A Newsletter for your improvement Keep up the good work!

Dear Students,

first of all, I'd like to congratulate the group for your excellent work! Your presentations were good. You really impressed me. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!

Vocabulary to talk about your job

Students tend to misuse the words job, career and work. In class we made some examples and it should be better now! Please remember that job, career and work are all NOUNS, but only work is also a VERB.


In this lesson we explored the useful language to talk about graphs. We learned there are many kind of graphs, such as PIE CHARTS, DIAGRAMS, TABS, TABLES, etc and we studied and practiced the vocabulary we can use to describe them.

Some useful connectors and verbs...

1/Connectors are the words which combine two words or more.

2/Connectors are words which combine sentences together.

Connectors can help you to improve your communication, making short and clear phrases. Try to use them a little bit more!


A group of students did a really good job presenting this pie chart and analysing the data.

Another group has worked on this chart about sports in New Zealand. They are going to present it next week.

In class I'll distribute more case studies so that we can continue to practice!

That's all for now!

Thank you so much for your attention and dedication!


Created with images by stevepb - "books student study" • mantas j photography - "sunrise"

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