How to use Adobe Spark Training for SHS Teachers

In the Beginning...

To begin you will need to create an account. Go to:

Then click on the "Get Started" button. This will bring up the login window.

This is the login screen. As you can see you are able to use your Facebook or Google account information or create a new account.

Once logged in, you have the choice to make a new post, page, or video.

A post is similar to posts done in social media. They are short and focused on a topic. A "Page" acts like a webpage. It allows you to create a robust presentation that acts like a webpage. The video is an animated way to present information. The only draw back is you cannot embed a video in it.

For this professional development, I chose page for this presentation. The page begins with a blank template:

This is a view of blank page.

This is fairly boring.

Let's start with picking a theme. In the top right corner is the theme button:

There are approximately 13 themes to choose from.

You can click through the themes to see what each look like. I chose "Storybook." this sets up the font style and color. You can change the theme at anytime.

The next step:

Choose a background picture for your title page. Click on the "Photo" button at the bottom of the title page.

When clicked, a list of options are given to indicate where to get photo:

Photo options.

I used the "Upload" button and pulled from my "Pictures" folder. You can now add your title and subtitle for your page. This is my completed title page:

The search feature in the Photos menu pulls pictures from the robust picture gallery of Adobe Spark. These pictures are copyright free for use in you Spark page, post, or video. Creative Cloud and Lightroom are both Adobe subscription programs that you would have posted photos. You can pull photos from your Dropbox Account and Google Photos if you have uploaded to these areas.

This is one of the pictures from the Adobe Photo Gallery.

From the title page, you are ready to add photos, text, buttons, videos, photo grids, or slideshows. Just click on the "+" at the bottom of the title page and the options bubble appears:

Options to add to your page.

Options to add to your page: Photos and text

Each option is easy to use, just click and follow the on screen instructions. We have already talked about placing photos. The text is just as easy. Once you click on the "T" icon, a cursor appears and you are given several options:

Text options.

If you want to have the font be similar to the title page click on H1

This is a sample of H1.

This is a sample of h2.

If you just want to do the basic text font, do not choose either.

The "B" and "I" are used to bold or italicize the letters. You can use the alignment icons to left, center, or right justify the text.

The quote marks allow format the text as a quote:

"To be or not to be...."

The next two icons allow for bulleted or numeric lists.

Below is an example of a numeric list:

  1. Click on the plus sign
  2. Choose the icon you want to add
  3. Select the preferences
  4. etc. ...

The final icon (above) is for creating a hyperlink to a webpage: You first type the text that you are going to link, in my case I used Killeen ISD's website. You highlight the text, click on the hyperlink icon, and enter the address. The link is then embedded in your Spark Page.


The button icon on the main options bubble works in a similar manner. You click on the button icon, enter both the text and web address you want to link. It then creates the button with the text. I did this in the beginning of this tutorial with the Adobe Spark button.


So far we have covered adding pictures, text, and button (links) to your Spark page. Then next is to add videos. First find the video you want to show and copy the video link. Then, click the video icon in your Spark Page. Paste the link in the appropriate space and click save. Below is the video on how to make beaded lizards.

Then, click the video icon in your Spark Page. Paste the link in the appropriate space and click save. Below is the video on how to make beaded lizards.

OPTIONS TO ADD TO YOUR PAGE: Photo Grid and Slide Show

The final two icons are the Photo Grid and Glideshow. These are used to create a visual of information through photos.

This is a photo grid. As you choose pictures, it automatically creates the grid. you are able to move the pictures around in a limited fashion and even go back and edit the grid by adding and deleting photos.


The Glideshow it a bit different. You choose the pictures to be used in the page. The pictures become the background and you add text and other information to the pictures. As you scroll through the page, the pictures move and the information appears.

Great Blue Heron

The heron was photographed as he takes off from the bay in Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia.

House Finch

Found all around Texas, this house finch stopped for a bite to eat before moving on from South Llano State Park, Junction, Texas.


This female hummingbird is picking up cotton to line her nest. Several species of hummingbirds are found throughout South Llano State Park, Junction, Texas in the spring and summer.

Brown Pelican

Though called brown, they are normally a blueish gray color in the spring during the mating season. This male is very colorful and hopes to attract a mate. Photo taken in Port Aransas, Texas.

Whooping Cranes

The whooping cranes migrate and winter in the Texas Gulf Coast (region and points south. The adult female is teacher her offspring how to find food in the tide waters.

Great White Heron

Considered a white phase of the Great Blue Heron, these birds can be found throughout the Gulf Coast region from Florida to Texas. Photographed in Rockport, Texas.


Anhinga are found near bodies of water in the southern United States and south into Mexico and Central America. Even in the swamps of Louisiana.

My page is done, now what?

Preview and share your page!

You have added all your pictures, text, videos, etc. to your page. Now what do you do?

First, preview your page. Click on the "Preview" button at the top of your page. This will allow you to see the page before publishing and sharing it with others. Take time to look and read all the content. Check the flow to make sure it is in the order you intended. You can close the preview window and then tweak the content of your page until it is just right.

Once your video is perfect, you are now ready to share it with family, friends, and/or the world. To begin, click on the "Share" button at the top of the video.

You will need to complete the information listed:

Story Details: This is where you list the Title, Subtitle, select a category, your name as author and whether or not you want your name to appear.

More Options: This is were you give credit to any photos or videos someone else has made and you are using. It is also where you can take credit for the photos or videos clips that you have personally made.

Remove Adobe Spark Branding: This can only be removed if you have a paid subscription to Adobe Spark.

Get Noticed: You can make your video searchable for anyone to find. If you click it in the off position, a person will need to have the link to access the video.

Now click on "Create Unlisted Link," if you want to control who views the or "Create Public Link," f you have chosen to share with the you can share your video with your friends and family.

Once the link has been generate, you can share with others through Facebook, Twitter, Email, or embed. FYI, the embed code can be used in Schoology.


You have completed your first Adobe Spark Page!

Final Tips

Tip #1: Plan your page first by collecting all the content (video links, pictures, text, etc.) and make a rough outline on what and where you want to present the information on the Spark Page.

Tip #2: Preview, preview, preview to ensure the flow of the page is logical and the content is displaying as you intended.

Tip #3: If you make any changes after publishing the link, make sure you go through the "Share" process again to "Update" the published page.

Created By
Joyce Howard


Racing Lizard (title page) taken by J. Howard

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