
Explained: What do all the LGBTQIA+ flags mean ashley caceres-sanchez

As we change, our regular day-to-day norms have changed as well. Now in society, we have different categories for people with other identifications. We use the title LGBTQIA+, which many people use to identify themselves and not just their sexuality, it is also used to help identify someone's gender. With so many sexualities that LGBTQIA+ encompasses, many people are confused as to what certain sexualities are.

The term lesbian is when women are attracted to others of the same gender. The lesbian flag is a seven-stripe flag that consists of Dark orange, Orange, light orange, white, pink, dusty pink, and dark rose.

Gay means when men are attracted to others of the same gender. The gay flag is a seven-stripe flag that has a gradient of greens and blues.

Bisexual is being attracted to both females and males. The Bisexual flag comes with three colors which are pink, blue, and purple.

Transgender is those who identify as a different gender other than the one that was put on their birth certificate, the transgender flag consists of five stripes two light blue, two pink, and one white.

Intersex is when a person is born with a reproductive system that doesn't fit the female or male category. This one Is a yellow flag with a purple circle in the middle.

Asexuals are those who don't feel any attraction to anyone whether it be sexually or physically. The asexual flag has four colors which are yellow, white, purple, and black.

Agender are those who don't identify as any gender. The agender flag has 7 stripes black, gray, white, green, white, gray, black

Demisexual is someone who only feels sexual attraction to people with whom they had a close emotional bond. The demisexual flag has a black triangle on the left side and two white lines on the top and bottom with a thin purple in the middle.

Genderfluid is the change in someone's gender expression gender identity or both this can change from every month, every week, every day, to some moments of the day. The Genderfluid flag has 5 stripes pink, white, purple, black, and blue.

Graysexual is for people in between asexuality and sexuality. This flag has 5 colors it starts with purple then to gray, white, gray, and finally another purple.

Non-binary is for those whose gender does not fit the male and female category. The non-binary flag has 4 colors which are yellow, white, purple, and black.

Pansexual is having desires for everyone no matter the gender. The pansexual flag has 3 colors a pink yellow and blue stripe.

Polyamorous is when you are in a relationship with more than one person. Its flag has 4 colors a blue, red, and black stripe and a yellow pi symbol in the middle.

Sapiosexual is when you are attracted to smarts no matter the gender. This flag has 3 colors green, brown, and blue.

Two-spirit, also known as the third gender, is to identify queer Native Americans. This flag is a rainbow flag with two black and white feathers in the middle.