Dear Member of Messiah,
As Lutherans we proudly champion the chief teaching of the Bible that we are saved by grace through faith for works. Or another way it's often said is that we are "saved to serve".
Our staff proudly presents this page describing the many ministries currently being conducted in our Church.
The Scripture consistently urges us to "get out of the stands and onto the playing field!"
We believe that as true believers of Jesus Christ each one of you has been given by God one or more spiritual gifts and a unique passion for ministry. It is important to place volunteers in service where there is a good match in terms of their temperament, passions and giftedness. This booklet is intended to give a brief description of current ministries at Messiah and to help put the right people in the right places for the right reasons.
So please review these ministries, examine your gift mix and then gladly answer saying, "Here am I, send me.” Listen to the voice of God calling you to ministry.
Proud to have you as a partner in the ministry of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Erik Cloeter
If you feel you don't need to read the descriptions below or you are already familiar with our ministries and you are ready to jump in click here to sign up now:
Acts 2:42 "They devoted themselves to the apostolic teaching and to the fellowship; to the breaking of bread and to prayer."
ALTAR GUILD: (Angie Reinhard) Prepares altar for worship; includes cleaning, candle maintenance and vacuuming of the Altar. Volunteers can work in two partner teams, or solo and will receive training. (Minimal time required and behind the scenes).
MEDIA TECHS: Volunteer is responsible for controlling sound system and lighting during Church services; includes use of microphones and recording devices. Knowledge of electronics and stereo equipment is helpful. Training provided.
PASTOR'S PRAYER PARTNERS: (Mark Sabourin) Prayer partners pray for Pastor & Vicar prior to Sunday (7:45am) and Wednesday (6:45pm) services. Serve once a month. Prayer partners are also needed to pray for Pastor prior to any funeral service. These are normally held on weekdays.
PRAYER WARRIORS: (VACANT) Warriors pray with and for others immediately after each service. Also, collect & deliver prayer requests to Pastor or Vicar for prayer during service.
PROJECTION AND VIDEO TECHS: (Kathie Kuhl, Dawn Sabourin) Volunteers are trained to do multimedia projection during worship services on Sundays and Wednesdays.
TELLERS: (Finance Disciple) Tellers count and record the tithes from the collection plates on Sundays and make deposits to the night depository. Serve approximately once every five weeks.
BUSY BAGS: (Sandra Hahn) Ensure that canvas bags are filled with coloring materials for kids attending worship with adults.
Psalms 95:2 "Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song."
The music ministries include groups and individuals enhancing the worship services. Groups meet weekly to practice.
ADULT CHOIR: Members raise their praises in song. Only requirement to join is to be able to sing on pitch. (ninth grade and up)
ADULT HANDBELL CHOIR: Members in the choir learn to play handbells through reading music. This choir normally performs one Sunday a month with weekly practices.
MEN'S CHOIR: Men (ninth grade and up) sing praises to God.
WOMEN'S CHORUS: Women join together to praise God vocally. (9th grade and up): (Zach Reinhard) Musicians and vocalists who play for the 11am Sunday nXt worship.
WORSHIP BAND: (Zach Reinhard) Musicians and vocalists who play for the 10:30am worship.
Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
ACOLYTE: Youth confirmation students are responsible for lighting and extinguishing the altar candles before and after services.
HYDRATE: A ministry for youth in grades 5-12. Check with the office for current day and meeting times. All groups enjoy praise worship, Bible study and activities with the leaders of their group. Adults are needed to prepare/serve snack, supervise, and plan activities. Gatherings run from September to June, with special activities planned occasionally throughout the summer.
PLAY & PRAISE: Staff needed for this summer program are teachers, teacher’s helpers, kitchen staff, craft people, story tellers, games leader, and registration people. We also need prop builders, people to set up and tear down each week, and grillers for hot dogs on the last day. This is a Tuesday event from 9 to noon, usually from mid to late June, lasting between 4-6 weeks.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Pre-school thru 2nd grades participate in the Sunday school program at 9:15am on Sunday mornings. A variety of techniques are used to teach the story of Jesus. Training is provided. Teachers prepare lessons (materials supplied), take attendance and assist with special activities.
YOUTH CONFIRMATION: Youth ages 12-14 participate in weekly study with their parents over the course of two school years. Once complete, they are confirmed in the Lutheran faith.
1 Timothy 4:13 “Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and teaching.”
FIT 4 LIFE: (Adult Confirmation) This class prepares participants for adult confirmation. There are three opportunities throughout the year to attend the classes, Thursday evenings beginning in September (12 weeks), Thursday evenings and Friday mornings beginning in January (both 12 weeks), and an accelerated class in May (3 Saturdays). Saturdays are potluck lunches, someone is needed to help prepare, oversee, and clean up.
