Attn: BlakeGirls!
Do you want to help change people's lives for the better by coding an app- then you would be perfect for joining Blake's Technovation Teams! You don't have to be an expert at coding or anything, just someone who likes to work with others, contribute ideas, and be willing to learn new things like coding, giving a pitch, and more!
What is Technovation?
Technovation offers girls around the world the opportunity to learn the necessary skills to become tech entrepreneurs and leaders. Girls ages 10 to 18 learn to identify a problem in their community and create a mobile app solution to address that problem, and then learn how to communicate these ideas and translate them into a fully launched business.
When do we meet?
Blake's Technovation Teams (@blakecoders) meet every Tuesday after school until 4pm from November-April. Your individual teams of 3-5 girls should also try to meet an additional time each week too. It could be during lunch or meeting at a team member's house or through google hangout, etc.
*Our regular meetings will begin Tuesday, November 29th.
MASS TLCEF organizes wonderful events for all Technovation Teams in MA! Check out their website for special upcoming events and workshops at Microsoft, MIT and other cool places !
Now, watch the video below-- did you recognize any Blakers?!!
Our first meeting starts this Tuesday (Nov. 30th) after school in room 206! Please see Ms. Horvath for more information! #girlsforchange