Wisconsin State Fair The history of The westallis wisconsin state fair

The history of the fair in West Allis goes way back to 1851, and since then State Fair has been a popular attraction to people all around the globe. The Stevens farm was bought by Tom Fleming, he built the permanent home of the Wisconsin state fair. Since the Spanish­American War in 1898 the fair continued to increase (grow) and improve. The fair attracted people from all different regions, even international visitors came. The West Allis state fair park was the first fair park to have instrumental in the development of aviation, and the first to have speed skating, isn't that cool!

Alice In Dairy Land

Alice In Dairy Land was created in the year of 1954, Marry Ellen McCabe enters the Westallis fair in her convertible as Alice In Dairy Land with police officers surrounding her, her big entrance had the crowd go wild. Ever since the first Alice In Dairy land was created, they do it every year.

Dairy Day At Wisconsin State Fair

Dairy day at the Westallis fair is just like Alice in Dairy Land, the women who plays Alice that year will attended Dairy Day with 4 other dairy princess for the parade. Each year there will be a different Alice, and 4 different princess that will be in the parade on a float.

Lost Child At The Fair

In 1949 a young child named Margaret Muller was supposeivly "lost" and she didn't know where her parents were at the time being. Margaret Muller was the first children to be lost at the Westallis fair, but later on that day her parents find her at the lost and found children section.

Interesting Facts

In 1851 when the first fair was held, about 13,000 to 18,000 people attended the fair,only paying a dime for admission. The Agricultural Society sponsored the State Fair, they featured a 200 pound squash and they held a quarter-acre plowing competition between team of horses. Wisconsin state fair has been opened for 160 years and it will proably stay open for even more years.


1898 - Fair managed by New Stats Borad of Agriculture.

1900 - Dairy building filled with exhibits for the first time ever.

1905 - Two large dining halls are destroyed by August windstorm.

1910 - State fair grounds are damaged by a tornado.

Why is State Fair So Important?

The state fair is important because it has been around for hundreds of years and it will stay open for many more, it was made for family's and friends to get along with each other and to have fun, throughout the years many states and regions have started to have there own state fairs, state fair is a tradition passed down along to other cultures.

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