
We Are Bound Together!

Together We Shared Kindness & Blessings




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Temple Building Reminders

With Covid cases on the rise, it’s important that we all adhere to Temple policies to keep our staff and each other safe:

  • Do not come if you have any Covid-19 symptoms, even if you think it is only a cold.
  • Always wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose.
  • Call first to let the office know you are coming. Only one visitor in the office at a time.
  • Respect social distancing guidelines by staying at least 6 feet apart.


Rabbi Randy Sheinberg

Someone once asked, “Rabbi, can you be a Jew alone on a desert island?”

  • As we begin 2021, we also turn to a new book in the Torah. The Book of Exodus (Shemot) tells perhaps the most essential story of the Jewish people, that of our bondage in Egypt and subsequent liberation. This story is fundamental to the formation of Judaism. We are a nation characterized by our experience as slaves - as a formerly enslaved people, we identify with and vow to fight for the rights of the oppressed everywhere.
  • Yet the story of Exodus is not only a story about freedom. It is also a story about the formation of Am Yisrael, the people and nation of Israel. In the earliest years of our people’s history, all the attention was focused upon one family line. All the stories in the Book of Genesis center around that narrow family tree; from Abraham and Sarah, to Isaac and Rebecca, to Jacob and Rachel and Leah, and to Joseph and his brothers. Once we get to the Book of Exodus, the lens widens. Now the Jewish people number in the tens of thousands, if not more. And now, through their shared experience of crossing the Sea of Reeds to freedom, they become more than just a random assemblage of individuals. They become a collective whole. Israel, which was a name given to Jacob when he wrestled with an angel, no longer refers merely to an individual. Now Israel signifies am Yisrael“, a whole people, a community, an entity.
  • The idea of community or kehillah, is as essential to Judaism as any of our beliefs. In a real sense, it is impossible to be a Jew alone. While we can certainly pray as individuals, there is nothing like a minyan, a community of Jews to elevate our prayers. While we can individually open our hearts and act generously, there is nothing like a community in which we take on the obligation and privilege of caring for one another. It is only through belonging to a community that we fulfill our potential as human beings made in God’s image. It is through kehillah that we become kedosha (holy).
  • We create Jewish community in many different ways. The most central Jewish community is the congregation. We at Temple Tikvah know the value of community. Temple is the place where we celebrate and grieve together, where we look out for each other, and take care of one another’s needs. There are other examples of Jewish-focused communities too - JCCs, schools, social action organizations, Jewish camps, Jewish non-profit organizations like NCJW or Hadassah, and countless others. In all these spaces we fulfill our religious obligation of tending to the community and to the needs of others. It is a mitzvah. Kol Yisrael aravim ze ba’zeh, our tradition teaches, “We are each responsible for one another.”
  • It is not only the Jewish-focused spaces that command our attention. As Jews, we also bear responsibility for tending to the larger communities in which we dwell - our neighborhoods, our country, even our world. It is a mitzvah to engage in these larger spheres as well.
  • Last November, most of us fulfilled the mitzvah of civic engagement by voting in our national election. However, democracy needs our attention more than once every four years. To keep democracy thriving, we also need to voice our opinions and stay involved between elections.
  • This month, I invite you to join me and Temple Tikvah’s Social Action Committee in participating in RAC-NY, the Reform Movement’s statewide social justice effort, by attending a webinar on January 13th or 14th. You will be able to hear about potential RAC-NY state legislative campaigns and weigh-in on which you think is most important for us to work on. Look in our Weekly Updates for details or contact me or any of the Social Action Co-chairs for more information.

May 2021 be a year of kehillah kedosha, sacred community. Together let us forge the bonds of caring and compassion so that our Temple Tikvah Family, our democracy, and our world may thrive.

Temple President

andrea comerchero

Together as a Congregation We Embrace Our Journey and Find Peace Knowing We are Not Alone

  • We are knee deep into the season when outdoor pursuits are saved for the more adventurous souls among us. Activities like skiing, snowboarding or even ice fishing appeal to a small segment of us. I used to ski when I was a kid. Now, I simply crave to run outside or stroll on the beach, neither of which is easy to accomplish in the winter.
  • Traveling in the winter of 2020 to somewhere warmer is not exactly in the cards either. Back to square one. I cannot imagine that any of us are excited about being cooped at home.

