Who Is Otzi? Otzi has been a perfectly preserved (by ice) mummy for 5,300 years and was found in the Alps by the Austrian and Italian border. He was found in 1991 by two European hikers, Helmut and Erika Simon. Otzi is believed to have lived 5,300 years ago but mysteriously died.
Otzi's Background. Otzi was believed to be a shepherd,hunter or a warrior but was killed either from a fight or from severe cold conditions trying to trade valuables or finding supply's. He was found with a copper axe and a bow and arrow. He was wearing a grass threaded cape, a fur hat, two layers of fur tunics, fur leggings and leather shoes with grass in the back.
Theory 1. Otzi had two wounds in his right hand and wrist showing he was stabbed while trying to defend himself with an axe against someone. During The Bronze Age, tribes waged war on mountain peaks. Scientists have a recent claim that Otzi may have been a human sacrifice. Or he may have been a warrior or the victim of an ambush who fought hard to save his life.
Theory 2. The famous Stone Age man known as Otzi the Iceman could have died following violent hand-to-hand combat. Scientists discovered a flint arrowhead lodged in the ancient man's back, leading to speculation that he may have fled his attacker before bleeding to death and being encased in ice. Tests on the body have revealed a deep wound on Otzi's right hand which, according to the findings, was inflicted in the last few hours of the iceman's life. (possibly in a fight)
Theory 3. Otzi, the Iceman, Could have been a sacrifice to the gods. The arrowhead wound, which was overlooked in previous examinations, makes it clear that the Iceman was shot in the back. "It might have been murder or a sacrifice. The Iceman's remains were found in a naturally formed trench on a prominent pass between two of the highest peaks in the Ă–tztal Alps. This is the kind of place where people from mountain cultures have traditionally made offerings to their mountain gods.