
PooPops and Rosebud (Scroll Down The Page To See The Story)

Raise Those Children Right …

The Bible tells us that, if we raise our children in the way they should go, when they get older, they will return to that way (Prov 22:6). What is that way? What does that even mean?

The Way, Truth, and Life …

Jesus tells us that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. (Jn 14:6). Could it be any more clear than that?

Confusion and Identity Theft …

Today there are people all around us who are lost or “confused.” It’s not their fault. They have been taught that there is no absolute truth. Up can be up or it can be down, depending about whether they “identify” as up or down today. And life isn’t important if it gets in the way of whatever someone wants in the moment.

Babies in the sanctuary of their mother’s womb are no longer safe either. And soon, it will be okay to kill old people and handicapped people also because it’s too expensive to take care of them.

A Simple Solution …

Yes, we have a complicated problem, but the solution is actually very simple. Teach the next generation “the Way.” Goodness and grace have always been amazing. Love has always triumphed over evil. These things have worked in all cultures and with all people throughout the ages to ensure that they do not become “confused” or “disoriented.”

The Bible also talks specifically about the Holy Way (Is 35:8). It says:

A highway shall be there, and it shall be called the Holy Way; the unclean shall not travel on it, but it shall be for God’s people; no traveler, not even fools, shall go astray. (NRSV)

Yes! Even a fool can get on the Way without getting lost or confused. The only ones who cannot access it are the evil people — those in darkness who choose satanic or demonic influences.

Oh, yeah! And pray too, folks! Pray without ceasing. Prayer connects your soul with the Sacred Heart of Jesus! So you know prayer works.


That’s our story, and we’re sticking to it. It’s cool to be Catholic. COOL2B!

Vivat Jesus!

Created By
Rom Webster


Reach One Media