“You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one” - John Lennon

  • Despite our inability to gather in-person, we continue to explore alternatives for new or modified activities that will bring meaning and joy to our members. And we continue to welcome your input and participation.
  • We are, after all, social beings and we crave companionship and community. As it has been said from the get-go, “It is not good that the man be alone.” (Genesis 2:18)
  • While it lacks a sense of touch, technology creates space for interacting and hanging out. We will take it and continue to create community virtually.
  • We have so many activities to look forward to. Instead of listing them all here, take a look throughout this newsletter and see for yourself the various events our clergy and volunteers have organized for us.

Hopefully some of these will bring you meaning and joy and make your winter a little brighter…I know it will mine.

religious school

Education Director


Education is for Improving the Lives of Others and for Leaving Your Community and the World Better Than You Found It...Marian Wright Edelman

  • Our Religious School Program has gone all virtual, however that has not stopped our teachers and clergy from working hard to provide an engaging and participatory Religious School experience. We are all learning as we go along, and we appreciate your feedback and encouragement. So please keep up the conversation.
  • December was a busy month with our school-wide virtual Hanukkah Program and Family Hanukkah Shabbat. It was exciting to see so many students participate in the Family Service. I continue to be amazed by the creativity of our clergy, who have found different ways to be inclusive even in a remote environment.
  • Many thanks to Cheryl Stern for coordinating Hanukkah Bags and to Brotherhood for personally delivering them to all Religious School students!
  • Looking ahead to January/February, we will hold our schoolwide Tu B'Shevat Program on January 24th and also conduct Virtual Parent/ Teacher Conferences that morning. We will recognize Jewish Disabilities Month the weekend of February 5th - 7th with a special scholar in residence. More information to come. February 5th will also be our first, grade service of the school year with our Grades 6/7 Class.
  • Upcoming Events: January 8th - Family Shabbat Service at 7:30pm • January 9th - Junior Congregation at 9:30am & Tikvah Tots at 10:30am • January 10th - Religious School Committee Meeting at 10:00am • January 22nd - Tikvah Tots at 6:30pm • January 23rd - Family Havdalah at 5:30pm • January 24th - Religious School; Religious School Parent Event at 9:30am; Religious School Tu B’Shevat Program; and Virtual Parent/Teacher Conferences • January 30th - Teen Event • February 5th - Jewish Disabilities Scholar in Residence & Grades 6/7 Family Shabbat Service • February 6th - Jewish Disabilities Month Adult/Teen Lunch & Learn • February 7th - Jewish Disabilities Scholar in Residence Religious School Program • February 14th to 21st - Winter Recess/School Closed • February 25th - Erev Purim

Stay warm and please continue to stay safe & healthy…



Balancing Our Resolve with Ourselves, Our Families, and Our Communities

As we enter a new year, we often take time to reflect on the year that just passed with the hopes of ushering in a new beginning and contemplating all that we hope to accomplish. While 2020 may have brought much uncertainty and anxiety, particularly when there are little ones around us, we know that we cannot expend too much energy on that angst. Children force us to smile and giggle, to play and find joy, no matter the circumstances. This is the beauty of being a parent. As we enter 2021, may we strengthen our resolve towards the pillars of Jewish life - home and community. May we too commit the same energy as our children do to finding pleasure in being together in our homes and seeing the Jewish community that flourishes around us.

We hope that you will join us for many of the fun events we have planned this year, taking the time to relish in the laughter, singing, and storytelling that defines Tikvah Tots.

