Justinian the Emperor! By: Michael kerNan

Justinian has ruled for 38 years so he has tons of experience being emperor. He would be perfect for president because he knows all about runing a country. He conquered the western Roman Empire including Africa, Italy, Dalmatia, and southern hispania.

Justinian invented the Justinian code. This code is basically how our laws were invented. This is also a good reason he should become president because without his influences our laws would be much different today.

Justinian even created the Hagia Sophia by using 10,000 workers so he knows how to create jobs. That would be a good president! He also helped mosaics grow in popularity. Justinian influenced the invention of the advanced alphabet called Cyrillic. He was very concerned about education, so he made sure everyone got a good education. He wanted to do this because he was poor and his uncle gave him a great education. If he was president of the United States he would make sure even the poor got a good education.

Justinian's wife was Theadora who was the champion of the rights of women. She worked hard to get rid of human trafficking. Because of this, Justinian made laws that helped women.

Justinian is a great man, and I hope you vote for him in the presidential election!

Created with images by Dimitry B - "Basilica of San Vitale, Ravenna" • eleephotography - "Basilica Cistern, Istanbul"

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