It is hard to believe that we have arrived at our final half term holiday already! Children across the school have been working so hard. We are all very proud! We have participated in a number of Sports events this half term, the girls' 5 aside and football teams, our netball team and the boys' football team, you have all been superb team players and great ambassadors for St Augustine's. Well Done!
As well as enjoying two Bank Holidays already in May, we thoroughly enjoyed our Coronation celebrations in school. We didn't let the weather dampen our celebrations and had a enjoyable picnic inside. Thank you to all the family and friends who joined us throughout the afternoon, it was great to welcome you in to school to join in the celebrations. Thank you to Mrs Tucker and the choir for their performance in the hall.
Well done to our Year 6 children who approached their SATs with confidence and determination. Displaying real resilience! Well done for all your hard work and dedication, especially during your time in Year 6. A huge thank you to Mrs Coates and Miss White for their hard work and dedication in preparing our Year 6 children, they worked so hard to create a positive and supportive environment for the children, especially during SATs week. Thank you staff across the school, to governors and families who supported us during the week.
Well done also to our Year 2 children who completed their special assignment training throughout the month of May, you were all superstars. Thank you to Mrs Tucker and Miss Gibson for preparing the children so well.
We held our "Be Spirited" sessions this week with the theme of the Holy Spirit and Pentecost. These sessions provide the children with time to reflect and pray, to encounter God by exploring variety and creativity in liturgical prayer. Thank you to family and friends who joined us throughout the week
Each class teacher has been busy finalising school trips for next half term. As a school we recognise the importance of school visits for our children. We have seen a HUGE increase to coach travel, compared to last year. We are very mindful of the expense and will do our very best to keep to a minimum.
Thank you to our Friends of St Augustine's who have provided each class with £20.00 to go towards resources for their class focal points. The Friends of St Augustine's are busy organising our Summer Fair which is taking place on Friday 30th June. Thank you to all those involved and supporting our school. Our Summer fair is taking place Friday 30th June 3:15 pm - 5.15pm.
We look forward to next half term and all the learning, fun and activities that will take place. Please continue to keep Mrs Waite in your thoughts and prayers at this time. Have a wonderful half term holiday and look forward to seeing back at school on Monday 5th June. Take care Mrs K Whitehead
Reception - We have been super busy in Reception this half term! We have enjoyed lots of celebrations, including our Coronation Afternoon. It was a pleasure to have our families and carers in school to share our wonderful work and we loved having our picnic. We have also enjoyed learning about Spring time, using the outdoors to explore flowers and the weather. Alongside this, in Literacy, we have enjoyed writing some instructions for planting a sunflower and then using these to help us plant one! In Maths, we have enjoyed a range of topics include numbers to 20. Miss Barnard was so impressed with our amazing counting and number bonds skills. We are excited for next term as we are going to learn about Space and Fairy tales. Have a wonderful break. Miss Barnard
Year 1 - We have had a busy half term in Y1. We really enjoyed sharing our work on the King's Coronation with our families. What a special event to witness! We have been working very hard to improve our writing and make it neat and descriptive. We enjoyed learning about different careers during 'Careers Week' and learning all about Ascension and Pentecost in RE. We are very busy with our Phonics learning at the moment and getting ready for some extra special phonics work next half term. Mr Kentfield-Wells
Year 2 - Even with fewer Mondays than a usual half term, we have packed our time in school with learning and laughter. One of our highlights was, of course, celebrating the coronation of King Charles III. Thank you to everyone who joined us in the classroom! Much of our class work has been to find out more about monarchs in history, the symbols used in a coronation and the Royal Family. We used some of our writing time to write a letter to the King to wish him well in his reign and posted them to Buckingham Palace. Our science this half term has been on the topic of plants. We should now be experts on helping plants to grow and stay healthy. We have planted sunflower seeds which have germinated into seedlings. These will be sent home with the children soon, so that they can plant them at home. I wonder whose will grow into the tallest sunflower! We have also carried out an investigation into what plants need by putting them in different places- even the fridge! We have learned about Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit. We used this opportunity to make salt dough doves as a gift for our family, to remind us that the Holy Spirit is with us. Thanks again to those who joined us for our ‘Be Spirited’ session where we found different ways to celebrate and pray at Pentecost. Finally, a huge thank you to the children who have worked really hard on their special assignments this month. They took it all in their stride, with careful thinking and big smiles. Well done, Year 2! Mrs Tucker
