Canada in 2050 by: eelavan jeevarajah

The current immigration status in Canada seems to be unhealthy as we keep taking in more people. Some people who are already here are trying to sponsor in their loved ones but aren't able to do so due to the immigration policy. Also, the immigrants coming in need jobs. But the Canadian citizens are complaining to the fact that they're losing their jobs. Existing workers are being replaced by the immigrants who are even willing to work for less pay. In Canada's demographics, the Canadian population seems to be aging. The number of births in 2009 of 380,863 decreased by 2011 where there were 377,636 births. On the other hand, the number of deaths in 2009 was 238,418 and in 2011 increased to 242, 074 people. Overall Canada's natural increase rate between the 2006 and 2011 census was 5.9%. This increase was greater when compared to the previous 5 year census which had an increase of 5.4%. Currently Canada's natural increase rate is stable with a slow increase of around 0.1% per year.According to the government of Canada, by the year of 2056, the median age is expected to reach 46.9 years. Proportionally, there are more seniors than children towards 2015. Canada is one of the youngest industrialized countries. The working age population is growing. The aboriginal population is almost within 1.2 million. These are some Canadian demographic facts. In 2009, it seemed as if the aboriginal youth were less likely to become employed compared to their non-aboriginal counterparts. Aboriginals peoples' income tends to be below the Canadian average. In 2006, the median income for the aboriginals peoples was 30% lower than the median income for the rest of Canada. Aboriginal people are also more likely to rely on social income assistance. Since 1960's, the population for/of aboriginal peoples' has steadily increased. Changes to the Indian Act, helped them increase in numbers because before that event they weren't able to be identified back then. Overall, the health of first nations and aboriginals has improved.

So this picture shows the population in Canada growing every single year.

Prediction for population

Canada has had an unbelievable increase in population over the past 50 years. Between 1951 and 2001, Canada's population has nearly doubled. If this population continues to increase like it did, we would have a high growth rate. But, this is unlikely to happen since the birth rate is shown to be decreasing gradually annually. Apart from the birth rate decreasing, the death rate is also increasing due to the short life expectancy raising for many people. Overall, Canada is expected to see a slowly decreasing population by 2050.

This picture shows the amount of immigrants every few years coming to Canada. and as you can see, around 1914 the number of immigrants was very high until it dropped in 1915, and that was when World War 1 was happening.

Prediction for immigration

I predict that in 2050, the immigration rate will increase in an unbelievable amount. As I mentioned before the population may possibly decrease, so Canada will then rely on immigration a lot to repopulate their population. Also bringing in these immigrants, Canada will then have an abundant amount of jobs open for them which will surely attract them here. Also with some pull factors that will bring them here to Canada, for example, Canada has a lot of economic opportunities, a high standard of living due to the advanced medicine we have now rather than we did back in the days, and we also have a low crime rate so the immigrating peoples are able to feel safe in the environment.

This picture shows the education the first nations receive throughout the years. and its been color coded as you can see in the legend below the graph. As you can see throughout the years the amount of teens without a high school diploma has been decreasing annually, and those with a university degree are getting bigger every year as well.
This graph shows the amount of aboriginals located in Canada's provinces and territories. If you look at the graph, most of the aboriginals are found in Ontario, following there is British Columbia and Alberta.

Prediction for Aboriginals

In 2050, 7% of the Canadian population is estimated to be Aboriginals. There has been data saying that the aboriginal population is growing much faster than the non-aboriginal population. It has been expected that the majority of aboriginals will have a high school diploma. That is good for them because later on in their life the more of those who have a proper education are able to get a job and this can decrease the chances of them falling into poverty.

My Life In 2050!

I wasn't able to put my voice recording on sound cloud, so please bear with me. Firstly, keep in mind that i will be 48 years old, and much like my parents life, I will have a career, have a family and have finished my post secondary education. However, there are some differences that come to my future life, and my parent's current life. Due to the population and birth rate in Canada being low, there will be many job opportunities, this being said, it will be more easier for me to get a job rather than my parents. I also expect my life to be easier due to technology. As of now, Canada is developing very quickly in technology, we already have things like drones and hover boards. With all those, i expect 2050 to be much more expanded in that. Also, with all these viruses around now, we don't really know much about them but as the years go by we know more about these viruses and how we can reduce the amount of people risking to get it. There are many prisoners as of right now but research says that the amount of people who go to prison will decrease because now they realize about our history and our values.


In general, Canada will change no matter what by the year of 2050, and it doesn't have to be until then, we can keep changing annually so there is no doubt how we will be in the future. So therefore, we will have changes to our population, immigration rate, and First nations community.


2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey. YouTube. Statistics Canada, 25 Nov. 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. <>.

"A Brief Overview of Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity in Canada, 2011 NHS."YouTube. Statistics Canada, 08 May 2013. Web. 13 Mar. 2014. <>.

"Canada's Total Population Estimates, 2013." Government of Canada, Statistics Canada. N.p., 26 Sept. 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. <>.

"Population and Demography." Government of Canada, Statistics Canada. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2014. <>.

Created with images by alexindigo - "Canada"

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