Ducksters Ancient rome

The "family" in Rome included more than just the basic family of father, mother, and children. It also included all the people who were part of the household such as the slaves and servants. As a result, some families in Rome grew quite large. The emperor's family often included thousands of members.
Poor families would sometimes sell their children into slavery if they could not afford to feed them. As bad as this sounds, this sometimes meant a better life for the child.
Construction on the Colosseum was started in 72 AD by the emperor Vespasian. It was finished eight years later in 80 AD.
The Colosseum was huge. It could seat 50,000 people. It covers around 6 acres of land and is 620 feet long, 512 feet wide, and 158 feet tall. It took more than 1.1 million tons of concrete, stone, and bricks to complete the Colosseum.
The baths were also a place for socializing. Friends would meet up at the baths to talk and have meals. Sometimes men would hold business meetings or discuss politics.
The Romans built aqueducts to carry fresh water from lakes or rivers to the cities. Roman engineers constantly monitored the water levels and aqueducts to make sure that there was enough water for the city and the baths. They even had underground pipes and sewage systems. Wealthy people were able to have running water in their homes.
Once a woman was married she had even less rights. The husband had all the legal rights when it came to the children. In the early years of Rome, the wife was actually considered the property of the husband. This changed around the time Rome became an empire in 27 BC.
Livia Drusilla - Livia was the wife of the first Roman Emperor Augustus. She was probably the most powerful woman in the history of Ancient Rome. Livia exerted considerable influence over her husband. She also made sure that her son Tiberius was named emperor after Augustus died.
Tunic - The most common form of clothing for women was the tunic. It was the primary garment worn by peasants and unmarried women. The women's tunic was typically longer than the men's
Jewelry was mostly worn by women. Wealthy women wore a wide variety of jewelry including earrings, necklaces, tiaras, and bracelets. Men usually only wore rings.

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