Director of Youth & Family Engagement

Cheryl Stern

Let Us All Practice Derekh Eretz and Be a Mensch

  • We had so much fun celebrating Hanukkah with our Temple Tikvah Family…from our Family Service to our Religious School Program, as well as Gift Bag Drop-offs to all of our students. We truly were able to be connected even though we are still apart.
  • A special thank you to all of the families that took part in our Adopt-a-Family Program from the INN. Together we were able to brighten two families’ holidays and give 4 kids some amazing gifts and memories.
  • I know many families had fun making latkes from the potato pancake mixes we sent in the gift bags, which included dreidel games and lots of gelt. This year we also added origami menorahs and a pinball game!
  • Our teens are beginning to get ready for some community service and social action programs through the Sid Jacobson JCC. They will be engaging in a 9-week program that incorporates community service, as well as focusing on self-help. This is a new program that we are excited to be participating in.
  • A special thank you to all of those who have attended our Junior Congregation. We are all learning about our prayers and working on our reading skills. A special thank you to the Cantor for creating the slides that we are able to follow along and read from.

In 2021 we will be having a lot of wonderful events taking place, whether it be virtually or in person…Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy 2021 filled with nothing but the best.



temple - at - large

Our Jewish Community Harmoniously Together

mazel tov


Mazel Tov to Joan Wiener on the birth of her great granddaughter! Her granddaughter, Nechama Steinberg gave birth to Sarah Tzipporah Steinberg. She was born in Israel. The little one's proud parents, Nechama & Lezi and big brother Eleiezer are all doing well.

Mazel Tov to Maureen & Stephen Berman on the birth of their grandson, Dustin Stanley! He was born on November 27th. Celebrating this joyous event are his parents, Maureen & Stephen's son, Brian and his wife Kate & big brother Leo.

Mazel Tov to Patrice Kolomer & her husband Thomas Minichello on the birth of her grandson, Liam Kenneth Kolomer! Master Liam arrived on Sunday, December 13th at 12:03am & weighed-in at 7 lbs. 15 oz. Celebrating this joyous event are his parents, David and his wife Noa.


Congratulations to Joan Wiener's granddaughter, Rivkah Abrams! Rivkah is now a Commander in the Israeli Defense Force. She is the daughter of Cindy Wiener-Abrams.


President - Marc Gold

Let’s Welcome the Arrival of 2021!

  • During these unconventional times Brotherhood has continued to support Temple. Since September, Brotherhood has paid for Sunday Morning Security when Religious School is in session inside Temple. In addition, we recently distributed Hanukkah Goodie Bags to the homes of our Religious School children. Early last month, we distributed challahs to Brotherhood Members for their Friday Night Shabbat Dinner. The activity was so successful, we plan on doing it again in the near future! And our first ever Trivia Night on ZOOM was held in mid-December with much success. ZOOM is not the same as a live in-person event, yet it is the next best thing. We would like to thank everyone who participated, as well as thank everyone for their ongoing support of our activities and our Synagogue.
  • As we enter 2021, we are hopeful that at some point, we will be back in our building and sanctuary. We have many events planned, either way: On Sunday, February 7th Brotherhood will sponsor its Annual Defensive Driving Course. If you want to save money on your car insurance or want to eliminate up to four points from your driving record, then please see the flyer below or contact the Office. Due to safety/health protocols and regulations our capacity is limited. We will be seated socially distanced and everyone must wear a mask. If need be, an additional class may open up and/or other modifications may need to be made. Please remember to always refer to the Weekly Update for updates on all events. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions • Also in February, Brotherhood will be raffling off a Shabbat Dinner (for Brotherhood Members) courtesy of our Temple’s House Caterer, Majestic Catering and Bobby Leshansky - details to come. • In March, Yom HaShoah Memorial Candles will be available for purchase prior to Yom HaShoah on April 8th 2021; and also, in March - Passover Wines will be available to purchase through Brotherhood. Why not buy a bottle or two and become part of a Temple tradition? A menu of available wines will be displayed in Temple’s Weekly Updates, as the event nears.
  • And finally, do not forget join us on ZOOM every Thursday at 4pm for our weekly sports show, On The Marc Sports Talk. If you are a sports fan or want to learn about various sports, then this show is for you. If you log into our ZOOM show, you can comment if you would like to or just sit back and listen. We have had over 30 shows and if you want to sample our show, we are on Spotify and Apple I-Tunes Podcasts - just search for On The Marc Sports Talk and check us out. Many Temple members, as well as non-Temple members are regulars.

