My life’s work is to guide and teach others to discover the magic, mystery, and life force of creation to which every human has access, and to achieve something far beyond what you previously thought possible.
I was born with my Sun in Leo in the 9th house - the brightest light.
My moon is in Scorpio in the 12th house - the darkest dark.
I am not afraid of the dark.
My life has been the training I needed to accompany others through their fear to the other side.
We all have a unique story about who we are destined to become.
My story began before I took my first breath. As I emerged from my mother’s womb, the umbilical cord was tight around my neck, cutting off my life force and my light. I was strangled and yet, alive.
Then at seven years old, I had a near-death experience due to a car accident as my dad was driving me to school. It broke him - he was never the same.
From the day of the accident forward - I developed a crippling fear that those I loved would die.
I have developed a close relationship with fear. But rather than allow it to limit me...
I embrace fear as my teacher as I have learned to climb over it to the other side. In this process, I knew why I was on the planet.
I have spent years studying the timeless wisdom of ancient Egypt. Their centuries of spiritual practice informed many cultures in our world, where the dark and the light are fully embraced.
The inner sanctum of their historical temples represents the dark womb of the feminine. Each time I emerge into the light, I am a new embodiment of the Divine Feminine – stronger, wiser, and more powerful – as when I emerged from my mother’s womb.
I put this into practice by using my fears in this lifetime and the healing I have done to help each person embody their highest frequency. In this energetic field, our best lives unfold from within us.
I cannot always see exactly where I am going, but with every inevitable challenge, I have learned to trust my intuition and heart.
The Universe responds immediately when I am tapped in, listen, and align with my heart.
“The Universe works based on synchronicity designed to lead you to awe and wonder through miracles.”
The invitation ...
I am here to help us build a new world and be a part of moving the current paradigm of conflict and destruction to magic, peace, and love for all human beings.
I help spiritual entrepreneurs GROW
I do this through coaching them to become globally visible with their unique, soul-based mission and message. My approach is based on the sacred feminine and a collaborative approach where everyone wins, not a traditional ego-based masculine process.
I was led to create the Soulful Summit Model, which is genuinely unique and rooted in community building.
We produce concrete and logical results through transformation. My corporate background trained me to marry my business savvy to all the spiritual aspects of my work in magical collaboration.
Now, I help spiritual entrepreneurs gain the confidence to move past their triggers and traumas to lead their own summits, which unearths their own true story, magic, and power and helps define the voice they want to express in the world.
"What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"
I have an alchemical prayer focused on lovingly asking the Universe...
...please send me all of the things that I need the most, that I do not even yet know are possible.
This opens the portal to our highest manifestation of magic in the Universe. I know from experience that the golden threads will always lead me to the highest in synchronistic ways.
Come join me as we learn together, discover new pathways, and explore what's possible.
If you'd like to explore how to bring your gifts out to the world in a powerful, life-changing, and sacred way - email me to learn how we can work together:
Click here to be part of the community learning how to use the tools of alchemy, astrology, and shamanic practices to facilitate deep and lasting changes.
Let's bring your gifts out of the shadows, as you step into the light with your Soulful Summit, leading the way out of the womb of the Divine Feminine, emerging transmuted. Transformed. Into the Goddess you are meant to be.