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In light of the learning crisis, efforts to reach the furthest behind must shift focus to improve student learning outcomes and skills development, while strengthening teachers’ competencies in quality inclusive education.

To achieve this, UNICEF, in partnership with Zurich University of Teacher Education, is launching LearnIn - a digital learning initiative designed to support both teachers and students as life-long learners.


  • Inspires Learners to engage, based on curricula, requirements, interest or objectives
  • Recognizes wishes, needs, goals, achievements, through profiling and matching
  • Provides Access to personalized and culturally embedded quality learning opportunities
  • Individualizes the personal learning environment and lets learners follow each other
  • Rewards Learners with tokens for special achievements, engagement or collaboration
  • Connects to open-source materials, services and partners of the LearnIn initiative
  • Creates Communities of practice through social tools to connect, to learn and exchange
  • Protects Data by decentralized digital IDs, distributed networks and individual control
  • Acquires Data according to the learner’s settings across existing systems and services

Stages of development

Five countries from Europe and Central Asia are engaged in the LearnIn initiative: Albania, Kosovo (UN Security Council Resolution 1244), Kyrgyzstan, Serbia and Tajikistan. A feasibility study is underway to explore the specific needs in each country based on their national priorities, challenges and opportunities.

UNICEF is keen to develop shared-value based partnerships with the private sector internationally, regionally and in country. A range of funding avenues will be explored including cryptocurrency fundraising, both for the onset investment and funding of the tokenized monetary system.

For more information about the LearnIn initiative, connect to

Created By
Gregory Turkawka