Year 3 - It has been a busy half-term in Year 3! We have been learning all about money in Maths where we used our money to work out the cost of things, we use daily such as purchasing our workbooks, pencils and pens which was lots of fun. We enjoyed celebrating the King's Coronation this half term where we had our picnic in school and then had a wonderful afternoon doing lots of Coronation activities such as finger paintings and writing our own letters which we posted to King Charles. The children also participated in a Bake Off for the King's Coronation which was a fantastic way of showing off their hard work! In PE we have been busy perfecting our OAA skills and have been loving our new topic on rounders where we have been working on our team building skills. In Science we have been learning about magnets and forces and we completed a prediction chart for our magnetic experiment which the children absolutely loved. Miss Gilliland
Year 4 - It is still unbelievable how quickly this school year has gone and how we are approaching our final half term of the school year. Year 4 have worked exceptionally hard throughout this half term and I can see the progress which has been made. Well done Year 4. During this half term, we have worked hard within our English work, focusing on poetry and extended writing based on rainforests. Along with this, our English work has also been based around creative writing, during which we entered into another creative writing competition and writing letters to the King to congratulate him on his Coronation. During Maths we have primarily focused on fractions and decimals. These are quite tricky concepts to grasp, but Year 4 have done so in their stride and deserve a huge well done. Along with this, Year 4 have also been focusing exceptionally hard on their times tables in preparation for their multiplication checks. In RE we have also focused on Pentecost and how the Holy Spirit fills us with new life and have recently started our new RE topic based on Baptism and Confirmation. We also welcomed parents into school to participate in our Be Spirited event based on Pentecost and the Ascension of Jesus. This half term has also seen us celebrate the King’s Coronation. There has been lots of amazing work and activities which have taken place across school, capped off with our fantastic open day. I truly hope the children have created some amazing memories. I hope you all have a great half term and I will see you all when you return. Mr. Cummins
Year 5 - Year 5 have continued working very hard in all of their lessons. The children started this half term by studying poetry and together we have created our own anthology. A large focus across the curriculum, this May, has been the Coronation and we have shown interest and excitement in our learning of King Charles and this history. The children were very excited to welcome their families into class for the afternoon Coronation craft and it was lovely to see so many of you attend. We have learned about transformations both in RE through the Holy Spirit and in science through metamorphosis. Last week, KS2 celebrated the Ascension in church and on Wednesday of this week, we invited families to join us in our Be Spirited journey of faith, where the children experienced a variety of creative prayer opportunities relating to Pentecost. We wish a happy half term to all our families. Mrs. Barr
Year 6 - Year 6 have worked so incredibly hard this term building up to the Year 6 SATS. Miss White and Mrs Coates were so proud of how hard the children tried as they prepared for these. All children tried their absolute best and that is all we can ask of them. We celebrated the end of SATS with a lovely afternoon of bubbles, an ice cream party and sweets. Have a wonderful half term break. Mrs Coates and Miss White
Any SENd messages please send through to our new email address at thank you!
Staffing - We are sad to say "Goodbye" to Miss Outterson from her role as After school Club Lead. Since taking on this role, Miss Outterson has made many improvements for the children, enriching the extension to their school day. We would like to thank Miss Outterson for her dedication and commitment and for everything that she has done for the children. She will be greatly missed in After School Club, however, will continue to be a huge part of our St Augustine's family as she will be continuing in her role as Lunchtime Supervisor.
We will be recruiting for a new After School Club Lead after the half term break. The vacancy is currently advertised on the school website and the closing date for applications is Friday 9th June at 9.00am.
This term has seen us welcome Mrs Johnson to our St Augustine's family as Catering Assistant. Mrs Johnson is a wonderful addition the the kitchen team - look at the amazing cakes she made the children to celebrate the King's Coronation!
Wraparound Care - Our before and after school club runs from 7.30am - 8.45am and 3.15pm-6.00pm. Breakfast club is £3.00 per child and after school club is charged at £8.00. Bookings can be made through Scopay - however if you have problems and it won't let you book due to being full, please contact the school office and we can confirm the booking for you. Children are offered a variety of games and activities in these clubs and we will always welcome and encourage new ideas! At morning club, breakfast is provided and after school club children will receive sandwiches and snacks.
Scopay Accounts - Could you please bring your Scopay accounts up to date for Wraparound Care, School Dinners and After School Clubs. Accounts should ideally be in credit. Please contact the school office if you have any queries.
School Uniform is available to order directly through our supplier, Elizabeth's Embroidery. Just click on the link below to go to their website, this will take you straight through to the page to start the ordering process.
Parking - Just a polite reminder that parents, carers and families are asked not to park in the school car park, use the car park to turn around or park in the resident permit parking spaces around the school. Only family and friends who have a parking permit are able to use our staff car park on drop off and collection.
School Lunch Menu - Below is the Summer menu which will continue after the half term break