Let’s Hope 2021 is A Great Year, Full of Hope, Health & Joy!




President - Phyllis Richards

Our Kehillah

  • Just one year ago I was preparing for a trip to India and Nepal. The air quality in India was hazardous and so I was advised to buy N95 masks. I had no clue what N95 masks were or where to get them. I found out that purchasing them was no problem pre-pandemic.
  • Since the pandemic we have entered into a world we did not know existed. We could not have imagined how our lives would be changed or how we would have to change to deal with it. How much we have learned since then. It is such a blessing that our Temple Community has been there to help us feel attached to one another, even without meeting person to person in our beautiful sanctuary.
  • Before 2020 few of us had ever heard of ZOOM. Yet, we learned. Even the technology challenged mastered it enough to participate in services and meetings. The more technologically savvy Temple members enabled us to have these interesting and needed virtual sessions. Our knowledge continues to grow...
  • As a community we have helped one another by meeting our fellow congregants, friends, and family virtually...We have had record participation in our Shabbat Services, bringing us together Sisterhood meetings and events are on ZOOM. We continue to plan future meetings and happenings. Sisterhood continues to support Temple Tikvah and has just made a significant donation to help with our operating expenses  We had nightly Menorah lighting during Hanukkah. It would be lonely to light candles without family or friends joining in. The Temple Tikvah Community was there for everyone • Our “Lunch” and Learn experiences became virtual, though sadly without lunch.
  • Now we are at the start of a new year. There is much hope on the horizon as a vaccine is being distributed. Let us all stay safe and continue to find comfort as members of this vibrant community…Temple Tikvah.

Sisterhood sees a light shining in 2021…

lifelong learning

Meryl Root

Education is the Most Powerful Tool, Which You Can Use to Change the World...Mandela

  • Lunch & Learn: For the next Lunch & Learn on Saturday, January 23rd at 10:45am we will be watching the film Dough, a comedy drama about the unlikely friendship of an old Jewish baker & a young Muslim. It is a warm-hearted and gently humorous story about overcoming prejudice and finding redemption in unexpected places. The film is 94 minutes long.
  • You may be wondering, “How am I going to watch a movie?” Here are a few options: 1. The movie will be streamed on ZOOM on Saturday, January 23rd at 10:45am. The link for that will be in the Weekly Update; 2. You can watch the movie on Tubi.com at https://tubitv.com/movies/515478/dough?utm_source=googlefeed&tracking=googlefeed on your own time. Simply click on the LINK below or you can copy and paste the link into your browser; or 3. You can also watch the movie on the Kanopy App. If your library supports Kanopy, you can sign up with your library card, look up Dough, and watch it on your own time.
  • Lunch & Learn will begin around 12:20pm using the same link you watched for the movie. Just stay on the call when the movie finishes. For those of you who will watch the movie on your own, you can join the ZOOM call at 12:20pm for the conversation. We hope that you will join us for both the movies and the discussion that will follow. Please consult the Weekly Update for the ZOOM link.
  • Torah Study: Shabbat Morning Torah Study continues every Saturday at 9:00am via ZOOM with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg. We will come to the end of B’reishit, also known as Genesis on the first Shabbat of the New Year. After that, we will begin Shemot or Exodus and begin the journey from Mitzraim. No experience or prior knowledge is required. All are welcome. The ZOOM link will be published in the Weekly Update each week. We are always welcoming new participants.
  • Hyperlinks: All ZOOM information and links are available in the Weekly Updates. Please scroll to the bottom of the Updates for "Lifelong Learning Resources - Learning from Home" with live hyperlinks to a variety of things to do.

