
Following Together Our Savior Hawaii Sunday School


Welcome to Our Savior Hawaii's Online Sunday School! Today, we'll discover how Jesus brings us all together. We don't follow Him alone!


  • What was the best moment of the last week for you? The worst?
  • How did you see God at work in the last week? What is your God sighting?



Jesus says in Matthew 4, "Follow me." We follow together, not alone, united in Christ.


Through his letters, Paul encouraged people in their faith. Today, we read how he encourages the church in Corinth to follow Jesus together and not be divided.

1 Corinthians 1:10 Now I urge you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree in what you say, that there be no divisions among you, and that you be united with the same understanding and the same conviction.


Who is someone you follow Jesus with? How does Jesus bring us together? What are some ways you can help to unite and bring people together?


The cross unites us.
Print and color!
Family Activity

Partner up as a household. Have each pair sit down facing each other while holding each other’s lower arms. Now, try to stand up together without letting go. Talk to each other about how to accomplish this task. Once volunteers make it to standing, applaud. Then ask them to sit back down while still holding onto each other. Working together takes hard work and teamwork! Jesus wants us to be a united team, working hard together.

Pray + Bless

Dear God, thank you for all people who love Jesus and want to follow Him. Help us remember that you love all of us, even when we disagree with each other. Amen.

Make the sign of the cross with water on the forehead of each person in your family and say, "Jesus said, 'You are not alone. Follow me.'"

Portions of the lesson from the Sparkhouse Publishing's Whirl and Spark Lectionary curriculums.


Created with images by Kenishirotie - "People around world" • Kenishirotie - "People around world"