- Average Rainfall: 20 inches during wet season & 4 inches during dry season
- Average Temperature: 68 degrees- 86 degrees
- The African Savanna has a wet and dry season. The wet season is between May through November, and the dry season is between October through March. The dry season comes in the low sun period and the wet season comes in the high sun period. They have wet-dry climate.
Net Primary Productivity
The African Savanna Grassland has a medium Net Primary Productivity, and a lower number of kilocalories per square meter per day, compared to other biomes. The Savanna Grassland has similar types of land to the Temperate Grassland, and also 21% of the earth's land surface. The latitude of this biome is 15 degrees N and 30 degrees S. Also the African Savanna is able to sustain vast amounts of different species and has much biodiversity.
Soil Quality
The soil of the african savanna grassland is very porous, with rapid drainage of water. There is a thin layer of humus, a portion of soil created by partial decomposition of plants and animals, which provide nutrients for vegetation.
Invasive and Endangered
Grevy's Zebra
There are about 2000 Grevy's Zebras in the African Savanna, making them endangered. This is due to disintegration of their habitat and hunting of humans.
African Elephant
These African elephants are endangered because of the massive amount of over hunting for their tusks and also the destruction of their habitat.
Solenopsis Geminata
These types of ants are nicknamed the "fire ant." They are replacing the local ant species and eliminating other arthropods. These small changes can drastically effects the food chain.
Animals in the Biome
African Giraffe
The African giraffe's extreme heights allows then to reach higher for food and also to spot things that other animals cannot. Their long tongue also allows them to reach leaves even higher up.
Black Rhino
The black rhino has many qualities to help them survive. They have a thick layer of skin to protect them from the sharp grasses and thorns. Also they have thick padded feet to absorb shock and cushion legs.
Burchell's Zebra
Burchell's Zebras have developed many adaptations to survive in the African savanna. Some discourage predators and parasites, some help them feed and take advantage of food sources, and some help their herding behavior.
plants in the biome
River Bushwillow
The river bushwillow likes warm and dry climate. It has also developed many adaptations like hydrophilic root system and thick bark.
Bermuda Grass
Bermuda grass is a sun loving warm season grass, it grows in areas where there are frequent disturbances. It also changes from green to brown as the temperature changes.
Umbrella Thorn Acacia Tree
The umbrella thorn acacia tree is a common tree that grows in sand dunes and rocky grounds. It can grow with very little rainfall and can survive extreme hot temperatures to extremely low temperatures.