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TAlPro2022 TAlPro2022: the Tyrrhenian Sea & Algero-Provencal component of the Med-SHIP programme

TALPro2022 Cruise Report

Scientific Discipline: Physical Oceanography

Research Area: Algerian and Provencal Basins and Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean Sea)

Research Vessel: RV Belgica

PI Name and Affiliation: Katrin Schroeder, CNR-ISMAR, Venice (Italy)

Date: 17-26 May 2022

The photo on the left is the RV Belgica as seen from a drone in the Tyrrhenian Sea during TAlPro2022. Credit/Copyright by C. Clauwers,

Citation from PI: I think that the EUROFLEETS+ project, and in particular the ship time it gives through the transnational access activities, is a huge achievement for the European community of marine scientists, and offers the possibility to do high-level research even to those researchers (including early career researchers), that would not have the same possibility otherwise. This cruise will be the second Eurofleets-funded cruise that I participated in. The first one was in 2016, and it gave the possibility to start working with a strong international team, for which I am very grateful to this project. I hope this legacy will continue even after the project’s end.

Katrin Schroeder, PI

Abstract & Main objectives: The fieldwork is done in the framework of MedSHIP, the Mediterranean component of the global repeat hydrographic investigation program (GO-SHIP) and will contribute to the sustained observational effort already existing at regional scale by repeating the basin-scale survey of the Tyrrhenian Sea and of the Algero-Provencal basin. TAlPro2022 will increase the number of observations and the data collected during these sections will allow to: 1) measure the changes in the thermohaline properties of Mediterranean water masses at the basin-scale; 2) quantify the inorganic and organic dissolved carbon and dissolved oxygen storage in the WMED; 3) quantify the uptake of anthropogenic carbon in the WMED; 4) quantify changes in the ventilation of the deep and intermediate water masses thanks to the transient tracers (CFCs, SF 6 , 14 C, 129 I, 236 U ); 5) measure the particulate size spectrum in the water column and to identify the zooplankton species. With respect to the same cruise, done in 2016 (TAlPro2016), this time we propose the addition of data collected ARGO floats, by an Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP5 ) integrated on the rosette, as well as data on Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) and a whole suite of radionuclides (14C, 129I, 236U).

Geographical area of the TAlPro2022 Campaign
Operations on Board TAlPro2022 - Credit/Copyright by C. Clauwers,

Preliminary Results: First CTD and tracer analysis suggest that the Tyrrhenian seems much more ventilated (compared to our 2016 data). The basin is filling up with SF6, which might be an indication of increased ventilation (the link here is not yet clear). Last intense convection but not bottom reaching in the Gulf of Lion was reported in 2018. In the deep Algero-Provencal basin the shape of the TS-diagram has returned to what could be observed before the Western Mediterranean Transition (WMT), but with generally higher heat and salt contents.

The Scientific Team that took part in the TAlPro2022 cruise

Further information available: Facebook Page, Twitter,

Data Sets: and