MEN'S BIBLE STUDY: A men’s Bible study every Tuesday night - at Messiah’s pole barn.
VISUAL FAITH: (lead by Kris Schoenow, Joyce Nutzmann, Bonnie Duclos & Deanna Richards-Clark) Connect your head, heart, and soul thru Bible journaling and praying in color!
WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY: Vicar leads this Bible study every Wednesday morning from fall thru Easter.
WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY: Tuesday nights @ 6:30 in the chapel.
Galatians 6:2 "Carry each others burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."
4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION: (The Oszust family) Volunteers prepare and hand out popcorn, helium balloons and bottled water, to people who come to watch the fireworks on our campus. This event requires about 20 volunteers, a great family ministry!
FRIENDS IN TOUCH: (Donna Vaughn) Volunteers connect with Messiah members who are no longer able to regularly attend worship. This can be done through visits, phone calls, cards/postcards, or whatever creative way you can come up with!
HEARTBEAT CRIB: (Sandra Hahn) Messiah collects new and gently used baby clothing, diapers, food, toys and gently used furniture (no cribs). Items are donated to the Pregnancy Resource Center of Flint.
EMAIL PRAYER CHAIN: (Chris Lamb) Confidential prayers are sent out through email. Those requesting prayer are prayed for.
PRAYER BLANKET MINISTRY: (Dorlene Nielson) This group makes lap blankets for anyone ill or recuperating. This can be done from your own home, you can knit, crochet or tie fleece blankets.
PRAYER HOTLINE: (Karen Elliott, Cheryl Geister) This group takes prayer requests by phone.
SHARING TREE: (Debbie Severn/Chris Lamb) Volunteers set up tree in the narthex for Advent. Family or individual needs are placed on the tree. Members purchase the item(s) needed and return them, unwrapped, with the tag attached to them. These gifts are then delivered to the families.
TRUNK 'R TREAT: (Vicar) Volunteers organize games, activities, Trunk ‘R Treat displays, food, decorations and clean up. Members provide decorated trunks. A mountain of volunteers are needed for this huge community outreach event!
CHILD CARE PROVIDER FOR FIT 4 LIFE CLASSES: Volunteer (age 18+) cares for children of those persons taking Fit For Life Thursday evenings for the fall and/or winter sessions.
CHRISTMAS DECOR: (Nicole Sabo) Volunteers are responsible for decorations within sanctuary and other areas as directed in preparation of the celebration of our Savior.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS: (Evangelism Disciple - Missy Kwiatkowski) Open entry doors and say hello as people enter for worship. On communion Sundays, release pews.
FRANKLIN AVENUE MISSION: (VACANT) Volunteers help to bring the love of Jesus to the east side of Flint through dinners, neighborhood cleanups, building improvements, and other outreach events as scheduled. Serve in the area of your choice, as often as you like.
FUNERAL DINNERS: (Linda Pennington) Volunteers are responsible for funeral dinners held at Messiah. Tasks include prepping tables, preparing the meal, serving, & clean up afterwards.
HEBREWS: (Evangelism Disciple) Schedules people to host HeBrews, our coffee haus where we serve coffee between worship services on Sundays.
FUNERAL VISITATION REFRESHMENTS: (Carole Blom) Call members to provide finger foods for the family whose loved one has passed away and visitation is at the Church. Refreshments are served during the visitation. Make coffee, clean up afterwards.
GOLF SCRAMBLE: (Kyle Goodwin) Volunteer organizes golf outings for Messiah's golf enthusiasts. Makes reservations. Seeks hole sponsors and donations of prizes. Proceeds normally benefit the summer youth mission trip.
LAWN MOWING: (Kyle Aldrich) Teams alternate weekly to mow grass on the church property.
MEN'S SOFTBALL: (Jim Pace) Messiah men’s team competes against other Churches in the area. Team plays once a week at 6:15pm on Mondays.
PHOTOGRAPHER: (AVAILABLE) Takes pictures at special events, adult confirmations, and other historical happenings.
PROPERTY MAINTENANCE: Flower planting, landscaping maintenance, weeding, etc.
SMALL REPAIRS/LIGHT MAINTENANCE: We need lots of these! Volunteer does general repair work as needed.
WILDFIRE: (Wayne Maeder) An outdoor experience! A weekend long event held at the ball fields, includes food, games, music, bonfires, and worship! For those that enjoy camping, you can camp overnight. Many volunteers are needed in a variety of areas to help with this enormous event.
WOMEN'S SOFTBALL: (Rodney & Kathie Kuhl) Messiah’s ladies team competes against other Churches in the area. Team plays Tuesdays @ 6:30pm.
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND...the leader of each ministry is listed in parenthesis. This does not mean they do not need more volunteers. Most ministries have leaders but all need volunteers to help them run!