Coastal Miwok

Food: The miwok ate skunk,bats,and some type of snake.

Clothing: The wemon wore a two piece apron like skirt made out of deerskin.The men wore a piece of deerskin around their hips.

Shelter: Their houses were round and made out of willow tree wood.Their houses were small and had a fire place in the middle.A smoke hole was covered with seal skin so that the rain wouldn't get in.

Tools: The miwok were skilled at making baskets.Tule reed was used to make mats.

Population: The coastal miwok population in 1770 was estimated to be about 1500 people.

Rituals: The miwok held a dance to celebrate the capture of a bear,deer, or salmon.They also held a dance for a young person becoming an adult.Most of the time only men danced.They would wear a feather headdress.

Miwok headdress

Weapons: The miwok used bows ,arrows, and spear tips to hunt for food.

Additional facts: The coastal miwok were part of the notheren members. They also met explore Sir Francis Drake in 1579.

Why you should visit: You may learn how to get food. The Miwok ate a lot of things that washed up on the shore.You might have a lot of fun learning new things. You can make a basket out of willow sticks.The women were the only ones that made the baskets.

Willow sticks


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