Cold War Pop Culture Bekah Lamoureux

1) Forever Young by Alphaville

This seems like a cheery song but in all reality it is about the fear of nuclear war umong th people.

2) Lay your weapons down by RKL

There is a line in this song saying "don't forget about what happened in WWII" , and it is asking them to stop the war in a way.

3) Rockabye Baby by Roger Waters

This song actually references an anti-war film called "when the wind blows". Also it references President Reagan himself and the decisions he had been making.

4) Under pressure by queen

Many think that this is a coming out song, but it actually can be taken to the assumption that it is about Reagan being under pressure of pushing the button.

5) Breathing by Kate Bush

In this song she talks about the atomic bombs and the fear.

6) masters of war by Bob Dylan

He wrote this song because he was completely against all of the wars and conflicts that led up to the Cold War.

7) 1999 by prince

Waiting and seeing if the Russians would shoot missles

8) 2 minutes to midnight by iron maiden

It's trying to portray that neither country is better than the other.

9) Armageddon by Planet P

About the nuclear weapons and the coas that they cause

10) bullet the blue sky by U2

Written about the u.s. Interference in the El Salvidor civil war.

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