If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them with me at lifelonglearning@templetikvah.org

social action

Elaine Brooks, Judy Kirschner & Elaine Weiss

Our Traditions Sustain Us

  • The end of 2020 seems like a natural time to reflect upon the people and events that have helped us to make it through these challenging times. According to My Jewish Learning, the importance of community (or kehillah) is essential to Judaism. There have been many ways in which our continuing participation in the Temple Tikvah Community has sustained us, as well as enabled us to help to sustain others, in relation to our spiritual and physical needs. In fact, HIAS (The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) was established by the first Jewish immigrants to the United States in order to assist newer immigrants. This is a tradition we have kept up to this day, no matter where the immigrants and refugees come from.
  • In October, Social Action member, Susan Louis and Lisa Lupo organized a Lunch and Learn in coordination with Lifelong Learning. The guest speakers were Julie Schweitert of Immigrant Families Together and Rosyara Pablo Cruz, an immigrant from Guatemala. Together they coauthored, The Book of Rosy which tells Rosyara’s immigration story.
  • At the Social Action Shabbat on October 23rd, Cynthia Sucich of the INN spoke to us about how we might help people in need. Temple Tikvah subsequently participated in several programs she described. As a congregation, we donated money for warm clothing for clients of the INN, a drive which we will be continuing. Our Religious School is sponsoring a family in the Adopt-A-Family Program which provides one $100 Visa Card per family along with two toys and two clothing items for each child in the family. Visit the link on the Temple’s Weekly Update if you would like to help.
  • At our December Meeting we decided to help another family in need that has been identified by Immigrant Families Together. Social Action is providing $200 in gift cards to the family’s preferred grocery stores, which will come out of our budget for the current year. Maddy Wolf personally donated $200 worth of unused Metro Cards which the family very much needs. Details about the family and ways for congregants to help will be outlined in future communications or contact Susan Louis directly.
  • We plan to continue working with RAC - NY. Some of us will attend either of two meetings in mid-January (please refer to the January Calendar at the end of this newsletter) to identify and decide upon legislative priorities for 2021. This is a continuation of the 2018 Civic Engagement Campaign of RAC - NY, as well as the RAC’s 2019 work with the Civil Rights Movement to support the Voting Act of 1965. We will be working with Rabbi Sheinberg to explore how best to initiate dialog around racial inequality and implicit bias.
  • We will also be sponsoring, along with Lifelong Learning another Lunch and Learn on May 15th.
  • Whether helping with meals for shiva, visiting the sick, or sharing in the joy of a life cycle event - communities like ours help people to care for each other. We look forward to doing more together in the new year ahead.

Remain safe and healthy and enjoy the holidays and a better year to come!


caring community

Sharon Kahn & Helene Schonhaut


  • It is again time to look back to where we have been, and where we want to be, and what we want to accomplish in 2021. It is a time to reset, and it is an opportunity to complete started projects, undertake new ones, and move forward.
  • Through the Caring Community and other Temple committees and teams, we continue to work to make our community better than yesterday; by working together we hope to hear and see, as well as reach out to those who may need a helping hand.
  • It takes people power and time to reach out to those in our Temple Community who need an assist. In order for us to go far, we have to go together. There is strength in numbers, and so we are asking more volunteers to join us! Unfortunately, at this time we are not scheduling meetings, however we are looking ahead to when in person meetings, the second Monday of the month will resume. In the meantime, we are asking you to call the office and leave a message for either Sharon or Helene advising of your interest in joining our group.
  • The Afternoon and Evening Book Clubs, and the Creative Writing Group continue to meet via ZOOM. The Evening Book Club will next meet on Monday, January 4th at 7:30pm to review American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins (rescheduled from December.) The Creative Writing Group will next meet on Tuesday, January 19th. Look for additional information regarding dates, books to be reviewed, times, and ZOOM links in the Wednesday and Sunday Congregational Email Blasts.

