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Penn College Men's Lacrosse Future made by hand Est. 2020

Pennsylvania College of Technology Fast Facts

Williamsport, Pennsylvania

4-Year College

5,000 Students

98% Graduate Placement - Degrees that work!

Average Class Size: 16 & 11:1 Student-Faculty Ratio

150+ Labs & 3:1 Lab to Class Time Ratio

15 NCAA Division III Sports

#15 in Regional Colleges North

#7 in Best Colleges for Veterans

#15 in Best Value Schools

#43 in Top Performers on Social Mobility

#9 in Top Public Schools


Pennsylvania College of Technology, a national leader in applied technology education

1,000,000+ Ideas. 1,000+ Paths. 100+ Programs. 1 Future.
Equipped with hands-on knowledge and the full-on college experience, our tomorrow-minded students are building the lives they want.

Labs, Labs, Labs!

We are doers, makers, tinkerers, explorers, innovators, and so much more.

On The Field

I am extremely grateful to be chosen to mentor, coach, and serve the young men of Penn College. It is truly humbling and I am looking forward to laying the foundation for the success of our program in the classroom, in the community, and on the lacrosse field

NCAA DIII / NEAC / 1st Season 2020-2021

Culture - "With Identity, Comes Responsibility"

Better People Make Better Wildcats

This is the holistic student-athlete experience. We want to excel in the classroom and on the field, but more importantly we want to be better young men.

3 Pillars

Service - "How can I help?"

Gratitude - "What can I learn?"

Grit - "Am I choosing toughness?"

2020-2021 End Of Year Awards

Woody of the Year - Nate Hugo

Street Sweeper Award - Josh Cantolina

Builder of the Year - Dylan Spanier

We are partnered with Janet Weis Children's Hospital & Vs. Cancer to raise money for pediatric brain tumor research and support!

Leadership Book Club: Chop Wood Carry Water

Builder of the Week

BOTW goes to the young man who is working hard on & off the field to build our program.

Woody of the Week

WOTW goes to the young man who is being a great teammate on & off the field. "You got a friend in me!"

Habitat for Humanity - Even our community service is hands on!

Canned Food Drive

Alpha Echo Project


Interested in our Behind the Builders Quarterly Newsletter? Email Coach at

On Campus Housing

Live where you learn, learn where you live

Student Life

Make your out-of-class experience just as impactful

The Town Of Williamsport

Campus is within walking distance to downtown Williamsport and some of Pennsylvania's most beautiful State Parks and Class A Wild Trout Streams
All work, and all play

Next Steps

Here at Pennsylvania College of Technology, tomorrow is in the making, what do you want to build?
