Producer, Consumer, or Decomposer The study of the world's organisms
An organism is an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form. There are several different types of organisms such as producers, consumers, and decomposers.
Nature is filled with organisms.
Given examples of what the different types of organisms are, the students will be able to discuss organisms in a student discussion area will be able to label the different types of organisms with 3/3 questions answered correctly on the question portion.
This beautiful creature is a consumer.
Assessment time:
- Follow the link provided to have an open class discussion. You will make a post of 250 words about the how the food chain process works and its importance to the world around us.
- In addition to this you will then write a brief 100-150 words about what where you think you as a human lie within the food chain. The post must consist of specific examples of producers, consumers, and decomposers as well as at least 3 pictures to go along with their post.
- Once the student has created his or her post, he or she will then comment on 3 other students' posts in at least 150 words. The comments must be meaningful and have kind, constructive criticism for the other students to build off of.
- Once your personal assignment is done, the group that you chose for yourself will go to the second page of the document and create their own food chain using photos and text-boxes.
Nature holds the beauty of the world!
Answer the following questions on a separate Google document and then share it with Ms. Massey at .
- What type of organism breaks down dead plants and animals for energy? A. Producer, B. Consumer, or C. Decomposer
- Which of the following is an example of a Consumer? A. Tree, B. Dolphin, or C. Mushroom
- Where do Producers get their energy from? A. By breaking down dead plants and animals, B. By eating other organisms, or C. Makes its own using sunlight, air, and soil
End of Assignment. Make sure all work is submitted.
Created with images by Unsplash - "barley cereal grain" • danfador - "tree dawn nature" • Alexas_Fotos - "giraffe zoo animal" • Gnilenkov Aleksey - "mushrooms" • btfrewinphotography - "waterfall long exposure water"