GOAL: Form partnerships with a learning community of connected educators, presenters and social media influencers to expand brand awareness, multiply leads and provide meaningful learning experiences from the Hoonuit product.
AMBASSADOR BENEFIT: Each Ambassador will receive a free annual subscription to Atomic Learning and receive a social media announcement of their acceptance into the program.
The level 1 Ambassador has completed a module and shared what they learned on social media to expand our brand awareness to their PLN. They will be placed on our Ambassador blog page and receive a level 1 badge and join the community of educators in the program.
The Ambassador will write the content as a guest blogger and participate in a video interview on that topic. The content is shared to the extended PLN to multiply leads using the 90 day trials. The Ambassador will receive a shirt, items to share at conference presentations and the level 2 badge.
The final level in the Ambassador Program includes our most invested educators who attended quarterly meetings, actively participated in the Ambassador community, and received accepted presentations at conferences on topics that provide meaningful learning experiences from the Hoonuit product. Level 3 Ambassadors receive up to $300 of financial support from Atomic Learning to attend the conference.
FUTURE IDEAS: Incentives, Twitter chat, marketplace of resources, Ambassador presentations in a virtual conference and Ambassador mentorship program.
Created with images by LoboStudioHamburg - "twitter facebook together"