Stay warm, stay safe, and stay well…Here’s to a less stressful new calendar year, where we can look forward to seeing everyone in person as soon as possible.

with gratitude

TODA RABA – תודה רבה

kol nidre

  • ANGEL • Ken & Neela Weber
  • CHESED • Barbara Silberman
  • TZEDEKAH • Lorraine & Lester Bertan • Arnold & Sylvia Bloch • Elaine Farber • Cheryl & Steve Levine • Marilyn & Jerome Markowitz • Joyce & Joel Mensoff • Susan & Martin Siroka
  • BENEFACTOR • Lynn & Jay Beber • Marty Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg • Robin & Bob Jacobson • Carole Kaplan • Anonymous • Sandra & David Peskin • Jeffrey & Teresa Weisbrot
  • PATRON  Arline & Jack Cazes • Nancy Eschemuller • Bruce, Maria, Lauren & Marc Gross • Justin Wax Jacobs Family – Helen Jacobs, Leonard Jacobs, Goldie Schwartz, Joseph Schwartz, Eva Jacobs, Samuel Jacobs, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan • Lisa Selkin Lupo • Helaine & Ed Schachter • Janet & Barry Spool
  • SPONSOR  Helen & Bob Bader • Maureen & Steve Berman • Betsy Jacob Bivrano • Andrea & Marc Comerchero and Family • Marc & Michele Gold • Judith & Joseph Kirschner • Debbie, Larry & David Klig • Phyllis & Marc Newman • Arlene Sheff & Family • Ruth Vincent-Sechechtman • Stuart & Judy Weinstock • Irene & Stanley Zorn
  • DONOR • Sharon Adler • Michele & Dennis Baltuch • Florence Baravarian • Sharon Bibergal • Sheila & Martin Bosker • Farhad Bolandakhtari & Nazita Dashitpour • Anonymous • The Chirel Family • Terry & Michael Cutler • Arleen & Ronald Degen • The Diamond Family • Anonymous • Edythe Fastow • Sonia Fink • Vivian E. Floch • Fran Fredrick • Sharon Fricano • Ruth Friedlander • Vivian Goldbaum • Stephen & Barbara Goldberg • Lori & Mark Gordon • David Herz & Janet Stahl • Ronni & Charles Hollanders • Andrea & Doug King • Leslie Kizner • Joel & Sadie Kramer • Rachel & Nicole Lavoie • Terry & Ira Lepzelter • Traci & Victor Levy • Susan & Andre Louis • Estelle Magidson & Family • Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Massey • Lynn Moser • Margery & Edward Orenstein • Beverly Osrow • Phyllis Richards • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg and Family • Barbara Rosenthal (IMO - Philip Kaplan) • Adam Lee Sabel • Burton & Susan Schall • Ron, Barbara, Melissa & Justin Schreiber • June & Jack Schwarz • Felice Tarter • Anonymous • Leo & Jane Tujak • Elaine & Howie Weiss • Sandra Witt • Jeffrey Young • Jerome & Sydell Zelanko
  • PARTICIPANT  Deborah Abramowitz • Anonymous • Jeanie & George Berger • Cindy & Joe Bettelheim • Sharyn & Joel Chanin • Steven & Doreen Geller • Selma Goldberg • Deborah Golob • Muriel Gorochow • Abe & Hanna Kormas • Steven B. Levine • Anonymous • Sandra Lichtenstein • Frances Lowenstein • Andrew & Marilyn Mandell • Mark & Robin Mandell • Lee Newman • Karla & Orlando Osuna • Donald & Lori Panetta • Sandy Portnoy • Anonymous • Rachel Raphael-Kupferberg • Jaynie Rudick • Helene & Alene Schonhaut • Susan & Irwin Schneider • Anonymous • Gerty Wolf • Laurence & Ari Wolfson • Linda Lustig-Zaffos & Jack Zaffos • Howard & Gale Zeidman • Elaine & Morris Zipser


