The Mohawk Indians By: William sensenig


The Mohawk were gatherers, as well as hunters. They ate meat, corn, beans, squash, mushrooms, potatoes, roots, wild berries, herbs, and onions. They drank water. The hunters hunted elk, deer, and fish.


The roles of the men were to hunt, trade, and to go to war if needed. The roles of the women of the tribe were to keep up with the farming, and to work the property. The children's roles were to help around the house with their mother. some children even got the privilege to go hunting with their fathers.


The Mohawk Indian tribe lived in long wooden buildings called longhouses. Multiple families lived in one longhouse. You usually got a little section and that was all. There was a little walkway in the middle of the longhouse. Sometimes you would build little fires in the middle of the walkway.


The men of the Mohawk tribe wore breech-cloth leggings. They originally did not wear shirts. The women wore a wraparound skirt with a little bit shorter leggings. They originally wore an overdress in the winter. The Children wore leggings and animal skin clothing.


The Mohawk tribe had many celebrations. Some women wore traditional Iroquois dresses. Some people played a game with a bead or a button and three baskets or cups. One team has to put the button or bead in one of the three baskets, while the other team has to guess what basket it was in. some children and adults liked to play lacrosse. some boys liked to throw darts at a moving hoop.


  • The Mohawk Tribe: book
  • www. Facts for kids: Mohawk Tribe.
Created with images by syrguide - "Mohawk Indian" • werner22brigitte - "elk wildlife nature" • cliff1066™ - "Piscataway Indian" • edenpictures - "Iroquois Longhouse" • Boston Public Library - "Chief American Horse, Sioux" • PublicDomainPictures - "totem pole faces" • girl_named_fred - "Ernesto at the Big Indian #2"

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