ohia trees by Leah mccandless

Ohia trees are recognizable by their by there red flowers.They shoot out at you like fire works.Right now there is a disease going around called ROD ( Rapid Ohia Death).More and more ohia trees are dying because of this disease.

What you can do to stop this is to make sure that you don't spread it around. Rub alcohol on the bottom of your car to keep the disease from spreading.Don't move ohia wood if you don't know were it's from.Don't injure ohia wood because that leaves a way for the disease to get into the tree.

If nothing stops this disease then all our ohia trees will die out and there will be none of our wonderful ohia trees left.

Don't forget to protect ohia trees!


Created with images by eye of einstein - "burst" • waffries - "ohia"


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