  • ADULT EDUCATION FUND: Marlene Gussin in memory of Carl Gussin • Barbara & Joe Massey in memory of Burt Schall
  • HELEN BADER SPECIAL PROJECT FUND: Howard Bader in memory of Helen Bader • Robert Bader in memory of Helen Bader • Brotherhood in memory of Helen Bader • Ruth Perlman in memory of Helen Bader • Anita Rindner in memory of Helen Bader
  • CARING COMMUNITY FUND: Carolyn Alexander in memory of Sue Hurwitz • Alene Schonhaut in memory of Jack Rosenzweig and Sue Hurwitz
  • MUSIC FUND: Cheryle & Stephen Levine in honor of Cantor Erik Contzius’s Birthday • Barbara & Joseph Massey in honor of Cantor Erik Contzius’s Birthday
  • RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Arnold Deiner for the needy • Chuck Hyman in memory of Burt Schall • Roni Greiff Nelson with gratitude for a wonderful Thanksgiving Interfaith Service • Claire Shapiro in honor of Rabbi Randy Sheinberg • Arlene Sheff in memory of Burt Schall
  • SIMCAH FUND: Florence Baravarian in honor of Cantor Erik Contzius’s Birthday • Lynn & Jay Beber in honor of Cantor Erik Contzius’s Birthday • Robin & Robert Jacobson in honor of Cantor Erik Contzius’s Birthday • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan in honor of Cantor Erik Contzius’s Birthday and the birth of Sarah Tziporrah Steinberg, great-granddaughter of Joan Wiener • Joyce & Joel Mensoff in honor of Cantor Erik Contzius’s Birthday • Sandra & David Peskin in honor of Cantor Erik Contzius’s Birthday • Helaine & Ed Schachter in honor of Cantor Erik Contzius’s Birthday and the birth of Dustin Stanley Berman, grandchild of Maureen & Stephen Berman • Barbara Silberman in honor of Cantor Erik Contzius’s Birthday • Neela & Ken Weber in honor of the birth of Joan Wiener’s great-granddaughter • Stuart & Judy Weinstock in honor of Cantor Erik Contzius’s Birthday
  • SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND: Sisterhood in memory of Jerry Markowitz to honor what would have been his & Marilyn’s 55th Wedding Anniversary on December 19th 2020
  • TEMPLE TIKVAH MEMORIAL FUND: Karla Adass in memory of Julius Adasse • Muriel Adler in memory of Betty Hersh, Burt Schall, and Sue Hurwitz • Carolyn Alexander in memory of Aaron Alexander • Marian & Seth Baskin in memory of Beatrice Baskin • Lorraine & Lester Bertan in memory of Anne Appel, Howard Bertan, and Burt Schall • Susan & Howard Birnbaum in memory of Burt Schall • Betsy Jacobs Biviano in memory of Jacob Noll • Arnold & Sylvia Bloch in memory of Marion Schiedbel, Florence Bloch, Burt Schall, and Stanley Bloch • Bernice Bloch in memory of Florence Bloch and Marion Schiebel • Linda Borah in memory of Burt Schall • Brotherhood in memory of Jack Rosenzweig, Sue Hurwitz, and Betty Klig • Arline & Jack Cazes in memory of Betty Klig • Michael & Talia Cohen in memory of Loretta & George Cohen • Vivian Floch in memory of Ruth & Walter Floch • Julie & Allan Ghamar in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Marc & Michele Gold in memory of Ann Pauline Gold, Gilbert Gold, Evelyn Gold, and Sarah Lasker • Vivien Goldbaum & Norm Feder in memory of Burt Schall • Dean Hernan in memory of David Rosenstroch, Ruth Hernan, and Sebastiana Hernan • Lois & Richard Howard in memory of Melone Weintraub and Robert Howard • Vivian Kleiner & Angel Rivera in memory of Burt Schall • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan in memory of Jack Rosenzweig and Burt Schall • Cheryle & Stephen Levine in memory of Arthur Wener and Annette Barbara Tanker • Susan & Andre Louis in memory of Burt Schall • Judith & Donald Marcus in memory of Jerome Markowitz • Barbara & Joe Massey in memory of Burt Schall, William Massey, Robert Massey, and Jacob Freedman • Joyce & Joel Mensoff in memory of Sue Hurwitz • Lynn Moser in memory of Sonya Okun • Drs. Joanne & Martin Neff in memory of Dr. Martin Moliver and Emma Moliver Nestel • Lee Newman in memory of Erwin Singer • Lois & Seymour Newman in memory of Jack Rosenzweig • Sandra & David Peskin in memory of Pearl Cohen, Lawrence Hershon, Sue Hurwitz, and Betty Klig • Suzanne Plastrik in memory of Harvey Plastrik • Phyllis & Richard Ravens and Family in memory of Lena Barocas and Howard Goldberg • Rochelle Rice in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Helaine & Ed Schachter in memory of Dora Levine, Michele Levine, Shirley Levine, Fannie Rosenblum, and Burt Schall • Susan Schall in memory of Sara Schall • Jack & June Schwarz in memory of Ellen Schwarz • Claire Shapiro in memory of Lila Linzer and Morton Linzer • Janet & Barry Spool in memory of Jack Rosenzweig and Burt Schall • Roslyn & Burton Tropp in memory of Sol Tropp and Max Goldman • Carolyn & Daniel Weissfeld in memory of David Weiss and Stewart Weiss • Irene Heimrath & Stanley Zorn in memory of Burt Schall

