Pennsylvania founded 1682 Angie martinez

William Penn

  • William Penn founded Pennsylvania in 1682.
  • King Charles owed Penn a debt and Penn asked for land instead.
  • Penn made treaties with the natives and established good communication.


  • One of the jobs in Pennsylvania was to make iron. with the iron they made tools plows and kettle.
  • They also worked as mill workers and produce flour.
  • Another job they had was farming. In Pennsylvania it was big to produce corn.


  • Since William Penn founded Pennsylvania he also brought with him a religion called the Quakers.
  • The goal of this religion was to make believers back to the original pure Christians.
  • The Quakers have there meetings here in this holy place.


The climate was hot summers and mild winters.

The place had suited farmland and growing season was 5 to 7 months

The average temperature was 50 degrees Fahrenheit.


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