon conducting research it was found that Mg-Cu batteries last a very long time and don't decrease voltage much over time

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