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Teaching Online Workshops 2020-21 The Teaching Online Workshops series aim to demonstrate and share good practice in teaching with use of technology.


Building Communities of Online Learning

Jaco Renken and Natalie Cunningham, SEED - 1 October 2020

Previously run as part of the specialist SEED Covid-19 teaching and learning working group webinar series, this interactive session is designed to help support colleagues as we work towards providing an excellent student experience for the academic year 2020/21.

We know that a sense of community is important in the student learning experience. Chaired by Jaco Renken and Natalie Cunningham, at this webinar, we will discuss the various goals and type of online communities. We will look at the role of the online facilitator as well as providing some detailed activity based guidance. Attend the webinar, if you would like to walk away with some practical techniques to deliver online communities.


Working together to make work lighter

Jennie Blake, Manchester Library - 2 November 2020

Jennie led an interactive seminar exploring ways to support and encourage staff collaboration. The session illustrated ways to structure sharing of best practice that can lead to successful collaboration and smoother ways of working. Participants were asked to explore what might work in their context and take away practical steps for their own work.

Library Virtual Teaching Team (Teams site)


Discussing Online

Ralf Becker, SoSS - 2nd December 2-3pm

In this workshop we will think about the practice of running discussion boards in University students. How can they be used to facilitate good communication between staff and students but also between students.


HE Pedagogies with International Students

Jenna Mittelmeier, SEED - 15th December 2020, 1pm

This session will focus on practical guidance for developing pedagogies with international students, with a focus on support for distance and blended teaching in international contexts. At the end of the session there will be the opportunity for questions and discussions.


Using Padlet to enhance the Student Experience.

Ruby Hammer, SoSS - 25th January 2021, 2-2:30pm

The session will provide an overview to Padlet but especially showcase ways how Padlet can be used for a number of purposes – from engaging students to actively participate in asynchronous teaching to effectively handling exam queries. Experience and tips on use will be shared


Intercultural Zoomery in a time of COVID: developing an intercultural simulation online

Richard Fay, Shikiko Ono & Karenne Sylvester, SEED - 15th February 2021, 2.00pm

MIE has been running an onsite intercultural simulation every year to help prepare new students to become confident and competent members of the student community. The COVID-19 pandemic and switch to online teaching and learning forced a rethink, and in this session, we’ll be sharing the development process we used to come up with a Zoom-based IC simulation, in conjunction with the Hum eLearning team and MIE teaching colleagues. We also outline the workings of the simulation, present the reflections of participants when it was run with the new 2020-21 cohort of MA TESOL students, and discuss the knock-on effects since. * You can also read more about this in the TESOL ICIS Newsletter

Workshop 7

Developing Distance Learning

Rebecca Bennett

In the workshop we explored different ways you might develop distance and online courses and materials, and why doing so might enhance your on-campus teaching and your career. We explore any questions you might have about developing this kind of learning experience in your area, including where to get support.

Workshop 8

Building and maintaining online communities

Ruth Fordham, Karenne Sylvester & Charlotte Warden

This session built on the Building Communities of Online Learning webinar earlier in this series. (You can rewatch this here)

We illustrated how we practically applied the Community of Inquiry framework in order to build and maintain a community of over 1000 students and discussed what worked, what didn’t, and how this is driving changes for the upcoming academic year.

Workshop 9

Cohere - Assessment for learning through informal/formal connections

Amanda Banks Gatenby

The Humanities Innovation in Teaching (HIT) fund, through a collaboration with Manchester Innovation Factory and the Student Software Company, has supported the development of a prototype mobile application with potential to work as a scalable assessment for learning tool. This provides visualisations or learning journey maps of how students relate and apply what they learn in their courses to their wider studies and extra-curricular activities. In this session we will introduce the prototype and share the roadmap for further development and the opportunities for developing educational technologies ‘in-house.’

Workshop 10

Co-designing the Curriculum

Ali Owrack, AMBS

This session presented the journey and experience taken in order to deliver a co-designed curriculum with both employers and students' active engagement, and how an opportunity was provided to review the role of student and employer collaboration in teaching.