
Cryogenic cleaning (dry ice blasting) MPW’s cryogenic cleaning services are fast, eco-friendly, cost-effective and a great resource when cleaning with water is not an option.

While traditional blasting materials such as sand or chemicals require post-cleaning waste removal, blasting with dry ice eliminates this step due to the instant vaporization of the dry-ice pellets upon contact. This mini-mizes disposal to only a residue. Cryogenic cleaning also eliminates the need to dismantle equipment, short-ening stoppage times and effectively maximizing production. At MPW, we are dedicated to reliably enhancing operational efficiencies and minimizing costs. With this service, we are able to reduce downtime, increasing the life of your equipment and eliminating unnecessary costs.


  • Safe on virtually any surface
  • Non-abrasive and non-conductive
  • Approved by EPA, FDA and USDA
  • Adjustable blast pressure
  • Able to clean around delicate or expensive equipment with minor prep
  • Eliminates risks of decontamination and releasing toxic chemicals


  • No post-cleaning waste
  • Shorter stoppage times
  • Improves production quality by reducing defects caused by dirty equipment
  • Increases life of equipment