Zero Hunger Dayannara

Did you already knew that not every boy, girl, men, or women eat the same amount of food that you do? “1 in every 15 children in developing countries dies before the age of 5, thanks to hunger” according to Do Something web page. Hunger is a worldwide problem that’s affecting everyone: from young people to old people.

What Part of the World Does it Affect?

This issue, world hunger, affects every single continent. World hunger affects the continents - causing suffering and poor health. This means that the poor people and the people that does have money are affected .Since poor people have malnutrition people with money may end up being affected.

The Root of the Problem.

Two of the main causes of world hunger are drought and big amount of rain . Drought is one of the main causes of hunger because when it doesn't rain people's crops don't grow. Their crops don't grow because , as everyone knows, crops need water to grow. If they don't grow then people without money won't eat because their only option is to plant seeds, wait till they grow and then eat what grows. Lots of rain also affects the world causing hunger because when people without enough resources plant seeds,with lots of rain they got flushed away or damaged. So people that plant to eat, don't have food, growing any more. Image result for people planting to eat

Possible Solutions

Some possible solutions are… Teaching people to plant and take care of crops properly, we can do food donations, we should make the government take action, Etc. These are all ideas that are realistic and that an individual can help with.


So now we know that one of the main causes of world hunger is drought, it affects all the continents and we also know that we can stop world hunger. What are you going to do this?


  • "2016 World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics." World Hunger. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2017. <>.
  • "Zero, hunger, challenge, UN, United Nations, food, sustainable, children, systems, hunger, eliminated." United Nations. United Nations, n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2017. <>.
  • "Zero Hunger." Front page. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2017. <>.


Created with images by Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) - "FMSC Distribution Partner - Haiti" • André Banyai - "Centro de São Paulo" • heliofil - "desert mud dry" • USDAgov - "Volunteers shoveling wood chips to be spread in the high tunnel" • DFID - UK Department for International Development - "Celebrating the power of women and peanuts in tackling malnutrition"


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