* THE HELEN BADER SPECIAL PROJECTS FUND - Bob Bader has set up the Helen Bader Special Projects Fund in honor of his late wife Helen. Helen & Bob have been members of Temple Tikvah for over 60 years. Together they contributed their time and their love, and always showed their commitment to Reform Judaism and our Synagogue. Please join Bob in honoring Helen's dedication to our Temple Community and consider donating to this special fund when you are thinking of making a contribution to Temple Tikvah.

in loving memory


*january's calendar

  • FRIDAY, JANUARY 1st – Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, JANUARY 2nd – Torah Study at 9:00am
  • MONDAY, JANUARY 4th – Conversations & Coping with Rabbi Sheinberg at 4:30pm and Evening Book Club Meeting at 7:30pm
  • TUESDAY, JANUARY 5th – Sisterhood Board Meeting at 7:30pm
  • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6th - Brotherhood Meeting at 7:00pm and Jewish Music & More at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, JANUARY 7th - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm & Meditation at 7:00pm
  • FRIDAY JANUARY 8th –Meditation at 6:30pm & Family Shabbat Service with Organ at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, JANUARY 9th – Torah Study at 9:00am; Junior Congregation at 9:30am; and Tikvah Tots at 10:30am
  • SUNDAY, JANUARY 10th – Religious School & Religious School Committee Meeting at 9:45pm
  • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13th - RAC-NY, The Reform Movement’s Statewide Social Justice Effort Webinar and Jewish Music & More at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, JANUARY 14th - RAC-NY, The Reform Movement’s Statewide Social Justice Effort Webinar & On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, JANUARY 15th -Meditation at 6:45pm & Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, JANUARY 16th - Torah Study at 9:00am
  • TUESDAY, JANUARY 19th - Writing Group Meeting
  • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20th - Jewish Music & More at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, JANUARY 21st – On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm & Meditation at 7:00pm
  • FRIDAY, JANUARY 22nd – Tikvah Tots at 6:30pm & Shabbat Services at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, JANUARY 23rd - Torah Study at 9:00am; Contemplative Service at 10:15am; Lifelong Learning at 10:45am; and Havdalah Pizza Making at 5:30pm
  • SUNDAY, JANUARY 24th – Religious School; Religious School Parent Event at 9:30am; Religious School Tu B’Shevat Program; and Virtual Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • MONDAY, JANUARY 25th - Conversations & Coping with Rabbi Sheinberg at 4:00pm
  • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27th - Jewish Music & More at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, JANUARY 28th – TU B’SHEVAT / On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, JANUARY 29th – Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, JANUARY 30th – Torah Study at 9:00am & Teen Event
  • SUNDAY, JANUARY 31st – Religious School & Mitzvah Choir



Editor at Large - Alene Schonhaut, Assistant Editor - Madeleine Wolf & Jay Beber - Cover Design & Consultant

Photography Credits:

David Peskin, Alene Schonhaut, Cheryl Stern & Teresa Weisbrot


Created with images by DarkmoonArt_de - "tulips space wood" • Bessi - "flower lily lilium candidum" • Myriams-Fotos - "cup of coffee appointment calendar coffee break"

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