
How tea can help relieve morning sickness

If you are one of the estimated 70 to 80% of all pregnant women who experience morning sickness, please know you’re not alone in hugging that toilet bowl. So much for the peachy glow of pregnancy, huh?

Side effects commonly top in the primary trimester between weeks 6 and 14 of pregnancy, however it can endure longer. Morning ailment shifts enormously in seriousness from one individual to another and can contrast between pregnancies, as well.

If you’re looking for a gentle option that you can try for yourself, have you considered herbal tea? The good news is that there are plenty of pregnancy-safe teas to drink. Keep reading as we delve deep into the benefits of tea for morning sickness.

Ginger tea

Ginger is presumably one of the most commonly known and involved solutions for morning disorder and queasiness in pregnant ladies. There's a strong exploration to back up the utilization of ginger, it's not only an old spouses' story! Ginger contains intensities called gingerols and shogaols which advance gastric motility (for example food goes past your stomach and is processed as opposed to returning up!).

It is protected to involve ginger in pregnancy given that you're not consuming more than roughly one gram of unadulterated ginger every day. Consuming roughly 2 to 3 cups of ginger tea, for example, Planet Natural's Ginger Tea, across the day is a protected method for involving ginger for morning infection help.

Peppermint tea

Peppermint tea is known for its ability to soothe your tummy, relieving cramping, gas and indigestion. It does this by helping to relax the muscles within your digestive tract.

Stick to one cup of peppermint tea each day during the principal trimester. Consuming a lot of peppermint has been customarily connected with advancing period, so keep to a moderate admission.

Lemon balm tea

Lemon balm is a herb that actually belongs to the mint family, and has similar soothing effects. In addition to supporting digestion, lemon balm has traditionally been used to ease anxiety and promote sleep.

If you’re not a fan of mint, lemon balm is a great alternative as it has similar benefits but a more gentle, sweet flavor. Stick to around one mug per day during pregnancy. Lemon balm tea isn’t specifically known to be harmful, but during pregnancy it’s best to avoid large doses of herbs.

Teas during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the best approach to using herbal teas is to use a variety, as this prevents overdosing on individual herbs (although overall the risk is lower anyway, because you’re only infusing the leaves rather than ingesting the whole plant).

If possible, choosing organically-grown teas can also help to reduce your chemical exposure while you nurture a new life inside.

While you might be feeling under the weather, why not brighten up your tea time with a gorgeous teapot or a teacup and saucer set to make the experience a bit more enjoyable?

Morning sickness really is the pits! But there’s no harm in testing out pregnancy-safe herbal teas and seeing how they sit with your stomach – especially if they can give you some sweet relief from feeling nauseous. Good luck, mama. Here’s hoping for far less trips to the loo for you.

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