Temperate Deciduous Forest in Japan Hanna Henderson

Temperate Deciduous Rainforest

Temperature and Rainfall

The climate in this biome crosses a wide range of temperatures as well as weather conditions. The average temperature ranges from 36-75 degrees Fahrenheit. And the amount of rainfall per year varies from 40-70 inches. There are 4 distinct seasons which are Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

Net Primary Productivity

This biome is one of the most productive as it ranks fourth in both kilocalories per square meter per day and kilocalories per square meter per day. The growing season stretches greater than 120 days per year allowing many kinds of plants and animals to thrive in this biome. It covers about 22% of the Earth's surface.

Soil Quality

The soil in this biome is typically very rich, allowing it to be converted into agricultural regions in many places. When leaves fall from the trees, they decompose, allowing the soil to take in the nutrients. The nutrient rich soil also provides a long growing season, often lasting over 5 months.

Invasive & Endangered Species

Red Fox

The Red Fox is an invasive species in the temperate deciduous forests of Japan. It's originated in Europe and was brought from has become a threatening invasive species throughout the world. It provides competition for native species and is responsible for the declines of ground nesting birds. It poses as a threat for bringing foreign diseases that could further endanger native species.

Blakiston's Fish Owl

This species is considered endangered in Hokkaido, Japan. Its existence is threatened by anthropogenic factors such as traffic collisions, power lines, and drowning in fish farm nets that destroy its habitat and kill them. It is also threatened by natural factors such as a depleting food source due to changes in river banks leading to declining fish populations.

Grizzly Bear

The grizzly bear roams through the forest in search of food. It has adapted an extremely good sense of smell that allows it to hunt its prey in the large forest. It also goes into hibernation during the winter to protect itself from the cold.

Ezo Flying Squirrel

A native animal to Japan, the Ezo flying squirrel has developed a flap between its legs, allowing it to be more aerodynamic and increase control when falling through the air or fleeing predators.


A native animal that now only lives in the southern forests of Hokkaido, sables are known for their fur. They have developed a thick and soft coat to keep them warm in the winter, many sables are hunted and killed for their coats.

Deciduous Trees

These trees shed their leaves in the fall and grow new ones in the spring in order to maximize photosynthesis and protect their leaves from freezing during the cold winters.

Oak Tree

Oak trees are one kind of tree that dominate the temperate deciduous forest. These trees have very deep root stems which allow them to find many sources of water as well as the most nutrient rich areas of the soil.


Many kinds of lichen populate trees in this biome. Due to the large amount of moisture in this region, lichen have developed an adaptation in which they absorb excess moisture, which allows more light to get through, increasing photosynthesis.


Created with images by Nicholas_T - "Local Hike (5)" • Alexas_Fotos - "fuchs wild animal predator" • Koshyk - "Tawny Fish Owl" • Nicholas_T - "Beartown Woods Natural Area (4)" • Kelly DeLay - "Should be playing golf. Looking at Oak Trees" • ARLOUK - "branch foam nature"


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