The Skunk Written and illustrated By Carter Neubert

Stinky skunk stinky skunk is more stinky than ten year old garbage.

Stinky skunk stinky skunk is more stinky than rotten eggs.

Stinky skunk stinky skunk smells worse than rotten Pepper jack cheese.

Stinky skunk stinky skunk smells worse than any other skunk in the world.

Stinky skunk stinky skunk is more stinky than a sewer.

Stinky skunk stinky skunk smells worse than dung beetles

Created with images by Phil Roeder - "The Final Movement" • avpiedra - "Dinner-is-ready" • RBerteig - "Young Skunks!" • erikorama - "Sewer cover" • 7854 - "dung beetle insect dung"

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