Go Phillies!!! Our first baseball game June 4, 2016

Our day started with a fancy breakfast at Logan hotel. Besides the creativity in menu, the ambience was superb.
Thanks to Bryan's former colleagues at Pepper Hamilton. We were impressed--front row seats at Diamon Club. We were so close to the Phillies' base!!!

I normally take naps during baseball game. So before the game, I asked Bryan to explain to me the basic rules. He was paitiently telling me what's going on during the entire game. Not only did I not fall asleep this time, I was shouting and cheering like a huge fan of Phillies. Good job, Bryan!

Who wants a photo with Phanatic?! Haha:P My very first Phillies' hat. Thanks babe!
Phillies didn't win this game but we will always be there for you! See you next year!^_^

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