
Deep in the Ocean by: Alexandrea


Did you know that less than 5% of our ocean is discovered? We haven't searched hard enough! Here are some fun facts about the ocean! The deepest any human has gone into the ocean is 35,853 feet. About 94% of the world's wildlife is found in the ocean. Jelly fish have been around for more than 650 million years. Which means that they outdate both dinosaurs and sharks. An octopus has three hearts and its blood is also blue. A group of stingrays is called a fever. I hope you liked the fun facts. You will learn more about the deep dark secrets of the ocean in my presentation!


Arctic / Pacific

The difference between the Arctic and Pacific ocean is that the Pacific is the deepest and biggest ocean, and the Arctic is the shallowest and the smallest ocean. The Arctic ocean only covers 1.3% of the earth. Its called the frozen ocean because of its ice burgs and sea ice. Did you know that this ocean is actually only 8% the size of the Pacific ocean? The Pacific ocean is the largest ocean on the planet. This ocean covers 30% of the earth. The Pacific is so large its bigger than the landmass of all the continents combined. The continents that meet the Pacific ocean is Asia and Australia. The only thing that both oceans have in common is that they both meet North America. The two oceans are connected by the Bering Strait, which is a sea. It's the only marine gateway between the icy Arctic and the warm Pacific.


Below is an order and sequence about beluga whales.

So smart!
  1. Beluga whales are so smart. Their IQ , 155, is higher than a human's normal IQ which is 85 - 115. They can do tricks but not like you think. They can alter their face expressions, swim on their back and unlike most whales, as the neck is so well defined, they can turn their heads.
Beluga: mmm!

2. What do belugas eat you say? Well they eat octopus, squid, crabs, shrimp, snails, clams and sandworms. They also eat a variety of fish, including salmon, eulachon, cod, herring, smelt, and flatfish. Animals that eat beluga's are polar bears and killer whales.

Peter Simon Pallas

3. Beluga whales have been around for 9 to 10 million years. Belugas were first discovered in 1776, by Peter Simon Pallas, in the Arctic and sub-Arctic waters.

Problem and Solution

Problem: Sharks are endangered, they are getting hunted, caught in nets, and eating our garbage that pollutes the ocean.

I'm endangered.

Soulution #1: We can set a law that hunting sharks are now illegal. If people still try to do it they will get a warning then if they do it again they get sent to jail for 3 days or more depending on how bad it is. We can find a way to make nets more safe for sea animals. Scientists can put together a dissolvable net that does not hurt sea animals.

uh oh!

Solution #2: As sharks continue to eat our garbage we will find a way to stop polluting the ocean. We could use recycling much more often than we do. We can raise money to help stop polluting and save sharks. Some celebrities are raising money to help sharks right now!

Cause and Effect

Fish: Ahh plastic!
Cause and Effect!
Endangered Sea Turtle :(

Fun Facts

  1. We have better maps of mars than we do of the ocean floor.
  2. About 98% of the ocean's species live in, on, or just above the ocean floor.
  3. Coral Reefs are animals not plants.
  4. The anlgerfish can swim fast if they want to and close to being endangered.
  5. A group of dolphins is called a pod.


Fever: This type of fever is not the type when you get sick. This fever means a group of stingrays.

Alter: Alter means change. For example: "I can alter my emotions."

Eulachon: An eulachon is a type of fish.


Created with images by NaturePicsFilms - "Bait ball in coral reef of Caribbean Sea around Curacao at dive site Playa Grandi" • Janos - "Bottlenose Dolphins (tursiops truncatus) pod in Galapagos." • Jo - "Bearded seal floats on piece of ice in the Artic waters near Svalbard." • Tom Nevesely - "Yaquina Head Lighthouse, Oregon, USA" • zhaubasar - "Small lake form of European perch (Perca fluviatilis)" • VisionDive - "Great white shark showing the eye and sharp teeth rows in blue water" • whitcomberd - "An abandoned ghost fishing net entangled on a murky, damaged tropical coral reef in Myanmar" • frank29052515 - "Environmental pollution of plastic water bottle in the ocean" • leonardogonzalez - "Sea turtle resting in a shipwreck Espiritu santo National Park, Baja California Sur,Mexico."