Scroll down for some samples of videos created by students with Adobe Spark Video. I would strongly encourage teachers of all grades to introduce the Adobe Spark suite. You can create videos, webpages, and put text on photos with the free tools from Adobe Spark. It doesn't matter if you have iPads or Chromebooks, you can use Adobe Spark across all platforms.
Click the button below to access Adobe Spark on a computer.
Link to iPad app creates Adobe Spark Videos.
Link to iPad app creates scrolling webpages.
Link to iPad app allows you to use typography on photos.
First attempt by a 5th grader with special needs that wanted to create a video to teach younger students the scientific method.
This video was created by 4th graders in Ms. Tanksley's class. This is a weekly activity they do with Google Slides or another presentation tool. They decided to try it in Adobe Voice.
First attempt by a 3rd grader to give facts about the continent she was studying. Sometimes if students don’t have any ideas on where to go on the first try, I will say,” Why don’t you talk about what you are learning?” - this student did the assignment her teacher had planned without knowing it.
This is the second time using Voice after we did a science experiment. They all took pictures of the steps from the lab with their iPad and then made them into a video.
This video was created by a 1st grader who doesn't verbalize often. Look at this one, to show how Voice can show a different side of a student.
First attempt by a pair of 3rd graders. I thought it was a good example of what you can do with the icons in Adobe Spark Video.
Another student with special needs created this video on her first attempt at creating a video.
Video created by a student after introducing it to their class. They created this on their own and entered it into our district film festival, Signal To Noise.
Cover Photo: Tim Lauer