
Pleased to be back Nursery, spring term week 1

It was genuinely lovely being reunited as a class after our holidays. There were plenty of hugs and smiles. The children have been fabulous at sharing their stories of what they got up to at circle time.

We eagerly launched straight back into our learning, starting with the opportunity to play with our peers. This week we have had a little recap on our classroom rules; we are kind, we are caring, and we take turns. Great efforts towards these are awarded with gold stars so if your child comes home saying they've been given lots of golden stars then they have been fantastic.

In our guided groups for literacy we have been singing songs and looking very closely at the shapes our mouths make when we speak. We discovered different sounds make different shapes and we can control these. It was very funny! This brings awareness to speech-sounds, an all important step towards being able to read individual sounds before learning to read words.

Say 'eeee'.
Saying 'Quack' in the song 'Old Macdonald had a farm'.
We loved making the alarm clock sound 'brrrrrrrrring!'.

In our maths we have been looking again at subitizing (great video link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSlA-u_ABmU ) as this helps us with our number sense. Our special number this week was '2' and we found lots of examples of this. Some of us had a go at writing representations of two on the whiteboards.

The children found two fruits.
Having a go at writing 2.
Two objects and a written representation of 2.

There was a little snow this week, hurray! And lots and lots of glorious play.

I can tell we are all well rested as this week has been a super happy week.