Dougal Robertson & Family

A Quick Summary

Dougal Robertson and his family set out on a voyage in January 1971, with Dougal Robertson (48) and his wife, Linda (52), their son Douglas (18), and their twins Sandy and Neil (11). They gained another person, Robin Williams (22), who joined the ride in Panama when the family left for New Zealand. Dougal wanted to expose his children to new things. They had been at sea for about a year and a half when a pod of killer whales attacked and sank their ship. The family escaped on a life raft, hauling a dinghy behind them. They became castaways for 38 days, and were eventually rescued by a Japanese fishing boat on July 23, 1972. The Japanese hauled them aboard and took care of them until they could get them back to land.

Their Environment

The Robertson family never made it to an island after their boat sunk, they stayed on their life raft and dinghy for 38 days until they were found. The dinghy had water laying in it, and only one dry seat, which the family members took turns sitting on. This ship, however, is not the ship they survived on.

Their Way of Surviving
Dougal Robertson and his family had some food after the whales attacked their boat that they could live on for a few days. The family also collected rain drops and drank turtles' blood, occasionally they would catch a fish and eat the fish or turtle. When there wasn’t food, the family sucked on fish bones. The family ran out of clean water at times, but since Lyn Robertson was a doctor, she knew the family had to take precautions in order to stay healthy. Because the water on the boat was contaminated, Lyn decided that the family should consume the turtles’ blood by putting the blood in a tube on the rung of a ladder and ingesting it rectally. (Oh. Dear. GOD.)
Created with images by ojoswi - "Killer Whale @ Marineland" • chrisf608 - "atlantic ocean" • ed2456 - "ferry boat ferry ship" • ahisgett - "Clown Fish" • Rising Damp - "Perspective on blue" • taisnf - "sea ​​turtle diving mar"

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