Area & volume By Jake Shaw

This is a guide to find out the area and volume in different shapes

To find the area of a square you have to do length x width. If the length of the square is 5 and the width is 5 then it will be 5x5=25squared centimetres. It will also be Netherlands same with a rectangle.
To find the are of a triangle you have to do length x width then divide it by 2. If the triangle had a length of 5 and a width of 6 it would be 5x6\2=15 squared centimetres.
To find the volume of a cube you have to do length x width x height. If the length of the cube is 5 and the width and height is 5 then it will be 5x5x5=125 cubic centimetres. It will be the same for a cuboid.
To find the area of a prism you need to do length x width x height divide by 2. So it would be 4x7x3\2=42 cubic centimetres.
Created with images by John-Morgan - "Shapes: Cube and Cylinder"

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