
The Kaleidoscope Newsletter Vol. 4: Issue 13, March 7, 2022

Greetings Everyone,

I hope this message finds you well and enjoying this unusually warm day! We have had some really wonderful events these past few weeks and it has been a joy to see so many of you IN PERSON! The Graduate School and the ADI Team are currently busy working to secure another amazing cohort of graduate students. It is incredible to meet prospective graduate students and learn about their passions and interests, especially those that we have had the pleasure of getting to know throughout their journey. It prompted me to simply remind you of your own spark, curiosity, and passions. I hope you have an opportunity this week to spend time doing something that inspires your creativity and passions! More than that, I hope that you take a moment to rest.

Cheers to a restful and restorative week!

All the best, Dean Miller

Add upcoming ADI events to your Google Calendar!

Click the "Google Calendar" button below, then click "+Google"




Highlights from recent ADI Events!

Cocoa an Comfort at the Graduate College, Feb. 25th, and ADI/BGC Skate Night at Roller Magic, Feb. 27th!



“Your life becomes a masterpiece when you learn to master peace.”



GSP is...

Community, social support, academic support, intellectual support, moral support, and much more!

Grad Scholars in need of support can contact Assistant Director of Diversity Initiatives Nova Smith at novas@princeton.edu.




McNair National Conference

March 17th - March 20th

At the National Conference for McNair Scholars and Undergraduate Research attendees gain a venue for networking, learning about graduate school programs, hearing from distinguished guests and panelists, and enjoying the sense of community that McNair programs around the country share. All students, particularly McNair and Student Support Services participants, are invited to attend! Featured workshops, social gatherings, and McNair Staff meetings are part of the experience at our Conference.





How to Answer "Tell Me About Yourself" While Managing Your Networking Anxiety

March 18th, 1pm


In this interactive workshop, we will cover how to answer the initial introductory question that leads most all interviews and networking events: “Tell me about yourself?”, while learning how to manage our networking anxiety. Successfully responding to this question will help to build your confidence and convey the image you want interviewers to see in you.




Check out more for Women*s History Month!


Mental Health and Well-being Resources

*Click on images to scroll through flyers.



American University: Summer Diversity Academy

Application Deadline: April 1

The goal of the Summer Diversity Academy is to provide an opportunity for scholars underrepresented among public affairs faculty to receive quality feedback on research projects and mentoring advice on strategic planning of an academic career. The program will provide a one week in residence experience at the American University School of Public Affairs in the Department of Public Administration and Policy. The program is open to advanced PhD students and junior faculty. The program will provide constructive criticism for the participants from American University faculty and fellow attendees on the participants’ research projects. Additional sessions will focus on the publication process, peer reviewing of manuscripts, creating professional networks, and the job market in public affairs.


Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad

University Submission Deadline: March 28th

The grant offers 6 to 12 months of funding for dissertation research for U.S. citizens and permanent residents in modern foreign language and area studies. Absolute priority is given to research projects that focus on one or more of the following geographic areas: Africa, East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, South Asia, the Near East, Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia, and the Western Hemisphere (excluding the United States and its territories). Applications that propose projects focused exclusively on Western Europe and/or ancient, medieval, or pre-modern topics will not be considered eligible.

Please contact Elaine Willey at ewilley@princeton.edu in The Graduate School for details and submission information.


The ADI Team

Sign-up to receive news from the Access, Diversity and Inclusion team, including upcoming events, fellowship opportunities, and more!